Symbols Flashcards
What is this symbol?
It is used for Hanukkah Candlestick, it has eight candle spots and each night of Hanukkah (8 nights) a candle is lit. The (blank) is used by Jewish people
What is this symbol?
Bride joins the groom, and reminds them of their future home (the groom will provide for his wife and children).
What is this symbol?
Drink wine from same (Blank), symbol of joy, shows they are going to share their life together in happiness
What is this symbol?
Groom puts it on bride’s finger, and says in Herbrew “You are now married to me, with this ring, by the law of Moses and Isreal she is now my wife”
What is this symbol?
Beautiful creificate, read by the Rabbi, “I groom promises to take care of my wife”
What is this symbol?
Rabbi says (Blank) over the couple, he ends by praising God “Who has created joy, gladness, bride and groom, love, and brotherhood, pleasure and delight, peace and harmony”
What is this symbol?
Groom breaks (blank) with heel, reminds there is bad and good times ahead, and they will face it together.
What is this symbol?
At the end everyone shouts (Blank), which means “good luck” finally the service is over, and they all look forward to joining the newlyweds at the wedding party.
What is this symbol?
This symbol is the (Blank). It represents the connection between between God, Israel, & the Torah, this belongs to Jewish people.
What is this symbol?
This is the (Blank), and it has the star of David in the middle. It is white and blue, and this represents Jewish people.
What is this symbol?
This is a (Blank), it is nails to a door frame to tell other people this is a Jewish home, there is a box inside the (Blank) and it has the words “Hear O Israel, the Lord Our God, the Lord is one”…These words come from the Bible and sum up Jewish beliefs, they go in their house and touch the Mezuzah (reminds them God is always there with them, and to keep the Jewish rules in their home.
What is this symbol?
Three signs of the Holy Spirit.
What is this symbol?
Water: Used for Baptism. This means that you are allowing yourself to be a follower of God. This typically happens when you are a baby.
What is this symbol?
This is a (blank) that is a moon and has a 5 pointed star. It doesn’t matter which way it faces. This is used by Muslisms.
What is this symbol?
This is a (Blank). It is the first two letters of Greek (Khristos Christ). This is used by Christians.
What is this symbol?
This symbol is (Blank) representing a sacred sound, syllable, mantra, and an invocation in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. This is used by Hindus.
What is this symbol?
This symbol is a (blank). It provides milk to make food, femal, gentle animal, and won’t be killed just to be eaten. This is used by Hindus.
This symbol is a (Blank). It is used to provide crops, shade, to wash/ear in the open, and shrines. This is used by Hindus.