Swing Trading and Scalping Flashcards
What are the two Trader Personality Types?
They’re Scalpers and Swing Traders.

What probability does a Scalper need for the market to reach his reward before his stop?
A scalper needs a probability of 60%-90%; Reward is usually the same as Risk
Are Scalpers willing to trade Minor Reversals?
Yes if he thinks the reversal will be far enough down to make a profit and he thinks the probability is high enough to offset the risk. Even though a Minor Reversal is small a scalper only needs a minor profit.

Are Scalpers willing to trade Minor Reversals?
Yes if he thinks the reversal will be far enough down to make.a profit and he thinks the probability is high enough to offset the risk. Even though a Minor Reversal is small a scalper only needs a minor profit.

Does a Swing Trader have to exit if there is a Minor Reversal?
No a Swing Trader does not have to exit if there is a Reversal; I will rely on my stop

a Horizontal Trend late in a Bull Trend usually becomes the Final Flag before Price Reversal
a Horizontal Trend late in a Bull Trend usually becomes the Final Flag before Price Reversal
If a Swing Trader exits on a Minor Reversal can he re-enter again?
Yes since AIL, bulls buy again above bull bar 50% PB and test of BO

Several different ways to differentiate a Swing Trade versus a Scalp. Swing Trader plans to manage like a Swing Trade

Several different ways to differentiate a Swing Trade versus a Scalp. Swing Trader plans to manage like a Swing Trade

Is it fairly common for the market to turn down before it reaches its final target?
What type of Reward does a Swing Trader want at a Minimum?
A Swing Trader wants a Reward at Least 2 Times Risk. Without structuring my setup like this for a swing trade I am not following the Traders Equation.

Swing Trade means major Reversal or BO. When a Swing Trader Takes a trade he is hoping for a Trend.

Swing Trade means major Reversal or BO. When a Swing Trader Takes a trade he is hoping for a Trend.

What are the Guidelines for a swing trade

What are the Guidelines for a swing trade

When should I start taking at least partial profits in my Swing Trade?
Start taking profits at at least 2 Times size of Risk

What is a Scalp?
a Scalp is a Minor Reversal or BO. A Scalp means reward is less than twice the risk. A scalper prefers profit within 1-5 bars and no PB

Scalping should not be my main source of income. Swing Trading is a lot more sustainable long term
Scalping should not be my main source of income. Swing Trading is a lot more sustainable long term
Every good Setup is a Good Swing Setup. When the market is AIL swing traders can buy at any time and for any reason. Must use the correct stop below Major HL

Every good Setup is a Good Swing Setup. When the market is AIL swing traders can buy at any time and for any reason. Must use the correct stop below Major HL

Emini Example - 5 Minute Chart

Emini Example - 5 Minute Chart

Strong Trend - Great for Swing Traders

Strong Trend - Great for Swing Traders

Strong Trend - Can be bad for Scalpers (Scalpers need High Probability and likes Low Risk)

Strong Trend - Can be bad for Scalpers (Scalpers need High Probability and likes Low Risk)

Strong Trend - Can be Good for Scalpers

Strong Trend - Can be Good for Scalpers

What market cycle is bad for Swing Traders?
Trading Ranges are BAD for Swing Traders

When Swing Trading it is important to go for a Reward at least 2x your Risk
When Swing Trading it is important to go for a Reward at least 2x your Risk
Swing Trade - Reward is 2x Risk. Most Swing Traders hope to get swing trades last 20+ more bars but the minimum goal is TBTL.

Swing Trade - Reward is 2x Risk. Most Swing Traders hope to get swing trades last 20+ more bars but the minimum goal is TBTL.

What is a Swing Traders minimum goal for the trade?
Ten Bars Two Legs (TBTL)
2x Risk (Actual or Intial Risk)
Scalp - Reward Less than 2x Risk

Scalp - Reward Less than 2x Risk

What do Scalpers hate?
Scalpers HATE PBs, if they see a PB they’re quick to exit or allow only brief small PBs

Swing Traders - Allow only one BO Test of Entry, Swing traders DO NOT want the market to come back to their entry Price a Second Time.

Swing Traders - Allow only one BO Test of Entry, Swing traders DO NOT want the market to come back to their entry Price a Second Time.

