sx approach to the thorax Flashcards
explain the sx area for removing Esophageal foreign body at heart base using thoracotomy
right lateral thoracotomy at 4th intercostal space
surgical approach to Cardiopulmonary bypass
right lateral thoracotomy at 4th intercostal space
sx site for Cranial lung lobectomy
both left and right lateral thoracotomy
5th interspace
surgical approach to Intermediate lung lobectomy
6th interspace on the right
sx approach of Caudal lung lobectomy
both left and right lateral thoracotomy at 7th interspace
sx site for Thoracic duct (dog)
on right side in dog
left side in cats
sx site for cranial thoracic duct
left thoracic intercostal at 3rd intercostal
surgical site for PDA, PS, PRAA, pericardium
left thoracotomy at 4th interspace
sx site for Cranial lung lobectomy
can be done on both left and right thoractomy at 5th intercostal space
sx site for Caudal lung lobectomy -
both right and left
thoracotomy at 7th intercostal space
sx site for Thoracic duct in cats
left lateral thoracotomy at 8th intercostal space
right lateral thoracotomy at 4th intercostal space is used to?
- esophageal fb
- cardiopulmonary bypass
sx thoracotomy approach to thoracic duct of cats
8th intercostal on the left
sx thoractomy approach for the caudal esophagus
left lateral at 9interspace
discribe the sx procedure for left lateral thoracotomy
- sharply incise skin,subq tissue,and cutaneous trunchi mm.
deepen the incision thru the laticimus dorsi mm. with scissors
transect the scalenius,pectoral, serratusventralis,and intercostal mm