Syndromes & Eponyms Flashcards
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, cafe au lait spots, precocious puberty
McCune-Albright syndrome
Gustatory sweating
Frey syndrome
Unilateral paralysis of the larynx and velum with contralateral loss of pain & temperature below the larynx
Avellis syndrome
Multiple nevoid basal cell epitheliomas of the skin, cysts of the jaw, frontal bossing, dorsal scoliosis; associated with medulloblastoma
Basal cell nevoid syndrome
Macroglossia, omphalocele, hypoglycemia, pancreatic hyperplasia, noncystic renal hyperplasia, cytomegaly of the fetal adrenal cortex
Beckwith syndrome
Indolent ulcers of the mucous membrane & skin, stomatitis, anogenital ulcers, iritis, conjunctivitis
Behçet syndrome
Conductive hearing loss, cup-shaped pinna with bilateral preauricular sinuses, bilateral branchial cleft fistulas, renal dysplasia
Brachio-oto-renal syndrome
Vertigo, headache, vomiting, visual disturbances due to an obstruction of CSF flow during positional changes of the head
Brun syndrome
Dwarfism, prominent forehead, flat facies, cleft palate, mandibular hypoplasia, tracheobronchial malacia, shorted & flattened cochlea, bowing of the tibia & femur with malformation of other bones
Captomelic syndrome
Orbital pain with venous congestion of the retina, lids, & conjunctiva, eye proptosis with exophthalmos, photophobia, involvement of CN II, III, IV, V
Cavernous sinus syndrome
Chronic degeneration of the peripheral nerves & roots, distal muscle atrophy in feet, legs, & hands, loss of deep tendon reflexes, cerebellar ataxia features, optic atrophy
Charco-Marie-Tooth disease
Albinism, photophobia, nystagmus, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphoma
Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome
Nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis with rapid visual loss, episodic severe vertigo accompanied by tinnitus, spontaneous nystagmus, ataxia, progressive SNHL
Cogan syndrome
Adenoid facies, hypoplasia of the mandible and maxilla, high-arched palate, hypoplasia of the soft palate & uvula, microstomia, papillomatosis of the lips & pharynx, pectus excavatum, CNS abnormalities
Cowden syndrome
Abnormal right subclavian artery with compression of the esophagus
Dysphagia lusoria
Facial hemihypertrophy involving the eyelids, cheeks, lips, facial bones, tongue, ear, & tonsils
Friedreich disease