SWE Flashcards
When an aircraft is being transferred for unscheduled Depot level maintenance (UDLM), how will custody be handled?
The operating unit will retain custody of the aircraft until the aircraft arrives at ALC. It transfers back to unit for the returning ferry flight.
What are the 3 types of ferry flights?
- Unit To and From ALC
- Unit to Unit
For all maintenance ferry flights approval messages involving ALC, who directs the transfer of custody to ALC?
COMDT (CG-711) will direct the transfer to ALC, beginning at the point the aircraft departs to ALC. The return transfer is complete at time of aircraft arrival at unit.
How many people are needed for TEMPEST Operational test?
From where is a Collateral Duty QA Assigned?
Maintenance shop.
When can a Collateral QA sign of Grounding discrepancies and flight control work?
Individual cases when approved by a supervisor possessing Maintenance Release Authority.
How are TCTO change kits for spare components labeled?
SPAR in lieu of aircraft/engine serial number
Whom would you contact for TCTO Kit disposition instructions for strike damaged aircraft or if kit info must be obtained?
Appropriate Product Line Staff at ALC.
This system of the ACMS program is non-mandatory and is set aside for inclusion of various other items of support equipment that may be found at different operating units.
Special Requirements
PG-010 pg 1-3
If shortages exists at time of transfer, how many days does the the transferring unit have to rectify the inventory shortage by forwarding the shorted equipment to receiving unit.
15 Days
When purging aircraft fuel tanks, what must be grounded?
Aircraft and all equipment used in the operation.
When must memorandum of all discreps of aircraft acceptance from PDM be submitted?
NLT 30 calendar days after acceptance (All discreps found w/i the first 14 days are determined as major or minor.)
What causes O-Ring Embrittlement?
Large Thermal changes in temperature. (Usually exposure to high temps)
What are the 3 categories of the ACMS database?
- Maintenance Requirements
- Maintenance History
- Maintenance Actions
What are the requirements for advancement to E-6?
12 months in paygrade and in current rating?
What outlines frocking authority for the Commandant?
Section 632, title 14 US Code.
What Coast Guard form is used for awards?
What are the CDAR’s Responsibilities?
Establish Prevention Plans, Provide Training, Arrange Referrals, and keep officers & MLC informed.
What color are special inspections in EAL?
When are marks due for E-5?
April & October?
For anti collision lights, How many flashes per minute are required for regulations?
No less than 40 but no greater than 100 fpm
Federal Aviation Regulation 14CFR25-1401
Wash Rack water must meet what pH standard?
What is the minimum distance between circular type connectors?
A minimum of 3/4 inch must be provided around coupling rings on circular connectors.
How large must the bend radius be in a waveguide to prevent reflection?
Greater than 2 wave lengths.
What is the proper practice for environmental splice application?
heat center to lock in place then heat sealing rings around the wires.
On insert/ extract tool, what color end must be used for pin removal?
What are the 4 parts of a data bus?
Data bus coupler, Remote Terminal, Bus Monitor, & Bus controller.
When 2 generators are powering one load, how are they wired?
In parallel
When given a units NMCM hours in a month, how would you determine the NMCM percentage?
24hrs x 30 days = 2,160hrs (NMCM hrs divided by NMCM hrs equals NMCM percentage.)
How is a CG-22 control number generated?
CG-22 tracking generates a control number once it is entered.
What is the minimum distance that must be kept between NiCad and Sealed Lead Acid Batteries?
5 feet
What system does the wire 2RZ123A20N
What is the minimum distance to be kept from fueling operations and active RADAR?
300 ft
How often are static ground receptacles checked.
All static grounds are tested every 14 months. Any found with a resistance greater that 10,000ohms or damaged will be replaced.
Single Action/ Continuous Action/ Technical Information Instruction Manual
How close can you Taxi to a building?
Taxiing is not allowed within 5 feet of any obstruction, when taxiing within 25 feet wing walkers and a taxi signalman is required.
T49C test set is used to test what system?
Haw many targets can be tracked on a TCAS 1 system?
Can display 30 but tracks up to 45. TCAS 1 is required for aircraft with 10- 30 passengers. 30+ passengers requires a TCAS 2 system.
Maximum wind velocity to jack aircraft outside?
What is proper procedure for a non continuous fuel spill less than 50 sqft?
Fire Guard posted upwind with foam or HALON fire extinguisher till area is inert or purged.
What is the date/ time format in EAL?
