Symptoms Of Ear Diseases Flashcards
What are the common symptoms of ear diseases?
Pain or otalgia
Discharge from ears
Itching or irritation
Swelling or deformity
Facial palsy/assymmetry
What is deafness?
Deafness is a decrease in ability or inability to hear
It may be partial or complete
According to severity of deafness classify it?
WHO classification is as follows
Normal hearing Upto 25 dB
Mild deafness. Upto 26-40 dB
Moderate deafness. Upto 41-55 dB
Moderately severe. Upto 56-70 dB
Severe deafness. Upto 71-91 dB
Profound/stone deafness. >91 dB
What are the different types of deafness?
Mixed:both conductive and sensorineural
Non organic e.g malingering,hysterical
Difference between conductive and sensorineural deafness?
In conductive deafness ~> sound appears quieter but it is not distorted
Quality of speech is well maintained and patient hears his own voice
In sensorineural deafness ~>sound appears quieter but is distorted as well
Most usual distortion occurs in high frequency sound
Distortion of sound is more in neural type of deafness
Causes of conductive deafness
We ~> Wax
Fried ~> foreign body
Brain ~> boil: if large enough
Tumor ~> tumours e.g osteoma
Cuz ~> Congenital atresia and malformations
The ~> trauma :ear drum perforations or dislocation of the ossicles
Egg ~> eustachian tube dysfunction
Popped ~> pathologies of nasopharynx like enlarged adenoids & tumors of nasopharynx
In ~> iatrogenic e,g surgical
TO3 ~> tympanosclerosis & otosclerosis ,otitis media,otomycosis
What are the 2 components of sensorineural deafness?
Sensory deafness and neural deafness
In sensory deafness the pathology lies in the sensory organ of hearing i.e cochlea or organ of Corti
In neural deafness pathology may be present anywhere from the cochlear nerve to higher centers or auditory cortex