SW1 Flashcards
Hill House school
Hans st
Blue Ball Yard
St James’s st
Levin hotel
28 Basil st
National bank of Egypt
11 Waterloo place
Salmontini Le Resto restaurant
1 Pont st
Estario Milos restaurant
1 Regent st
Sainsbury Wing
Pall Mall East
The National gallery
Buckingham palace rd/Semley pl
Timmy Green restaurant
Bressenden place/ Buckingham palace rd
Household Calvry baracks
South carriage drive
Trafalgar studios stage door
Spring gardens
Dominique Ansel Bakery
17-21 Elizabeth st
By station
Thomass at Burberry cafe
5 Vigo st
Peggy Porschen cakes
116 Ebury st
SDOL/LOL L/R Elizabeth st
Z Victoria hotel
5 Lower Belgrave st
By Buckingham palace rd junction
Apple Tree Yard
Duke of York st
Brunei Derussalam high commission
19 Belgrave sq
Abd El Wahab restaurant
1 Pont st
Old Salmontini
Quirinale restaurant
131 Great Peter st
W/S by Millbank
Clabon mews
Milner st/Cadogan sq
Munich Cricket Club
Strutton Ground
Victoria st- Abbey Orchard st- R Ols Pay st -R Strutton Ground
Balcon restaurant
8 Pall mall
Graces Belgravia
11 West Halkin st
Cambridge street cafè
Artist residence boutique hotel
52 Cambridge st SDOL/LOL L/R Warwick way
In Clarendon st
Ottolengi Belgravia restaurant
13 Motcomb st
Cafe Murano St James’s
St James’s st
E/S south of Jermin st
Pilot shop
132 Warwick way -Alderney st L Clarendon st -
L Cambridge st SDOL
Winchester st
Warwick way/Lupus st
Exit to Lupus st is 1 way
Exit to Warwick way is R Cumberland st F Winchester st L/R Warwick way
Army and Navy
Victoria st/House of Fraser ?????
Shezan restaurant
16 Cheval place
SDOR/LOL Montpelier st
In& Out rear entrance
Bambaes street