Sympathetic Nervous System Scan and treatment Flashcards
Describe the Cranial Scan for the Sympathetic Nervous System
Fingers are posterior and medial to Mastoid process, slide fingers up and down to feel for the Superior Nuchal Line Suture as it crosses the occipitomastoid suture. Gliding inferior into the suture upper body sympathetic dysfunction and gliding superior into the suture identifies lower body sympathetic dysfunction. Preganglionics scan on the mastoid side of the suture and post ganglionics scan on the occipital bone side of the suture.
When scanning Sympathetic Pre ganglionics upper what segments does this relate to?
Scan: Gliding inferior into the Superior nuchal line suture on the mastoid side of the suture
Relates to Pre-ganglionics T1-T5
Target tissue: Pre-ganglionic neuron at the spinal cord level
When scanning for sympathetic Post ganglionic upper what segments does this relate to?
Scan: gliding superior into the superior nuchal line suture on the occipital bone side
Relates to Post ganglionics C1-T7
When scanning sympathetic post ganglionics lower what segments does this relate to?
Scan: gliding superior into the superior nuchal line suture on the mastoid side of the suture
Relates to : T8 to cocccyx