Day MONTH YEAR (08AUG2020)
Who may authorized the one time purchase of chemicals not listed on the ACL (Authorized Chemical List)
Engineering Officer
What type of weather is least reflective to RADAR?
wet snow, dry snow ,wet hail, dry hail, rain, ice crystals
In order of least to most- ice crystals, dry snow, dry hail, wet snow rain, wet hail
What units are authorized to transfer or suspend aircraft in ACMS and AMMIS?
ALC is the only unit.
How is a close tolerance bolt identified?
the letter “X” enclosed by a triangle.
When shall an aircrew member be relieved for 24 hours?
- If flying for 8 days in a row providing an average of 4 hours a day is flown.
- 50 hours w/i 7 days
- 125 hours w/i 30 days.
Who oversees the Coast Guard Aviation Tempest program?
CG-41 oversees TEMPEST
Who provides CG Tempest Policy, and to whom?
CG-61 provides CG-41 with National, DHS, and Coast Guard Policy
Who manages the TEMPEST program established by CG-41?
What type of maintenance instruction should be considered for inclusion in an MPC?
When should a maintenance instruction be considered and filed?
Once an instruction has been completed and served its purpose is should be canceled and filed for 6 months.
What manual would you reference for correct HAZMAT disposal procedures?
M16478.1 Hazardous Waste Management Manual
What is the maximum amount of daily Vitamin C allowed and in what manual would you find this information?
1000mg found in M6410.3 Aviation Medicine Manual
What ATA chapter covers ECS/Air conditioning?
Chapter 21
What ATA chapter covers VFDR?
Chapter 31
What is the minimum fuel reserve time for aircraft to land with?
No less than 45 minutes for fixed wing and 20 minutes for rotary,
When washing flight suit, what is the maximum water temperature to be used?
140 degrees F
During EGRESS from aircraft what is the first step for aircrew member?
Find a reference point
Where must the Signalman stand when taxiing an aircraft?
Slightly ahead and in line with the wingtip on the pilots side.
What code does the CG squawk over MODE 3 during SAR Operations?
What type of fire extinguisher is used when fighting a NiCad Battery fire?
What is max duration of use and peak lumens of the FIREFLY II strobe?
8 hours continuous, 16 hour continuous @ 150,000 peak lumens per flash.
What are the PSI ratings for a SEAS bottle?
Bottle is rated for 3000 PSI considered full at 300 psi?
What is the minimum PSI an oxygen bottle should be depleted to?
50 PSI
Can Mandatory Special requirements(MSR) be extended?
MSR Cannot be extended and overdue equipment shall be removed until inspection is completed.
What manual would be used to the Coast Guard Memorandum format?
M5215.C Coast Guard Correspondence Manual
What color is the SEA DYE marker and what range can it be seen from?
Florescent Green visible from 2miles at 3000 feet for 1 hour after use.
How is an addition made to the Authorized Chemical list?
CG-22 routed through ALC Product Line
When Prime Unit does not need to accept all changes made on CG-22 what letter is circled
P, instead of A, D, or X.
How often does the Unit Corrosion Manager send a Corrosion report to ALC
Annually NLT 01 March each year
How are qualified CG members to carry their handguns?
Decocked, safety positioned, magazine inserted, round chambered.
How long must Avionics be submerged in ALCONOX mixture?
24 hours
What is the composition of ALCONOX for saltwater cleanup?
1% ALCONOX 99% freshwater
What PSI is used for drying odd avionics equipment
10 psi or less
Socks must conform to what percentage wool or cotton according to 3710?
80% wool or cotton
What causes or creates a “HOTSPOT” on RADAR aka a standing wave?
FOD in the wave guide or a dented/damaged waveguide.
Are MST weather briefs to aircrew considered accurate?
No, it is understood that they are not qualified forecasters.
Can dead head time count towards crew rest time?
Only 1/2 total flight time counts toward crew mission time.
How long can deferred maintenance remain open and who may extend it?
30 days and the EO or his representative.
What are non verbal gestures to avoid when giving a presentation.
arms crossed, hands in pockets, or hands behind back.
What are the effects of extreme RF exposure (10,00mSv or 10 Sieverts)?
Overheating causing damage to Eyes & Liver, cancer, low sperm count, and radiation burns.
The Family Advocacy Program Manager is located where?
CG-1112 Commandant
How often is wash rack water inspected.
How many Safety features are on the Sig P229 DAK?
What is the bend radius for ridged coax cable?
10x diameter
What does the acronym S.D.C.I.P. stand for?
Search Detect Classify Identify Prosecute
How long must a reserve member be on active TAD before they can use Tuition Assistance?
Must have Active Orders for 180 days
What material must be used to clean Aluminum?
Croaky Clothe
What article of the UCMJ may a member who was aiding and abetting an AWOL member be charged for accessory after the fact?
