Switching On and Maintaining Fuel Supply Flashcards
Does foetal size change according to dietary intake of their mother?
No it is preserved relative to intake
If the mother does not eat enough, then it is the mother that loses weight not the baby
Reduction in fetal size can occur if the minimum number of calories are not taken in
How many grams of glucose does a foetus use per day?
5g/ kg/ day
Glucose and Amino acids move across the placenta by facilitated diffusion
Which hormone is the most dominant in the third trimester of the foetus?
Due to hyperplasia of Beta cells of pancreas
Insulin levels rise for foetus to lay down fat stores
When is fat laid down during the pregnancy?
3rd trimester, important in first few days postnatally
Which hormone is dominant in the post-natal metabolic adaptation state (fasting state)?
Counter regulatory hormones
How does insulin act in the adult body?
Controls blood glucose levels
How does insulin act in the foetus?
Anabolic hormone
Removes glucose from circulation and stores it in tissues:
- Increases glucose uptake into muscle, fat + liver
- Decreases lipolysis
- Decreases amino acid release from muscle
- Decreases gluconeogenesis in liver
- Decreases Ketogenesis in liver
What does the baby rely on once it is born?
Breast Milk
Only a small amount is available initially
What is colostrum?
First milk that isn’t enough to meet baby’s energy requirements
Baby uses energy stores
The milk becomes more nutritious and fatty later on
Difference between pre-term and term babies?
Term babies have fat stores which they rely on initially
What is the energy requirement of a new born baby?
4-6g glucose/kg/day
What changes from fetal anabolic metabolic state to neonatal state?
Catabolic enzyme systems (not needed in utero) must be switched on in order for baby to reply on body stores between feeds
Which organ has the uses the highest amount of energy at rest?
The brain
How does the brain manage its high demand of energy?
Cerebral Metabolic Rate (CMR) is relatively low at birth
It increases as the brain develops
When does catecholamine surge occur?
At birth. Surge in adrenergic hormones which causes more glucagon to be secreted. Cutting the cord causes fall in gluclose and glucagon opposes it to activate gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis