Syllabus. Option - Individuals and Work Flashcards
Learn the Syllabus
What is Module Focus 1.
The nature of work
List the dot points associated with:
Key Concept 1. Reasons people work
Hint - 3 dot point.
- to meet specific needs
- economic
- value and status
List the dot points associated with:
Key Concept 2. The labour force
Hint - 2 dot point & 6 dash points
- labour force concepts and terms
– labour force
– employed
– unemployed
– employed part time
– employed full time
– participation rate - labour force participation across the life span
List the dot points associated with:
Key Concept 3. Patterns of work
Hint - 8 dot points
- full-time, part-time, job share, casual
- permanent, temporary/contract
- self-employed
- shift work
- voluntary
- seasonal
- working remotely
- others
What is Module Focus 2.
Changing work patterns
List the dot and dash points associated with:
Key Concept 4. Social factors leading to changing work patterns
Hint - 7 dot points & 3 dash points
- full-time, part-time, job share, casual
- permanent, temporary/contract
- self-employed
- shift work
- voluntary
- seasonal
- working remotely
- others
What is Module Focus 3.
Structures that support individuals in the workplace
List the dot points associated with:
Key Concept 5. Rights and responsibilities
Hint - 2 dot points
- employees
- employers
List the dot points associated with:
Key Concept 6. Workplace structures
Hint - 6 dot points
- legislation, eg health and safety, equal employment opportunity
- work conditions, eg awards, grievance procedures
- trade unions
- flexible work patterns and practices, eg job share
- flexible work arrangements
- workplace culture, eg childcare, prayer room, kitchen
- leave entitlements, eg parental, carers
What is Module Focus 4.
Maintaining work and life balance
List the dot and dash points associated with:
Key Concept 7. Individual roles
Hint - 1 dot points and 9 dash points
personal commitments and interests
– work
– leadership
– parenting
– caring
– volunteering
– religion
– recreation
– studying
– hobbies
List the dot points associated with:
Key Concept 8. Individual strategies for managing multiple roles
Hint - 5 dot points
- negotiating and sharing roles
- managing resources
- using technology
- accessing support
- utilising workplace structures
What is Module Focus 5.
Youth employment
List the dot points associated with:
Key Concept 9. Issues that impact on youth employment
Hint - 4 dot points
- personal management skills required in the workplace
- steps taken to prepare and plan for a career
- predominant patterns of work of young people
- rights and responsibilities of young people in the workplace