Sympathetic Nervous System (Corbett) - 11/2/16 Flashcards
Major effects of adrenergic receptors
What two organs are part of the sympathetic nervous system but are innervated by cholinergic fibers?
Adrenal medulla
Sweat Glands
Nicotinic ACh receptors are ________ ______ channels.
Two subtypes
ligand-gated Na+/K+
NN (found in autonomic ganglia, adrenal medulla)
NM (found in neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle)
Muscarinic ACh receptors are ___________.
5 subtypes
G-protein-coupled receptors that usually act through 2nd messengers
M1-5 found in heart, smooth muscle, brain, exocrine glands, and sweat glands (cholinergic sympathetic)
G-protein-linked 2nd messengers
- Sympathetic receptors: alpha 1
- G-protein class: “qisses”
- Location
- Major functions:
- Alpha-1 adrenergic receptors
- Gq –> inc. intracellular Ca2+
- Post-synaptic membranes
- Functions:
Vasoconstriction → Inc. vascular smooth muscle contraction
- Inc. BP leading to decreased
Mydriasis → Inc. pupillary dilator muscle contraction
- Inc. Intraocular pressure (watch out for glaucoma!)
- Urinary retention → Inc. intestinal and bladder sphincter muscle contraction
- MINIMAL EFFECTS ON HEART (mostly beta 1)
Vasoconstriction → Inc. vascular smooth muscle contraction
G-protein-linked 2nd messengers
- Sympathetic receptors: alpha 2
- G-protein class: “qisses”
- Location
- Major functions:
- alpha-2 adrenergic receptors
- i
- pre-synaptic membrane
- Functions:
- dec. sympathetic outflow (dec. cAMP → inhibit NE and ACh release)
- dec. insulin release
- dec. lipolysis
- dec. aqueous humor production → dec. intraocular pressure
- inc. platelet aggregation
G-protein-linked 2nd messengers
- Sympathetic receptors: beta 1
- G-protein class: “qisses”
- Location
- Major functions:
- beta-1 adrenergic receptor
- s
- post-synaptic
- functions
- Inc. HR
- Inc. contractility
- Inc. Renin release
- Inc. lipolysis
G-protein-linked 2nd messengers
- Sympathetic receptors: beta 2
- G-protein class: “qisses”
- Location
- Major functions:
- Beta-2 adrenergic receptors
- s
- Presynaptic (create positive feedback loop - work in opp way of what alpha-2 receptors do)
- Vasodilation
- Bronchodilation
- Inc. lipolysis
- Inc. insulin release
- Inc. aqueous humor production
- Dec. uterine tone (tocolysis) → relaxation
- Dec. ciliary muscle relaxation