Swallowing Muscles Flashcards
closes the jaw by elevating and drawing forwards the angle of the mandible (V)
raises the mandible; posterior fibers retract the mandible slightly, assisted by the anterior suprahyoid muscles (V)
Medial Pterygoid
works with masseter and temporalis to raise and protrude the mandible (V)
Lateral Pterygoid
protrudes and depresses the mandible (V)
Superior longitudinal
shortens the tongue, turns tongue tip and lateral margins upward (XII)
Inferior longitudinal
shortens tongue, pulls tip downwards (XII)
flattens and widens tongue (XII)
narrows and elongates tongue (XII)
protrudes tongue, elevates tip (creates channel for bolus), helps to elevate hyoid bone (and larynx) (XII)
draws tongue up and back (XII)
retracts and depresses tongue, elevates hyoid (XII)
can assist styloglossus in raising back of tongue, also aids styloglossus and inferior longitudinal in bulging back of tongue (X, XI)
levator veli palatini
primary elevator of the soft palate, pulls soft palate posteriorly to seal the pharyngeal cavity (X, XI)
tensor veli palatini
spreads and tenses soft palate to close off nasal cavity, pulls on wall of Eustachian tube and opens it up to equalize pressure (V)
lip closure (muscle and CN)–efferent/motor
orbicularis oris, CN VII
contain bolus (muscles and CN)–efferent/motor
orbicularis oris, buccinator, CN VII
mandible movement (muscles and CN)–efferent/motor
temporalis, masseter, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid– CN V (mandibular branch)
move bolus (muscles and CN)–efferent/motor
superior longitudinal, inferior longitudinal, verticalis, transverse, genioglossus, styloglossus, hyoglossus– CN XII hypoglossal
anterior velar movement (muscles and CN)–efferent/motor
palatoglossus–CN X, XI (vagus, pharyngeal plexus)
velar elevation (muscles and CN)–efferent/motor
levator veli palatini (CN X, XI), tensor veli palatini (CN V)
propel bolus into pharynx (muscles and CN)–efferent/motor
levator veli palatini (CN X), hyoglossus and styloglossus (CN XII–hypoglossal)
lips–afferent/sensory CN
trigeminal (V)
anterior 2/3 of tongue, taste–afferent/sensory CN
facial (VII)
anterior 2/3 tongue, sensation–afferent/sensory CN
trigeminal (V)