Sx Flashcards
Sore throat, sneezing, aversion to cold, fever, slight sweating, tonsillitis, thirst, floating-rapid pulse
Dx: Wind-Heat
What are the four levels?
Wei (defensive Qi)
Ying (nutritive Qi)
Xue (Blood)
How is an interior-Dz Dx’d?
Sx/ ?s/ etc
How is an exterior Dz determined?
Sx vs Interrogation
How do EPF enter the body?
Skin, nose, or mouth (lungs)
Is skin more prone to W-C or to W-H?
Skin is more prone to W-C
Are nose and mouth more prone to W-C or to W-H?
W-H is more likely to invade nose and mouth
Sx arise suddenly and change rapidly…. What is it?
Exterior Wind
Contraction, pain, watery discharge… What is it?
Exterior Cold
Turbid, sticky discharges, gradually made worse….what is it?
Exterior Damp Invasion
Mental restlessness…. What could it be if combined with thirst, feeling of being hot?
EPF Heat/ Fire
What are the defining characteristics of exterior wind cold as opposed to other cold Sx?
Arrises suddenly
Not relieved by covering oneself (Aversion to Cold)
What kind of cold is chronic, and is relieved by covering oneself?
Yang Deficiency
Aversion to cold (subjective) combined SIMULTANEOUSLY with an objective fever is a general Sx of what?
What causes aversion to cold?
Obstruction of the cou lis by external wind
What is the difference betweenAversion to Wind, Fear of Cold, Shivers, and Aversion to Cold?
Fear of cold: patient can relieve the sensation of cold by staying indoors and warm
Aversion to Wind: goose pimples, hates wind, stays indoors
Aversion to cold: very hard for patient to relieve the feeling of cold.
Shivers: same as aversion plus shivering
TCM fever vs Western Fever
TCM: heat emitting from patient’s skin
Western: body temperature increased significantly
Is palm heat considered full heat or empty heat?
Aversion to cold shows that EPF is where?
Still on exterior
Is Aversion to Cold always a Sx of EPF?
What is fever a struggle between?
Upright Qi
(If either weakens, fever will reduce therefore could be good or bad)
Does Fever indicate W-C or W-H?
Neither- it is simply a Sx of struggle b/w upright Qi and EPF
What is the order of invasion of EPF?
Skin, superficial connecting channels, connecting channels, main channels, organs
Sx of EPF Cold Invading Stomach?
Acute epigastric pain, vomitting, no other exterior signs, some other cold signs.
Sx of EPF Cold invading SI/ LI?
No external Sx.
Acute diarrhoea, abdominal pain, cold Sx
Sx of EPF Cold invading Uterus?
No exterior Sx. Acute dysmenorrhoea.
Where does EPF wind invade?
1: Cou-lis, Defensive Qi of Lungs
2: Muscles and Channels
3: Joints
Aversion to cold, sore throat, sneezing, fever, runny nose, occipital stiffness, floating pulse.
EPF Wind
Lung’s Wei Qi and/ or Cous-Lis
Sx: Stiffness in the limbs, rigidity and contraction of the muscles with sudden onset.
EPF Wind
Has invaded Muscles and Channels
Sx: pain that moves from joint to joint, esp. in upper part of body.
Location of Dz?
EPF wind in Joints.
Where can EPF cold invade?
- Muscles and Sinews
- Joints
- Stomach
- SI/ LI
- Uterus
Stiffness, contraction on muscles, pain, chilliness, aversion to cold, sudden onset
EPF Cold
In the Muscles and Sinews
Severe pain in a joint as in Cold Painful Obstruction Syndrome
EPF Cold in the Joints
Sudden Epigastric pain with vomiting
EPF Cold in Stomach
Sudden abdominal pain with diarrhoea
EPF Cold in SI/ LI
Sudden acute dysmenorrhoea.
EPF Cold in Uterus
Aversion to cold, fever, sweating, headache, dark urine, floating-rapid pulse.
EPF Summer-Heat
Where can EPF Damp invade?
- Muscles and Sinews
- Joints
- Lower Jiao
- Skin
- Sp/ St
Sudden feeling of heaviness of the limbs, dull ache of muscles
EPF Damp in muscles and sinews.
Pain, heaviness, swelling of joints as in Damp Painful Obstruction Syndrome, starts suddenly.
