Synonyms Flashcards
Find words that share the same meaning
sizeable: sturdy, robust, impressive, immense
immense (large)
honest: truthful, proper, reliable, loyal
truthful (inclined to tell the truth)
waste: spend, invest, squander, hoard
squander (to use unnecessarily)
devour: swallowed, greedy, gobble, nibble
gobble (to eat hungrily)
defeat: seize, attack, oppose, conquer
conquer (to beat)
stingy: neglected, miserly, disowned, poor
miserly (unwilling to spend money)
depart: leave, embark, vanish, flee
leave (to go away)
favourite: approved, preferred, valuable, popular
preferred (first choice)
gloomy: dismal, neglected, shaded, faint
dismal (dreary)
droop: perish, slump, limp, pucker
slump (sag, from lack of support)
pale: blank, fresh, unsullied, wan
wan (lacking colour)
sneaky: furtive, eavesdrop, unscrupulous, ruthless
furtive (sly)
strange: infrequent, ludicrous, bizarre, macabre
bizarre (unusual)
rotten: eroded, perished, putrid, corroded
putrid (decaying)
safe: secure, enclosed, vulnerable, confined
secure (free from risk of danger)