Synaptic Transmission Flashcards
Synaptic Transmission
Processes involved in transfering an electrical signal across a specialized gap between two electrically excitable cells
Electrical Synapse and Chemical Synapse
The electrical synapse
A distinct transcellular spcae exists between the pre and post synaptic cell membranes - gap junction
Presynaptic cell terminal membrane is sealed to postsynaptic cell membrane in the region of the gap junction by intercelllar strucutres called “connexons
- provides a cytoplasmic link (low resistance) without time delay
Physiological functions
extremely fast pathways for bidirecitonal transfer of electrical signals through CNS
- reliable and use very little metabolic energy
- interconnect inhibitory neruons
Chemical Synapse - Structure
Transcellular discontinuity exists between pre and postsynaptic nerve or muscle cell membrane
- at synapse, membranes are separated by a true extracelluar space
- cytoplasm of terminal region of presynaptic cell contains numerous spherical, sealed membrane bound “synaptic vesicles” that vary from 40-200 nm
Ionotropic Receptors
Inotropic receptor on postsynaptic cell membrane
Receptor is part of the ion channel
- combination of NT with the receptor leads to immediate opening of the ion channel - very rapid
Classic exmaple of postsynaptic Ach receptor channel at vertebrate skeletal muscle nueromuscular junction
- Ach binds to receptor leads to increse in Pk and PNa
- Local, non-propogated depolarization of the muccle fiber end plate region
- receptors were initially called nicotinic receptors because they were activated by nicotine
Metabotropic receptor
A G protein-coupled receptor
- Combination of NT with receptor causes activation of membrane receptor bound G protein complex
- Also know as the muscarinic receptor since was shown to be activated by muscarine (found in mushrooms)
In cardiac atrial muscle:
- release of B gamma subunit complex of the G protein causes K+ channel to open and membrane hyperpolarization
- This slows the generation of APs in the SA node and thus heart rate
Skeletal Neuromuscular Transmission
- APs propagated to the peripheral termianl of the axon
- Each of terminal branch end forming a “bouton” that synapses on a single muscle fiber
- Motor unit = branched axon with its innervated msucle riber
- all muscle fibers are activated simultaneously
- Neuromucular transmission is inititaed by the AP generated depolarization at the presynaptic terminal
- depolariation causes an opening of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels in the presynaptic nerve terminal membrane
- and an uptake of Ca from the ECF in the synaptic cleft
- Increased Ca2+
- releases vesicles bound to retiuclar sites in presynaptic cell cytoplasm
- fusion of synaptic vesicle membrane to the presynaptic terminal membrane (opening of bound vesicles)
Synaptic Cleft
- 50 nm wide
- The basal lamina portion of this extracellular matrix functions to maintain a stable junciton between pre and postsynpatic membranes
Acetylcholinc esterase enzyme is essential for hydrolyzing Ach into choline and acetate
- terminates the generation of AP’s and active force in sketleal muscle fibers
Postsynaptic Electrophysiological Responses
Under normal physiological conditions the amplitude of the EPP is always five to ten times greater than the muscle fiber threshold potential required to produce the AP
- A one to one relationship exists between generation of an End Plate Potential and an AP in the skeletal muscle fiber
A toxin that is a competitive inhibitor of ACh binding at the nicotinic Ach receptor
Myesthenia Gravis - muscle weakness
Significant loss of functional Ach receptors in the muscle end plates
- results from an autoimmune disease that produce antibodies that compete with ACh for its binding site on the Ach receptor
Botox and Tetanus toxins
These toxins block specific proteins that mediate the binding of vesicles to the terminal membrane of the presynaptc nuerons in the spinal cord
- thus preventing the release of NTs into the synpatic cleft
- inhibition of release of ACh from vesicles in excitatory presynpatic neurons innervating motor neurons - weakness/paralysis
- inhibition of cholinergic neurons in the ANS to cause disturbance in every organ system whose function under ANS
- Block of NT release primarily from inhibitory neurons that inhibit excitatory activity in motor neurons
- Abnormal increase in excitiary motor neruon activity leading to muscle rigidity
Synaptic Transmission in the Nervous System
- The presynaptic axon terminals are called boutons
- Dendritic spines are short branches that extend from the dendrite of the postsynaptic cell
- Long term potentiation - enhancement of the postsynaptic response resulting from an increased excitatory input (responsible for memory)
Spatially focusd synaptic networks
- Small groups of neurons that form “dedicated” neuronal circuites for specific body functions
- Designed for specific, fast and focused activities
Widely divergent synaptic networks
- Axons that make widely dispersed and diffuse synpatic connections to neurons in multiple sections of the brain
- essential for modulating level of arousal, motor control, memory, mood etc..
- targets of most psychiatric drugs
Excitatory synapses
Increase in excitability of postsynaptic cell located in the brains visual cortext
- excitatory NTs at fast excitatory synapses in the brain is either glutamate or aspartate
- synapses termed “glutaminergic”