EPF Damp in joints
Acute urinary discomfort and/ or acute vaginal discharge
EPF Damp in Lower Jiao
Acute skin Dz with vesicles or papules
EPF Damp in skin
Tongue shows rootless coating, or no coating in the centre, epigastric pain, thirst, dry stools.
St Yin Xu
How do Beta-Blockers affect the pulse?
Make it slower and deeper
How do tranquilizers affect the pulse?
Make it sluggish and reluctant
What do antibiotics do to the tongue?
Make it patchy/ peeled in spots.
What do oral steroids do to the tongue?
Make it swollen and red
What Dx can be attributed to chronic canabis use?
Kidney Xu
Zhi (willpower of the kidneys) Xu
Heart Blood issues
Yi (intellect of Spleen) issues
What TCM Dx could be attributed to chronic cocaine abuse?
Phlegm-Fire in the Heart
What TCM DX could be caused by LSD use?
Heart Fire
What TCM Dx can use of Ecstasy lead to?
Weak Kidneys
Obstruction of Heart Orifices
What change can a barrel chest and epigastrium indicate?
Excess of the Stomach
Very large upper thighs that are out of proportion with the rest of the body could indicate which TCM condition?
Spleen Deficiency
A thin and emaciated body can indicate which longstanding conditions?
Blood or Yin deficiency
An overweight body can indicate which TCM condition?
Sp Yang Xu with Damp/ Phlegm retention
What could weak or stiff sinews indicate?
Liver disharmony
What can hardening of the blood vessels indicate?
Heart disharmony
What could weak or flaccid muscles indicate?
Spleen Xu
What could flaccid skin indicate?
Lung Qi Xu
What could brittle bones indicate?
Kidney Xu
Pronounced tremors and convulsions…. Dx?
Full Wind (often from Heat)
Small tremors and tics… Dx?
Empty Wind (Blood and/or Yin Xu)
Paralysis of a limb…. Dx?
Internal wind, related to Liver
Stiffness and rigidity… Empty or full pattern?
Full pattern, possibly Qi Stasis, Blood Stasis, or in extreme cases, external wind.
Hair falling out…Dx?
Blood or Kidney Essence issue
Prematurely grey hair… Indicates decline of?
Kidney essence
Thickness and lustre of hair are related to which organ?
Liver, esp Liver Blood
A complexion with good moisture is said to have what?
Stomach Qi
If the complexion is glowing, bright, lively, it is said to have what?
What are the four attributes of a normal complexion?
Subtle slightly reddish hue
‘Contained’ or ‘veiled’ colour
What are the 6 pathological face colours?
Black Blue Green Red Yellow White
What does a white complexion indicate?
Blood xu- dull white
Yang Xu - bright white
Yang Xu with Cold- bluish white
What complexion colour would indicate St / Sp Xu?
Sallow yellow
Sx: D-H, w/ H++
Bright orange-yellow
Smoky, dull yellow complexion…
Damp Heat with prevalence of Dampness
Withered, dry, yellow complexion
St/ Sp Heat
Complexion for Cold-Damp in St and Sp?
Dull, pale yellow
Ash-like yellow complexion…Dx?
Longstanding dampness
Pale yellow complexion surrounded by red spots…
Spleen Xu and stasis of Liver Blood
Clear complexion but with moist yellow between eyebrows…Dx?
Stomach Qi recovering after an illness
Dried up, withered looking yellow colour between the eyes
Poor prognosis
Entirely red face
Full heat
Red cheekbones
Empty heat
Green face
Liver patterns
Interior cold
Interior wind
Pale greenish under eyes
Liver Qi stasis
Liver Blood Xu
Greenish cheeks
Liver Qi Stasis
Liver Blood stasis
Cold in Liver Channel
Liver Wind
Green complexion with a red tinge
Lesser-Yang pattern
Green complexion with red eyes
Liver Fire
Yellow-green cheeks
Phlegm with Liver-Yang Rising
Green nose
Qi Stagnation with abdominal pain
Dark reddish-green complexion
Stagnant liver Qi turning into heat
Grass-green complexion
Collapse of Liver Qi
What does a dark blue colour under the eyes indicate?
Cold in the liver chanel
What does a white-blue complexion indicate?
Cold or chronic pain
What does a dull bluish complexion indicate?
Severe heart-yang xu with blood stasis
What does a bluish complexion indicate in children?
Liver Wind
What does a black and moist complexion indicate?
