Synotic Gospels PN/RN Flashcards
Passion narratives
Jesus suffering and death
Mark empahizes…. (Pn)
Suffering and abodnment
Mt almost matched Mk but….(pn)
Adds scenes
Lk copies Mk but changes more like… (Pn)
Jesus’ compassion/forgiveness, peaceful death
Basic storyline if RN narratives
Women discover empty tomb, appearance of the risen Jesus, commissioning of the disciples, Ascension of Jesus
Unlike Mt, Lk infancy narrative starts in this town of Galilee
only in the gospel of….is Jesus born in a manger
in Mt Jesus is visited by….
in LK Jesus is visited by….
In MT passion narrative Judas…
hangs himself
in Mt there is a ….. that the Magi follow
a star
the IN of Mt and Lk are very….
Who was the first women to see the empty tomb and Jesus’ ascension?
Mary Magdalene
at the last supper Jesus predicts….will betray him
only in the gospel of….does Jesus promise paradise to one of the men next to him while being curxified