SW A&D Flashcards
Name Three Phases of UP
Unified Process:
Name 3 differences between Domain model and Design Class Diagram
Data types
Associations have arrowheads and arguments
Use Case diagram leads directly to what two artifacts
Domain Model (pull all nouns from UC) System Sequence Diagram (pull verbs)
Name your five favorite artifacts from inception
Vision Statement Use Case model Supplimentary Spec Glossary risk list + managemnt plan Prototypes of high risk interfaces
What UP phase is most requirements analysis done
Inception is just enough investigation to form a … opinion of purpose and feasability of system.
Compare to Oil Drilling. Inception: feasibiltity study. Elaboration: Exploratory drilling.
Functional and non-functional requirements can be found in these two artifacts of Inception
Functional: Use Cases
Non-functional: Supplimentary Spec
Business Rules Definition
Policies (requirements) that trancend one project.
Five Artifacts from Elaboration
also specify analysis or design
Domain Model (analysis) System Sequence Diagram (analysis) Operation Contracts (analysis) Class Diagram (Design) Object Interaction Diagram (Design)
What information to include in Domain Model
Objects, Attributes, and Associations
An attribute is prepended with a /. What does that mean
Derived attribute
In a system sequence diagram, what do the three types of arrows represent
Solid line, solid arrowhead: synchronous message (blocks.
Solid Line, lined arrow, asynchronous message.
Dashed line. Reply
The first arrow in an Object Interaction Diagram has a black dot. What is this called
“Found message”. Source doesn’t matter.
A calls B. B calls A, then returns to A. There is a little overlapping box. Whats that called?
How to draw a dictionary or a map in UML, and what is the UML name for it.
The class is connected by an association. The key is in a box on the calling side. This is called a qualified association.
Requirements fall into FURPS+. What does that mean?
Functionality Usability Reliability Performance Supportabilty
Whats in the Supplimentary Spec, and how does Larman recommend creating it?
SupSpec is the non-functional requirements.
Easiest to document within the use cases but eventually moved/consolidated to sup spec.
Name two things that make Use Cases handy over say, charts of requirements
It is a very easy method of user involvement.
Emphasises user goals.
What is OO Normalization
Taking attributes that many objects will have in common and moving them to a descriptor object.
How is abstract shown on a class diagram
Classname is in italics
What are three techiques for generating Domain model
- Use existing models - people have done this before.
- A handy category list, like page 140
- Nouns from Use Case
Name the five Grasp objects
Controller Creator Information Expert High Cohesiveness Low Coupling
How to represent a static class in an interaction diagram
Guillemes: <> Font
Show are static attributes shown in a class diagram?
+ - # ~
~ is like negative, remember that.
+ Public, - Private
~Default - package only
how are abstract methods shown on class diagram?
They don’t get a font. They get {abstract}
What class diagram attribute modifiers do you know? (seven answers)
{exception ename, readOnly, abstract, guarded, leaf, ordered}
What is the symbol for aggrigation
A diamond head on the association.
What book brought design patterns to life
Gang of Four, Kent Beck