Symbols Flashcards
What does the rubber hose symbolise?
• the rubber hose is a consistent symbol of Willys impending suicide. Linda finds it hidden behind the fuse box and the “new little nipple” she finds on the gas pipe leads her to the conclusion that Willy planned to inhale gas. Gas being a natural element that Willy so often uses symbolise how these conveniences might, under the surface, being killing him.
What do the stockings symbolise?
• during his affair with ‘the woman’ Willy gives her an intimate gift of stockings. Biffs outburst of his father’s infidelity acts as a constant reminder to willy and fixes the stockings in Willys mind as a symbol of his betrayal. He has let his wife down emotionally, and he is siphoning the family’s already strained financial resources toward his ego stroking affair.
What do the seeds symbolise?
• the seeds act as a symbol of his failure of succeeding in the city. The sons he has cultivated with his own values have grown to disappoint him, none of his financial hopes have borne fruit, and he is desperate to have some tangible result of a lifetime of work. By planting seeds he is attempting to begin anew. But also become rooted and grow to show the truth. Linda however, gently reminds him that it is impossible to grow seeds in the city as the surrounding buildings don’t provide enough light for a garden. Willys attempt to plant the seeds at night further reinforces the futility of his efforts.
What does the flute symbolise?
• the flute music consistently used throughout the play represents the faint link willy has with his father and with the natural world. The elder loman made flutes and made a pretty good living from travelling and selling the flutes. This anticipates Willys career as a salesman but also his underused talent for building things with his hands. The flute music is the sound of the road that Willy didn’t take which reinforces Willys psychological warfare with himself.