Synchronization Flashcards
Cache Organization
caches are organized in fixed-size chunks called cache lines
* on most CPUs a cache line is 64 bytes
* data accesses go through cache, which is transparently managed by the CPU
* caches implement a replacement strategy to evict pages
Cache Coherency Protocol
CPU manages caches and provides the illusion of a single main memory
using a cache coherency protocol
Performance Implications of Cache Coherency
- reads result in copies of data in local caches
- writes invalidate cache lines on other cores
- communication between cores is fairly expensive (happens through shared
L3 or main memory)
x86-64 Memory Model
x86-64 implements Total Store Order (TSO), which is a strong memory model
* this means that x86 mostly executes the machine code as given
* loads are not reordered with respect to other loads, writes are not reordered
with respect to other writes
* however, writes are buffered (in order to hide the L1 write latency), and reads
are allowed to bypass writes
* a fence or a locked write operations will flush the write buffer (but will not
flush the cache)
* important benefit from TSO: sequentially consistent loads do not require
Concurrent List-Based Set
- keys are stored in a (single-)linked list sorted by key
- head and tail are always there (unendlichkeit elements)
Coarse-Grained Locking
- use a single lock to protect the entire data structure
+ very easy to implement
− does not scale at all
Lock Coupling
hold at most two locks at a time
* interleave lock acquisitions/releases pair-wise
* read/write locks allow for concurrent readers
+ easy to implement
+ no restarts
− does not scale
Optimistic Lock Coupling
- associate lock with update counter
- write:
- acquire lock (exclude other writers)
- increment counter when unlocking
- do not acquire locks for nodes that are not modified (traverse like a reader)
- read:
- do not acquire locks, proceed optimistically
- detect concurrent modifications through counters (and restart if necessary)
- can track changes across multiple nodes (lock coupling)
+ easy to implement
+ scalable
− restarts
Terminology: Non-Blocking Algorithms
- killing a thread at any point of time should not affect consistency of the data
structure (this precludes locks) - non-blocking data structures may be beneficial for (soft) real-time
applications - classification (from strong to weak):
- wait-free: every operation is guaranteed to succeed (in a constant number of
steps) - lock-free: overall progress is guaranteed (some operations succeed, while
others may not finish) - obstruction-free: progress is only guaranteed if there is no interference from
other threads
Lock-Free List
- insert and remove are lock-free, contains is wait-free
- remove: marks node for deletion, but does not physically remove it
- marker is stored within the next pointer (by stealing a bit of the pointer)
- contains traverses marked nodes (but needs same check as Lazy variant)
+ contains always succeeds
+ scalable
− insert/remove may restart
- contains is wait-free
- insert/remove traverse list only once (as long as there is no contention)
- add marker to each node for logically deleting a key
+ usually only one traversal necessary
+ scalable
− insert/remove have to lock
- locks are usually implemented using atomics
- waiting and suspending threads is an interesting problem 4
- tradeoff between speed on ’fast path’ and resource usage on ’slow path’
Memory Reclamation for Lock-Free Data Structures
after deleting a node in a lock-free data structure, lock-free readers might
still be accessing that node
* freeing/reusing that node immediately can cause correctness problems
and/or crashes
Reference Counting
- associate every node with an atomic counter
- effectively results in similar behavior as locks
+ easy to use
− does not scale
Epoch-Based Memory Reclamation
- global epoch counter (like timestamp, but incremented infrequently)
- per-thread, local epoch counters
- before every operation: enter epoch by setting local epoch to global epoch
- after every operation: set local epoch to ∞ indicating that this thread is not
accessing any node
+ fairly low overhead, scales well
+ no need to change data structure code (simply wrap operations)
− a single slow/blocking thread may prevent any memory reclamation
Traditional Hazard Pointers
Pointers for lock free operations
- observation: most lock-free operations only require a bounded number of
node pointers at any point in time: hazard pointers - during traversal, one can store these into a limited number of thread-local
locations - hazard pointers effectively announce to other threads “I am currently
accessing this node, do not reclaim it” - after storing the hazard pointer, one may need to check reachability again
- before physically reclaiming a node, check if any thread has a hazard pointer
referencing that node - normally the hazard pointer stores have to be sequentially consistent
+ non-blocking
− high overhead: stores to HP must be sequentially-consistent
− invasive: requires some data structure changes
Implementing Shared Concurrent Counters
- alternative 1: shared global atomic counter
- alternative 2: per-thread counters, add up on demand
- alternative 3: approximate counter storing the logarithm of the counter value
(incremented probabilistically)
ART: lock coupling
- easy to apply to ART
- modifications only change 1 node and (potentially) its parent
- additional lock for root note changes
- can use read/write locks to allow for more concurrency
ART: optimistic lock coupling
- fairly straightforward: add lock and version to each node
- how to detect that root node changed?
1. extra optimistic lock for root pointer (outside of any node)
2. always keep the same Node256 as root node (similar to static head element in
list-based set)
3. after reading the version of the current root, validate that the root pointer still
points to this node
+ wait-free lookups
− much more complicated than OLC, requires invasive changes
B tree: lock coupling
must detect root node changes (e.g., additional lock)
* structure modification operations may propagate up multiple levels:
* eagerly split full inner nodes during traversal (good solution for fixed-size keys)
* restart operation from the root holding all locks
B tree: optimistic lock coupling
- writers usually only lock one leaf node (important for scalability)
- additional issues due to optimism:
- infinite loops: one has to ensure that the intra-node (binary) search terminates
in the presence of concurrent modifications - segmentation faults/invalid behavior: a pointer read from a node may be
invalid (additional check needed) - OLC is a good technique for B-trees
B-link tree
- B-tree synchronization with only a single lock at a time (no coupling)
- observation: as long as there are only splits (no merges), the key that is
being searched may have moved to a right neighbor - solution: add next pointers to inner and leaf nodes, operations may have to
check neighbor(s) - fence keys may help determining whether it is necessary to traverse to
neighbor - the B-Link tree idea was very important when data was stored on disk but is
also sometimes used for in-memory B-tree synchronization (
B-tree Contention Split
for skewed workloads, lock contention at some lock can become a problem
* contention may be caused by page granularity rather than one very hot entry
* contention split optimization: if lock cannot be acquired on first try, with a
certain probability split node even if it is not full
Bw tree
Latch-free B+Tree index
→ Threads never need to set latches or block.
Key Idea #1: Deltas
→ No updates in place
→ Reduces cache invalidation.
Key Idea #2: Mapping Table
→ Allows for CAS of physical locations of pages.
Bw tree
Latch-free B+Tree index
→ Threads never need to set latches or block.
Key Idea #1: Deltas
→ No updates in place
→ Reduces cache invalidation.
Key Idea #2: Mapping Table
→ Allows for CAS of physical locations of pages.
bw-tree: structure modifications
Split Delta Record
→ Mark that a subset of the base page’s key range is now
located at another page.
→ Use a logical pointer to the new page.
Separator Delta Record
→ Provide a shortcut in the modified page’s parent on what
ranges to find the new page.
Lock-Free Hash Table: Split-Ordered List
all entries are stored in a single lock-free list (see lock-free list-based set)
sorted by the hash value of the key
Recursive Split Ordering
key idea: store keys ordered by bit-wise reverse hash
- problem: deleting a node using CAS pointed to from a bucket does not work
(because it is also being pointed to from the list) - solution: for every split bucket, insert a special sentinel node into the list