Swollen Calf Flashcards
What are the main causes of an acutely swollen calf?
- Cellulitis
- Ruptured Bakers cyst
- Muscular strain (e.g. gastrocnemius injury)
Note different pathologies can coexist - e.g. ruptured Bakers cyst and DVT
If BOTH calves are swollen, what are the differential diagnoses?
Remember, BOTH legs swollen indicates a systemic/central vessel problem
- Right heart failure (in isolation or with left heart failure)
- Lymphoedema
- Venous insufficiency
- Pregnancy
- Vasodilators (Eg CCBs - Amlodipine)
- Hypoalbuminaemia (from renal failure, liver failure, malabsorption, etc)
- Pelvic tumour compressing IVC
What specific questions would you ask if someone complains of right calf swollen. DVT highest priority
Remember Virchows triad
- Hypercoagulable blood - trauma/major surgery within 3 months/pregnancy/postpartum state/IBD/Cancer/Oral contraceptive/HRT/PMH of DVTs
- Stasis - bedrest in the last 3 days / long haul travel
- Vessel injury - trauma/surgery
If DVT is high on the differential list, what other symptoms would be useful to look out for?
Breathless, chest pain, coughing up blood (all symptoms of Pulmonary embolism)
What sort of history may indicate cellulitis/septic arthritis
Cuts / insect bites / other wounds to leg
Which condition may spread rapidly along affected swollen limb?
What sort of symptoms may indicate pelvic/uterine/ovarian malignancies?
Abdominal pain/blood in faeces/unusual vaginal bleeding/weight loss, fever, malaise
What may increase the risk of lymphedema?
Radiotherapy/surgery - affects lymphatic drainage
What is a giveaway that there is septic arthritis present?
EXCRUCIATING pain when moving the joint
Oestrogen and progesterone based therapies increase risk of DVT. What else might
Long haul travel
Septic arthritis produces swelling typically over?
Over a joint (e.g. knee/ankle)
Compartment syndrome typically produces inflammation confined to?
The calf/thigh muscle compartments - doesn’t cause inflammation of joints
Bakers cyst would emerge where and track down where?
Bakers cyst = ruptured synovial sac in knee - emerges at popliteal fossa and trans down into calf
Swollen lymph nodes in the popliteal fossa/groin indicates?
Lymphadenopathy - infection in the limb
How could an abdominal mass in the lower right quadrant cause a swollen right leg?
Tumour compressing right iliac vein
Decline in neurovascular state of the limb (distal to the swelling) may indicate?
Compartment syndrome - this is a surgical emergency.
Low grade pyrexia may occur with DVT. Significantly raised temperature indicates?
What scoring system is used for DVT?
Wells. A score of 2 or more indicates DVT likely
Explain how D-dimer is used for excluding DVT
Used in conjunction with Wells score.
Wells score 2 or more = +1 ultrasound
D-dimer positive = +1 ultrasound
So if Wells score of 3 and positive D dimer, 2 ultrasounds required. 2nd ultrasound after first week if first ultrasound negative.
D-dimer is used to exclude DVT (if low D-dimer with low Wells Score)
How is a DVT positively diagnosed?
Via an ultrasound (quickest and most sensitive).
Ultrasounds will also diagnose ruptured Bakers cysts
What investigation can be done to rule out cellulitis or DVT (caused by polycythaemia)
Full blood count
Cellulitis = high WBC
Polycythaemia (causing DVT) = high RBC
If ultrasound scan isn’t available on the same day, what treatment is given whilst awaiting an ultrasound the next day?
Low molecular weight heparin / oral anticoagulant
How do you manage someone with DVT
- Anticoagulation - acutely give LMWH / fondaparinux. If renal failure/high bleeding risk, give unfractionated heparin. Also give ongoing anticoagulants e.g. rivaroxaban or warfarin
- Compression stockings - wear 1 week after diagnosis or after leg swelling has reduced. Wear for 2 years on affected limb
- Lifestyle advice - consider HRT cessation
Tense, shiny swollen limb painful to passive movement (& neurovascular compromise) suggests?
Compartment syndrome
What is Volkmanns contracture?
When there is irreversible atrophy of the limb - due to high pressure in affected limb. Often as a result of compartment syndrome
Compartment syndrome is a surgical emergency. How is it treated