TRs usually have 2-Legged Moves
TRs usually have 2-Legged Moves
Sometimes it is Not Clear so it is okay to Exit or Hold Long

Sometimes it is Not Clear so it is okay to Exit or Hold Long

If the market comes back to back to my entry a 2nd time we are entering into what?
Odds are we are entering into a Trading Range

If 2nd Test does not hit my Stop should I exit when it’s near my stop or hold long?
I should Hold Long

If 2nd Test does not hit Stop - Hold Long

If 2nd Test does not hit Stop - Hold Long

Possible Trend Reversal - Swing or Scalp?

Possible Trend Reversal - Swing or Scalp?

Consecutive Sell Climaxes usually result in what?
They usually result in a TR or a Reversal (and vice versa for consecutive Buy Climaxes
If the Premise is No Longer Valid the Scalpers Exit

If the Premise is No Longer Valid the Scalpers Exit

Scalping is Not For Beginners; however many experienced traders Swing their traders a also scalp part of it as well

Scalping is Not For Beginners; however many experienced traders Swing their traders a also scalp part of it as well

Beginners are Desperate for Small Risk - So they Sell in a Bull Trend, they believe a correction is overdue and cant go much further

Beginners are Desperate for Small Risk - So they Sell in a Bull Trend, they believe a correction is overdue and cant go much further

When Strong Bull - Only Buy (Scalp or Swing)

When Strong Bull - Only Buy (Scalp or Swing)

When the is a Stairs Pattern(PB overlapping the BO point=Stairs Pattern) Scalpers CAN Make Money against the Trend. In general the scalpers will look to exit around 50% of the prior leg

When the is a Stairs Pattern(PB overlapping the BO point=Stairs Pattern) Scalpers CAN Make Money against the Trend. In general the scalpers will look to exit around 50% of the prior leg

a Scalp Means a Small Profit

a Scalp Means a Small Profit

Minimum Scalp Objective

Minimum Scalp Objective

What is a realistic minimum profit target when Scalping?

Minimum Scalp Objective

Minimum Scalp Objective

Is going for Minimum Scalps a Losing Strategy?
Yes it is as you have to win 90% of your trades and that is unrealistic, possible yes but it very difficult to do.

When should I convert from Swing into Scalp?
If the Premise Changes after entering a swing Trade, exit around Breakeven or will small scalp

Even if 60% of Scalps are Profitable - You still LOSE MONEY,
Trading scalps you need a success rate of 90% to make a living and you have to be happy scalping.
Most traders should be swing Trading and scalping only on slow days or on top of a swing trade.

Even if 60% of Scalps are Profitable - You still LOSE MONEY,
Trading scalps you need a success rate of 90% to make a living and you have to be happy scalping.
Most traders should be swing Trading and scalping only on slow days or on top of a swing trade.

Converting Swing into Scalp - If Premise Changes

Converting Swing into Scalp - If Premise Changes

Scalping Using Swing Stops - Exit if Premise Changes

Scalping Using Swing Stops - Exit if Premise Changes

Whenever a Trade goes against me but I feel as though my Premise is still good, I can scale in using a logical stop
Whenever a Trade goes against me but I feel as though my Premise is still good, I can scale in using a logical stop
When Scalping and scaling in,
it is ok to use the same swing stop for all entries as long as the math and premise is still good.
Scale in traders has to trade small due to the stop being so far away.

When Scalping and scaling in,
it is ok to use the same swing stop for all entries as long as the math and premise is still good.
Scale in traders has to trade small due to the stop being so far away.

Emini Scalping In Strong BO

Emini Scalping In Strong BO

Strong Bull BO - Repeated Scalping Not as Easy as it Appears

Strong Bull BO - Repeated Scalping Not as Easy as it Appears

Swing Trading is Better

Swing Trading is Better

Strong Bear BO - Repeated Scalping Not as Easy as it Appears

Strong Bear BO - Repeated Scalping Not as Easy as it Appears

If my Swing Trade Quickly Reaches Target should I take Profits or hope it goes further?
If it quickly reaches Target Take Profits

If I have a great set up DO NOT SCALP - Being aware that I have a great set up in-front of me is powerful
If I have a great set up DO NOT SCALP - Being aware that I have a great set up in-front of me is powerful
Scalping, can it be profitable?
Yes it can but it is impossible for most traders to scalp repeatedly in trend. If it is a if it a great setup manage it as a swing trade do not scalp

What is one if the biggest reasons traders consistently lose money?
They confuse Scalps with Swing Trades. If it is a planned swing trade do not exit at 2pt scalp. If scalping relying on scalp stoop. do not pretend it is a swing

Is High Frequency Trading a Type of Swing Trading or Scalp Trading?
It is a Type of Scalping