86- AWOL
78- Accessory After the fact
What section of the UCMJ covers Punitive Actions Allowed?
The Punitive Section Article 77-134
What Uniform Items are not allowed to be worn with civilian attire?
ODU trousers and Blouse
Who cannot be a Professional Development Coach?
E-4 and below cannot be. Should be E-5 and above in rate. Officers, Civilians and members outside of rate should only be last options.
What Manual would you consult to learn about LCI expectations?
When enrolling a part where the manufacturer is unknown, what is the default date of manufacture?
what username is used when registering an ELT on the NOAA webpage?
First name: USCG
Last name: LRSJ
username: CG(tail#) {no spaces}
How often is ELT registration renewal required?
Every 2 years
What is the term for gently, slowly pulling/ pushing a circuit breaker allowing contacts to touch but not the mechanical locks to actuate?
What ALMIS page follows after entering a NIIN into part inquiry?
NIIN General Information
What tag is used when NRFI part cannot be repaired at ALC and must be shipped away?
ALC 5000-5 series
What type of static is dissipated by static wicks?
Precipitation static
What is the minimum distance to start a new construction from a HOT Refuel zone?
Prohibited within 200 feet.
How far must taxiing aircraft be kept from a hot refuel operation?
50 feet
What does a flashing red light from the tower mean?
Clear the runway
What is the minimum percentage of a units flight time must be dedicated to training?
20% fixed wing and 40% for rotary
How long may a weekly inspection be extended on an HC-144?
1 day nondeployed 3 days deployed.
What does the acronym I.L.S.P. stand for?
Integrated Logistics Support Plan (corrosion preventative program that helps operational readiness level
What does GAR stand for?
General Assessment of Risk
What Risk Management Acronyms are used with GAR2.0?
STAAR- Spread-out, Transfer, Avoid, Accept, Reduce
PEACE- Planning, Event-Complexity, Assets, Communication, Environment.
Used in Tandem with each other
What is used to determine payments when using MGI Bill
Training time and dependents.
Full; 3/4; 1/2
What degree burns are caused by RF?
2nd (Radiation) & 3rd (burns beneath surface)
What Radio Freq’s are most harmful to the human body?
30-300MHZ (HF)
however X-Rays(UHF) are more dangerous but not easily found in Aviation
What rank is Staff Symbol Required when sending email?
O-7 and up
What is the maximum amount of recipients outlook is capable of sending?
500 per message.
How often is Dunker training required for fixed wing aircrew?
Every 75 months
How long are you grounded if you used a SEAS Bottle during SWET training?
24 hours
How large of an area do you need to clear for spilled lox.
20 ft radius greater than the spill.
Whom would you contact to make changes to mission system software?
ALC ESD- Config change board- C4IT- MSSL
What is the first step when making C4ISR changes?
Contact C4IT Service Center to fill out a ALC ESD 68 form (ACCB Request)
How long is Non-alcoholic beer grounding for?
12 hours
On a PQDR what must you enter for unknown info?
What type of corrosion is it when found in the grains?
Intergranular exfoliation
What is an E-8 in the USCM?
Master Sergeant
Which CG Cutter Ran aground and carried cannons to fight?
CGC Eagle
Which Gauge wire can fit into a red terminal lug?
How many steps are steps are in Dr. Robert Gagne’s training?
5 Categories of Learning; 8 ways to learn; 9 steps of instruction.
What is the value of a resistor with black, orange, & Violet bands?
What material is a resistor releases the most energy made of?
Wire wound- nichrome wire wrapped around ceramic/ fiberglass core then encased in aluminum.
What is the nominal resistance of a BNC connector?
50 ohms
When soldering what is the purpose of a heat sink?
prevent wire wicking & overheating
What is the purpose of hydraulic fluid?
transmission of mechanical power
How is ALSE tracked?
MRS serial number
What manual would you consult when transferring an aircraft?
What happens to an un-clompleted TCTO on a transferring aircraft?
It is transferred with the aircraft
What is the definition of Voltage Standing Wave Ration (VSWR)?
ratio of peak voltage on minimum amplitude of voltage of standing wave. (measure of voltage reflected back from the connector)
What is the maximum amount of caffeine allowed per day?
450mg/ day
What year did the Coast Guard become a member of the Armed services?
January 28, 1915
What is the frequency range of Localizer?
What is required for a swimmer to fly SAR on an helicopter they are not qualified on?
A thorough passenger brief
What does the routing symbol on a memo?
sender origin
What is the Freq range of UHF?
What is the Freq range of a RADALT?
4250-4350MHz at 100 times per second
What is the FREQ of an Underwater Acoustic Beacon?
