Swedish verbs - Presens 1 Flashcards
Present tense is used to express events happening now or something that occurs frequently. It could be used with present tense phrases such as nu (now), idag (today), i kväll (tonight), den här veckan (this week). Swedish present tense covers both present simple and present continuous tenses in English.
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att arbeta, att jobba
(to work)
arbetar, jobbar
Ex: Vi j_obbar/arbetar_ ikväll (We are working tonight)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att gilla
(to like, to enjoy)
Ex: Du gillar filmer (You like movies)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att se
(to see)
Ex: Jag ser bilen (I see the car)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att gå ut
(to go out)
går ut
Ex: Jag går ut (Im going out)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att bo
(to reside, to live)
Ex: Jag bor i Sverige (I live in Sweden)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att ta
(to take)
Ex: Jag tar bilen (I’m taking the car)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att ge
(to give)
Ex: Du ger mig kärlek (You give me love)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att tro
(to believe)
Ex: Jag tror på Gud (I believe in God)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att studera, att plugga
(to study)
studerar, pluggar
Ex: Jag studerar/pluggar medicin (I’m studying medicine)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att berätta
(to tell)
Ex: Han berättar en historia (He’s telling a story)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att förlora
(to loose)
Ex: Sverige förlorar matchen (Sweden is loosing the game)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att räkna
(to count)
- Ex 1: Jag räknar med dig (I count on you)*
- Ex 2: Jag räknar kort (I’m counting cards)*
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att betala
(to pay)
Ex: Betalar du med kort? (Are you paying with card?)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att ta med
(to bring)
tar med
Ex: Jag tar med mig Coca Cola (I will bring Coca Cola)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att titta
(to watch)
Ex: Jag tittar på tv (I’m watching television)
In group 1 of verbs, an ‘r’ is added to the vowel at the end of infinitiv
att bada
(to bath)
Ex: Ni badar i sjön (You all are bathing in the lake)