Symptoms Flashcards
DB K yin def
Frequent urination , copious urination
, nocturia , glucouria , cloudy , sedemination
dry mouth and thirst
*** Weight Loss
DB damp phlegm
Dry mouth n thirst
Sticky sensation in z mouth
Saliva in z mouth
Occipital acute ha
Wc sx
*Distending HA
Frontal HA
WH sx
Dull Occipital, Frontal and generalized HA
Head is wrapped in a wet cloth
Ha LV qi
Recurrent Frontal , temporal HA
Starts in z Occipital, the radiates to the front n behind z eyes.
Lv fire
Affects forehead or temporal area
***Acute severe, pounding or splitting
Hot H/ A
Intiated by indulgence in alcohol
Lv Yang rising
Bilateral or one sided
Temporal , vertex , orbital ridge or behind z eyes
The tic, tremor , numbness
HA phlegm
Full, distending
Z head is wrapped in a wet cloth
Induced by phlegm triggering foods
HA bloodstasis
Focal Sharp , stabbing , drilling , boring on the same spot
HA kid yin
Empty feeling in ahead or occipital
Head feels inflamed
Qi n blood def
Dull HA worse when tired
Aggravated by blood loss ,childbirth
Edema d H toxin
Edema dt suppurative n inflammatory sores n ulceration
Edema dt excess water dampness
Gradual start in z extremities
Pitting / non pitting
Non pitting edema w/ worse below the Waist
Feels warm, taut,tight , shiny , greasy