What happens when you intercept Glideslope?
Vasi Lights illuminate and Command Bars align
What Privilege can a supervisor take away?
How long can EMI take place?
no more than 2 hours
Who is responsible for ILSP?
Who can assign EMI?
Supervisor during work hours/ Command after work hours
How often is deferred maintenance checked?
every 7 days
All On Job Training must be completed before member can be assigned what duty?
(AVGFET) Gas Free Engineer
What type of Mishap is $350,000?
Type C
What type of mentoring is “right place right time”?
What does TCAS II use Mode S for?
provides air to air data echange with other TCAS equipment allowing for xmit and receive in oposite order. (xmit at 1090)
Which type of mishaps require a formal mishap board?
Type A & B
What Mode of the Transponder is used for Emergencies?
Mode A
What is the most common cause of fire loop failure?
Excessive Bending or tool damage
What does a Solid Red Light from tower mean?
A TS90 cable fault finder turns off after how long of inactivity?
5 minutes if not connected; 1 hour if connected
How many Inactive drill pay days are allowed?
How does a TS90 Cable fault finder show an open?
No Beeps, display shows “LLLL”
How many alphanumeric characters are in JDRS number?
How does the TCTO number change on its third ammendment?
The last number will be a 3.
What are the 2 types of solder?
Hard and soft or Rosin core & Non-Rosin core
What type of copper terminal is Insulated?
Type 1 (Type 2 is not insulated)
What article of the UCMJ allows member to remain silent?
Article 31
How many turns with the wrench to tighten hoses on DRUK air data test set?
1/8 turn
What are the 2 types of ice detection?
Mechanical and Visual
What items are required to go with aircraft transfer?
- Acft Xfer document
- Acft Inventory record
- Inventory shortage record
- inventory record certification & rec of xfer
- Credit Cards
- Keys
How is cover page of TCTO numbered?
What do you do with RFI parts with no serial number?
Do not install until serial number can be found
What is the FREQ range of the RT-5000?
29.7- 960 MHz
What is the Freq range of the ARC-210?
30- 941 MHz
How many frequencies can the ELT transmit on?
3 freqs- 406, 243 & 121.5
On the AN/USM708 Test set, what does a blinking red light indicate?
Charging Battery
How is excess property reported?
CG- 4501
How long are SAMI’s kept on file?
6 months
How long are completed MPC’s kept on file?
90 days
Where can you see if a part cannot be cannibalized?
“NO CANNIBALIZATION” will be written on speciffic MPC.
How long are you grounded after working in low pressure?
12 hours
How long are you grounded after donating over 500cc’s of blood?
7 days
How long are you grounded if you donate over 300cc’s but less that 500 cc’s of blood?
3 days
How long is a 781J kept on file?
1 year
where do you document servicing hydraulic fluid?
ALMIS Premission service or 4377 part 1
How much space should be left from insulation to the tinning of the wire?
1 diameter legnth
How do you calculate NMCT?
When an aircraft is down for both supply and maintenance, which one is tracked?
NMCS until part is made available to the unit, then to NMCM.
How long does the transferring unit have to supply the receiving unit with an RFI component?
15 days
What is the ability of the rate gyro to not move on an axis called?
What is civilian term for F-24 fuel?
Jet A-M
What type of maintenance is a postflight inspection?
Routine Inspection
What would cause an ADF to read 180 degrees out?
a broken antenna
What anti skid component sends hydraulic fluid to the brakes during anti skid braking?
Anti-Skid Valve
What is the definition of Standing Wave Ration?
a measure of impedance matching of loads to the characteristic impedance of a transmission line or wave guide
What is the purpose of the 1553 databus?
Once a crimper is set up, what is the next step?
GO-NOGO test
What manual would you refer to for Avionics corrosion?
NAVAIR 1-1A-509-3
What is the heat loss on generator windings called?
hysterisis losses
How is sensitivity of a voltmeter calculated?
divide 1 by amount of current needed to cause full scale deflection of meter movement or (1 ohm per volt)
When using MILSATCOM what are the degrees of N/ S operation?
60N 60S
Romantic relations are prohibited at a unit with less than how many people?
Who can waive flight restrictions for SAR?
What are L1 and L2 Military GPC frequencies on?
L1: 1575.42MHz
L2. 1227.60MHz
Who can give you a code plug for local freq’s you want filled?
ComSec Manager
ORM steps
DIAIEEM Define(Identify) Mission Task Identify Hazards Asses Risk Identify Options Evaluate Risk v Gain Execute Plan Monitor
How many Major agencies are under DHS
22 total/ 7 major
What is the lowest altitude you can fly over a resort?