Cold, pain, or kidney Dz
What does a black, dried up, burnt looking complexion indicate?
Heat, pain, Kidney Dz, esp. Kidney Yin Xu
What does a floating colour in the complexion indicate?
If a colour is deep in the complexion what do we know about the condition?
If a colour is distinct in the complexion what do we know about the condition?
Yang condition
Upright Qi still intact
If a colour is obscure in the complexion what do we know about the condition?
Yin condition
Upright Qi exhausted
If a colour is thin in the complexion what do we know about the condition?
If a colour is thick in the complexion what do we know about the condition?
Fullness/ excess
If a colour is scattered in the complexion what do we know about the condition?
New Dz
If a colour is concentrated in the complexion what do we know about the condition?
Old Dz
If a colour is moist in the complexion what do we know about the condition?
Good prognosis
If a colour is dry in the complexion what do we know about the condition?
Poor prognosis
Which three types of conditions can we gather information about from a patient’s complexion?
- Actual disharmonies
- Constitutional traits
- Aetiological factors (ie: prenatal shock, etc)
What could a greenish colour on the tip of the nose tell us?
Liver (green colour) invading spleen (tip of nose is spleen area), therefore the spleen issues are caused by and therefore secondary to the liver issues.
If the eyes are dull or clouded, what might be wrong?
Disturbed mind (possibly a long time suffering) Essences of the five yin organs have been weakened
Which organ are the corners of the eyes related to?
The heart
Which part of the eye represents the health of the kidney?
The pupil
Which part of the body is the upper eyelid related to?
Greater Yang Channels
Which part of the eye relates to the stomach?
Lower eyelid
The sclera relates to which organ, and can show which things?
The lungs
Lesions of the back or chest esp. haematomas, the upper part reflecting the back, the lower reflecting the chest.
Red veins in the sclera with purple spots on them, and green/ blue/ purple/ red spots on the end are classic for this
Which part of the eye relates to the liver?
The iris
What does a yellow colour in the sclera indicate?
Damp heat in the lungs (earth overtaking metal)
What would be indicated by redness, pain and swelling of the entire eye?
EPF Wind-Heat
Liver-Fire Rising
What would a swelling under the eyes indicate?
Kidney defficiency
What would a dull white colour in the corner of the eyes indicate?
What would a pale-white colour in the corners of the eyes indicate?
Blood defficiency
What would be indicated by eyes with grey or scattered spots like clouds indicate?
Qi is injured,and therefore stagnant.
What is indicated by deep black spots in the eyes?
Injury of blood creating stasis
What is indicated by clearly visible, spiral shaped red veins in the eyes?
What organ does the bridge of the nose correlate to?
The liver
What organ does the tip of the nose correlate to?
The spleen
If the tip of the nose is green or blue, what is indicated?
Cold in Spleen, with abdominal pain
What does a yellow nose-tip indicate?
Damp heat in Spleen
What does a white nose-tip indicate?
Blood Defficiency
What does a red nose-tip indicate?
Heat in lungs and spleen
What does a grey nose-tip indicate?
Impairment of water movement
What does a greenish tone on the bridge of the nose indicate?
Liver Qi Stagnation
Sx: greyish or dark at bridge of nose.
Liver Blood Stasis
Red at bridge of nose
Liver Fire
Sx: nose slightly moist and shiny
Good prognosis
Sx: dry nose
Stomach or Large Intestine Heat
Dry and Black nose
Toxic heat
Sx: clear watery discharge from nose
Cold pattern
Sx: thick yellow discharge from nose
Heat Pattern
Sx:Flaring of the nostrils with high fever
extreme heat in lungs
Deep red pharynx
Interior OR exterior heat
Pale red pharynx
Empty heat
Acute pain, redness and swelling of the throat
Wind-Heat Invasion
Chronic pain, redness, and swelling of the throat.
Stomach heat
Chronically sore and dry throat that is not swollen or red.
Lung/ Kidney-Yin deficiency with empty heat
Pale-red throat
Empty heat affecting the lung/ Kidney channel
Erosion, redness and swelling of the throat
Toxic heat
Erosion, swelling, yellowish red throat.
Excess heat in Stomach and Intestines
Chronic erosion of throat that comes and goes:
Empty heat
Chronic dryness of throat with erosion and greyish ulcers
Severe yin deficiency
Chronic erosion of the throat with ulcers that have raised, hard edges:
Blood stasis with Phlegm Heat