Syncope Flashcards
A 78 year old lady presents to ED with a syncopal episode. It was witnessed. She had a very brief loss of consciousness and she did not suffer a head injury. How will you assess this patient?
Syncopal episode of unknown aetiology. Want to consider a broad range of differentials which may be in cause of this presentation
- Neurogenic: vasovagal episode (micturition, etc); autonomic neuropathy (DM, parkinsons), hypoglycaemia
- Cardiogenic: arrhythmia, valvular disease, carotid stenosis, ACS
- BP: Postural hypotension (old age), hypovolaemia, medications/drugs
Other DDx
- Stroke/TIA: SAH, ICH, ischaemic
- Vertigo
- Seizure: electrolytes, SOL, drugs, infective, etc
- Migraine
- Mechanical fall
- systemic infection, sepsis
- Determine likely aetiology of LOC and fall with thorough Hx/Ex/Ix, rule out associated injuries
- investigate thoroughly to rule out red flag DDs
Syncope - History
- Collateral: before, during (any evidence of seizure), after. how long LOC? post-ictal period?
- sx: light-headedness vs world spinning, pain? acute onset or gradual? happened before?
- RISKS: CVD risk factors, BP medications, other antiarrhythmics, compliance with medications?
- PMHx: parkinsons, diabetes, other autoimmune disease
- psychosocial: driving still?
Syncope - Examination
- General appearance + vitals
- secondary survey for other injuries sustained
- Cardiac: Murmus, BP, PR, postural BPs
- Neuro: focal neurology, post-ictal, GCS, gait assessment
- Parkinsons exam: Gait, Tone, Bradykinesia, Tremor
- Hydration status assessment:
- HINTS/Dix-Hallpike if indicated on Hx findings
Syncope - Investigations
Lots of DDs are based on clinical diagnosis;
- Bedside: postural BPs, UA, ECG for cardiac arrhythmias
- Bloods: FBC, UEC, LFT, CRP/ESR, troponnis, BNP
- Imaging: MRI Brain, ECHO for structural heart disease, carotid dopplers
Syncope - Management (not asked in question)
- depends on underlying cause
Overarching mx principles
- falls risk management
- ACAT referral for home assessment
- GP follow-up, DAME risk factors modification with allied health involvement for MDT
- medications review - esp BP lowering meds