2000Ft @ 1 mile away FW
500ft @ 1/4 mile away RW
How are backpacks to be worn in ODU’s?
On back with both straps on shoulders
How are backpacks worn in Trops?
With one strap across left shoulder.
How long must A-school be to be PCS instead of TDY
20 weeks or greater
What type of Mishap is a near mid air collision where an aircrew member may be injured?
Type D
Damage to a small boat worth over $50K but less than $200K?
Type C
How many majors are offered at the Coast Guard Academy?
SSIC (Standard Subject Identification Code) goes on what page of CG Memos?
All pages, on the top Right corner.
How many articles are in the UCMJ code of Conduct?
What are BOLD face warnings when using an aircraft jack with an external reservoir mounted to its leg?
Several Types of tripod jacks have a separate reservoir mounted to one leg with a quick release handle. Ensure reservoir is firmly attached & handle is safetied before jacking. Also ensure hand pump is firmly attached.
What resistance would you have when reading backwards across a diode?
OL unless its a Zenor diode.
What is the first step when using a DRUK that has been in storage for over 30 days?
Exercise the valves
How many personnel on board cutter before Romantic relations are allowed?
All romantic relationships are Prohibited while on Board Cutter
How are IRAC’s sent out?
Normally distributed via message.
What percent by volume should FSII be in fuel?
0.07 to 0.15% by volume. CO approval required for less than 0.07%
What Type of fuel is F-44?
JP-5 used on cutters and aircraft
What type of fuel is F-34
What color is the DD 1577-2?
Green tag (Unserviceable)
What color is DD 1574?
Yellow/Orange Serviceable
What color is 1577-B
Red Whir Blue UR Tag
What condition code do you write on the DD-1577 RED tag? (Condemn)
What type of interference is SPORATIC-E?
When smaller clouds charged with ionized gas from the E layer of the ionosphere cause LOS radio waves to reflect allowing for much longer range of of short range radios. Most common in the summer in both hemispheres.
What does SDCIP stand for
Search Detect Classify Identify Prosecute
How long must a reserve member be on ACTIVE duty to use TA?
Must have orders for 180 days or greater
Which manual would you reference for LCI?
What type of static energy is dissipated by static wicks?
What is the minimum distance to START construction from a hot refuel zone?
200 feet
How far must a taxiing aircraft be kept from a hot gas?
50 feet
What does a flashing red light from tower mean?
Clear the runway
What is the minimum percentage of flight time dedicated to training?
20% FW
40 % RW
How long may a HC-144 weekly inspection be delayed?
1 day ( 3 days if deployed)
When are points computed where computations use Terminal Eligibility Date?
1Jan following May SWE
1Jul following NOV SWE
What type of file is used to ensure data is entered on time?
Tickle File (.tif;.jpg)
How much weight is added to vests for swim drills
6 lbs
Who monitors the hydraulic surveillance program?
What category mishap when FOD sucked into engine?
Type B
What category mishap occurs on an engine flameout regardless of ability to restart engine?
Type E
What is the current uniform manual?
CIM 1020.6K
How long is an initial flight physical good for
12 months
Who is the AMT/AET/AST warrant program manager?
CG-41/ OPM
What is the Civilian term for Zulu (GMT Time?
Who decides the number of MRM facilitators at a unit?
CG1131/ CG41
Who assigns MRM facilitators at a unit?
To whom are near midair collisions reported?
FAA via radio as soon as practicable
To whom would you call for a serious near mid air collision?
Call National Command Center via telephone as soon as practicable
wile strategic napping, how soon must crew be woken up before a high workload event?
one hour
How long are strategic naps limited to?
40 minutes
Who can authorize flight without VFDR?
Who can authorize the use of Flight data Recorder data?
CG 1131
what type of washer would you use on an aluminum frame?
How many flight hours must an Aviation Mission Specialist fly wo wear Aircrew wings permanently?
200hrs RW
400hrs FW
What is required for HC-130H crew prior to beginning Navigator Syllabus?
Must be Radio Operator with at least 50 flight hours in aircraft.
Maximum flight hours for UAS in 24 hrs?
land based 10 hrs
shipboard 8 hrs
Maximum Flight hours for UAS in 14 days?
80 hrs
Maximum flight time in 365 days?
1100 hrs
How long can UAS crew fly without break
4 hours and then a 30 minute break
What is to voltage required to maintain a ground power interlock circuit
28VDC 400 Hz
What are the 4 RCM (Reliablity Centered Maintenance) failure consequence groups?
- Hidden Failure Consequence
- Safety & Environmental Consequence
- Operational Consequence
- Non-Operational Consequence