Synapses Flashcards
Advantages of Electrical Synapses
Fast and almost instantaneous transmission
Bidirectional transmission
Disadvantages of Electrical Synapses
Not as versatile as chemical synapses
No inhibitory signalling
Advantages of Chemical Synapses
Multiple neurostransmitters can create different responses at one postsynaptic neuron
Generate IPSP
Modify signals
Disadvantages of Chemical Synapses
Delay in transmission
Evidence that chemical synapses exist
Otto Loewi
Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve slows the heartbeat by releasing a chemical signal (ACh)
Speed of action by small-molecule neurotransmitters vs neuropeptides?
Small-molecule neurotransmitters mediate rapid synaptic action but neuropeptides modulate slower ongoing functions
What are the criteria for neurotransmitters?
1) The substance must be present within the pre-synaptic neuron
2) The substance must be released in reponse to presynaptic depolarization and must be Ca2+ dependent
3) Specific recpetors for the substance must be present on the postsynaptic cell.
Chemical neurotransmission sequence
1) Transmitter is synthesized and packed into vesicle
2) Action potential arrives at presynaptic terminal
3) Depolarization of presynaptic membrane triggers voltage gated Ca2+ ion channels
4) Influx of Ca2+ into cell
5) Ca2+ causes the vesicles to fuse with presynaptic membrane in the action zone
6) Exocytosis of vesicles: releasing neurotransmitters
7) Transmitter travels across cleft and bind to specific receptors on the postsynaptic terminal
8) Opening or closing of postsynaptic channels
9) Either inhibitory or excitatory potential that canges the excitability of postsynaptic cell
10) Neurotransmitter removed from celft by glia, or enzyme or diffusion
11) Recyclying of membrane via endocytosis
What is the evidence that EPPs are made of MEPPs?
Katz experiment:
Lowered the Ca2+ concentration to reduce the EPPs below the threshold for examination using electrodes
1)The smallest EPP is very similar in amplitude and shape of MEPP
2) Increments of EPP response occur in units about the size of MEPP
Quantal nature of MEPPs
MEPPs are the units that summed to make up an EPP h positive enough to reach the treshold
Evidence that neurotransmitters are released from vesicles
1) 100mM in a 50nm vesicle = 10,000 molecules which corresponds to the amount needed to mimic a MEPP
2) Used electron micorscopy to examine # of vesicles fused and varied it with a drug = strong correlation between number of vesicles fusing and number of quanta released
How can there be the discharge of a quanta into the synaptic cleft?
Synaptic vesicles hold bundles of neurotransmitters!
A single vesicles = one quanta = 1 MEPP
Evidence for synaptic vesicle recycling
Heuser and Reese in frog neuromuscular junctions
- Fill synaptic cleft with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) that creates visible product in electron microscopy
- Activate endocytosis by action potential
- HRP found in coated vesicles
- HRP later found in endosome after coated vesicle disappear
- HRP later in synaptice vesicle
Evidence for synaptic vesicle recycling
Heuser and Reese in frog neuromuscular junctions
- Fill synaptic cleft with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) that creates visible product in electron microscopy
- Activate endocytosis by action potential
- HRP found in coated vesicles
- HRP later found in endosome after coated vesicle disappear
- HRP later in synaptice vesicle
Evidence that Ca2+ is necessary for neurotransmitter release
When calcium cheltors (chemicals that bind to Ca2+ and keep the conc low) are injected, there is no postsynaptic response/change in potential showing that no neurotransmitters were released
Katz and Mideli