synonyms Flashcards
의식 2
occasion, rite
즉각적인 2
instantaneous, immediate
지역 2
territory, realm
떼어놓다 2
seperate, split
자격이 되다 3
eligible (for), qualified (for), entitled (to)
유감스러운 10
lamentable, deplorable, regrettable, distressing, unfortunate, disappointing, sad, remorseful, sorry, pitiable
시작하다 12
begin, start, initiate, launch, commence (격식 있는 상황), set out, set in motion, kick off, get underway, institute, embark on, inaugurate,
자격증 4
certificate, license, diploma, qualification
영향 14
impact, effect, implication, influence, consequence, repercussion, outcome, result, impression, ramification, bearing, sway, fallout, relevance
결과 15
result, outcome, consequence, effect, aftermath, conclusion, end result, up shot, repercussion, ramification, byproduct, payoff, output, finale, fallout
영향을 미치다 10
affect, influence, impact, shape, determine, alter, sway, inform, modify, guide
번식하다 10
reproduce, breed, multiply, propagate, procreate, spawn, generate, proliferate, populate, replicate
지속하다 10
continue, persist, last, endure, sustain, persevere, carry on, keep on, remain, maintain
이동하다 10
move, transfer, shift, travel, migrate, transport, relocate, commute, proceed, traverse
유혹하다 10
tempt, lure, entice, seduce, attract, allure, beguile, charm, inveigle, draw
분출하다 10
erupt, spew, gush, spout, burst, jet, spurt, vent, expel, emit
대항하다 11
oppose, resist, counter, defy, withstand, confront, rebel against, combat, fight against, challenge, counterwork
부추기다 11
encourage, instigate(부정적), incite(부정적), urge, spur(촉진, 자극), provoke, stir up, foment(불화나 폭동을), agitate, prompt, entice
주장 11
assertion, claim, point, argument, contention, allegation, declaration, thesis, proposal, affirmation, statement
추구하다 10
pursue, seek, strive for, aspire to, chase, aim for, go after, hunt for, quest for, work toward
방해하다 11
hinder, obstruct, interfere, hamper, impede, disrupt, thwart, block, inhibit, counteract, counterwork
상쇄하다 10
countervail, counterbalance, offset, neutralize, cancel out, compensate, balance, counteract, make up for, equalize
차례로 8
in order, in turn, sequentially, one by one, in sequence, step by step, successively, consecutively
통찰력 있는 10
insightful, perceptive, astute, discerning, penetrating, perspicacious, shrewd, keen, sagacious, incisive
잘난체하는 10
pretentious, arrogant, conceitful, boastful, self-important, pompous, snobbish, haughty, egotistical, supercilious
복잡한 10
complex, complicated, intricate, convoluted, elaborate, sophisticated, tangled, involved, byzantine, multifaceted
초래하다, 원인이 되다 10
cause, trigger, bring about, lead to, generate, induce, provoke, affect, instigate, create
원인 6
cause, reason, factor, source, origin, root
변화 6
change, alteration, modification, transformation, adjustment, variation
흐름 6
flow, current, stream, movement, flux, course
carry 유의어 5
transport, convey, deliver, bear, transfer
위험에 빠뜨리다 4
endanger, put at risk, jeopardize, compromise
결과물 3
result, product, outcome
위험에 처하다 4
risk, be at risk, be exposed to, fall into
인정받다 3
be appreciated, be acknowledged, be recognized
(인간)관계 8
bond, connection, tie, link, attachment, association, affiliation, relationship
(사회적 결합)계약 7
bond, contract, agreement, pact, covenant, obligation, commitment
(물리화학적) 결합 7
bond, linkage, attachment, adhesion, connection, join, union