Syntax Flashcards
AZ powershell syntax for creating a resource group
AZ powershell syntax for creating a VM
AZ CLI syntax for creating a resource group
az group create
AZ CLI syntax for creating a VM
az vm create
AZ CLI syntax for creating an app service plan
az appservice plan create
AZ CLI syntax for creating a web app
az webapp create
AZ powershell syntax for creating an app service plan
AZ powershell syntax for creating a web app
AZ powershell syntax for creating a function app
AZ CLI syntax for creating a function app
az functionapp create
AZ powershell syntax for deploying ARM template (resource group level)
AZ CLI syntax for deploying ARM template (resource group level with template file specified)
az deployment group create –template-file
AZ powershell syntax for creating container
AZ CLI syntax for creating container
az container create
AZ powershell syntax for creating container registry
AZ CLI syntax for creating container registry
az acr create
AZ CLI syntax for running container registry
az acr run
AZ powershell syntax for running container registry
Connect-AzContainerRegistry -> docker run
AZ CLI syntax for streaming logs from web app
az webapp log tail
AZ powershell syntax for enabling logging (after creation)
Set-AzWebApp -DetailedErrorLoggingEnabled $true
AZ powershell syntax for setting minimum TLS version (ssl configuration)
Set-AzWebApp -MinTlsVersion
AZ powershell syntax for configuring app settings
Set-AzWebApp -AppSettings
AZ powershell syntax for configuring connection strings
Set-AzWebApp -ConnectionStrings
AZ CLI syntax for configuring logs
az webapp log config
AZ CLI syntax for configuring ssl
az webapp config ssl
AZ CLI syntax for configuring app settings
az webapp config appsettings
AZ CLI syntax for configuring connection strings
az webapp config connection-string
AZ CLI syntax for configuring a function app
az functionapp config
AZ powershell syntax for adding or updating app settings in a function app.
AZ CLI syntax for creating a cosmos db container
az cosmosdb container create
AZ CLI syntax for creating a cosmos db database
az cosmosdb database create
AZ CLI syntax for managing cosmos db keys
az cosmosdb keys
AZ CLI syntax for specifying consistency level when creating a cosmos db account
az cosmosdb create —-default-consistency-level
AZ powershell syntax for creating storage container (blob)
AZ powershell syntax for uploading contents to blob storage
AZ CLI syntax for creating a storage blob directory in a storage container
az storage blob directory create
AZ CLI syntax for uploading contents to blob storage
az storage blob directory upload
AZ CLI syntax for managing storage blob service properties
az storage blob service-properties
AZ powershell syntax for managing storage blob service properties
Get-AzureStorageServiceProperty -ServiceType Blob
AZ CLI syntax for creating Blob Inventory Policy for storage account
az storage account blob-inventory-policy create
AZ powershell syntax for enabling delete retention policy for the Azure Storage Blob service
Enable-AzureStorageDeleteRetentionPolicy -RetentionDays
AZ CLI syntax for enabling delete retention policy for the Azure Storage Blob service
az storage account blob-service-properties update –enable-delete-retention true –delete-retention-days