Syncope Flashcards
Sudden syncope caused by emotional upset, sudden loss of consciousness, clenched teeth, clenched fists, heavy respiration and cold extremities
TC: thin white
P: hidden, wiry
Excess Qi Jue
Dizziness, vertigo & Sudden loss of consciousness following over-work, surprise or fright or hunger; pallor, faint respiration, perspiration, cold extremities
T: pale
P: faint, deep
Deficiency Qi Jue
Loss of consciousness following an outburst of rage, clenched teeth, cold extremities, flushed complexion, purplish lips
T: purple, white coat
P: deep, wiry
Excess Xue Jue
Sudden loss of consciousness following excessive blood loss; pallor, pale lips, cold extremities, spasms of the limbs, sunken eyes, open mouth, sweating, cold skin, faint respiration
T: pale
P: hollow, thready, rapid, forceless
Deficiency Xue Jue
Sudden loss of consciousness, gurgling sound in throat, cold extremities, vomiting frothy liquid, husky respiration, chest oppression
T: white, greasy
P: deep, slippery
痰厥 - Phlegm Jue
Sudden loss of consciousness following gorging on food/drink + emotional upset, fullness & distention of chest & hypochondriac
TC: thick, greasy
P: forceful, slippery
Food Jue
Syncope occurring after exposure to summer-heat, dizziness, headache, chest oppression, fever, flushed face, difficult respiration
T: red, dry
P: surging, rapid
Summer heat Jue
what is the main formula for Excess Qi Jue?
Wu Mo Yin Zi
What is the main formula for Deficiency Qi Jue?
Si Wei Hui Yang Yin
What is the main formula for Excess Xue Jue?
Tong Yu Jian
What is the main formula for Deficiency Xue Jue?
Du Shen Tang + Ren Shen Yang Ying Tang
What is the main formula for Phlegm Jue?
Dao Tan Tang
What is the main formula for Food Jue?
Shen Zhu San + Bao He Wan
What is the composition of Shen Zhu San?
Ping Wei San: Cang Zhu, Hou Po, Chen Pi, Gan Cao
+ Hou Xiang, Sha Ren
What is the composition of Bao He Wan?
Shen Qu, Shan Zha, Lai Fu Zi, Ban Xia, Fu Ling, Chen Pi, Lian Qiao
What is the main composition of Summer Heat Jue
Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang