SW 2: Economic Environment Flashcards
Name the established methods to measure Wealth and Wellbeing
Established methods:
* Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (1937/1944)
* Gross National Income (GNI)
* Gini coefficient (1992)
What are the newer approaches to measure Wealth and Wellbeing?
Newer approaches:
* Human Development Index (HDI) (1990)
* Better Life Index (2011)
* Ecosystem Accounting (standardiesed 2021)
Who was hosting G20 Summit in 2022, 2023 and who will be in 2024
2022: Indonesia
2023: India
2024: Rio
What is the problem of comparison the GDP and what is a better approach?
Problem: to compare => convert with exchange rate (usually $), but fx only reflect int. traded goods/servics and are exposed to short-term spec. / government intervention
Better: calculating GDP using Purchasing Power Party (PPP) method => shows what and how much you can purchase in the country’s currency
What information gives the GDP per capita?
information about the income per capita
BUT NOT about its distribution and quality of life
Calculation of GDP
Consumption + Government Expenditure + Private Investment + Exports - Imports
=> only counts income flows
How to measure (relative) inequality?
Gini shows income inequality in a society:
- Iceland 0.26 vs SA 0.63 (2019)
- CH 0.31
What for can Gini also be used?
To measure distribution of wealth or life expectancy
=> wealth inequality in CH 0.86 (2015) > higher compared to income inequality (0.31)
In developing countries and LDC income often hard to guess => better look at consumption
LDC = Least Developed Countries (UN)
What measures GDP?
Production (manufacturing)
NOT WELFARE (criticism)
Size of Shadow Economy (not part of GDP)
- Advanced economies: 10-20%
- Emerging economies: 30-35%
- CIS countries: 40% or more
CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States (Eurasia after Soviet Union with Belzovah Accords (1991)
What is GNI compared to GDP?
GNI calculates income vs. GDP that measures output
Why does GDP still matter?
o Many policy decisions are based on GDP figures (how bad is the financial crisis?)
o Voting Power at IMF (International Monetary Fund), WB (World Bank), etc. depend on the GDP of member states
Definition of GNI according to OECD
GDP, plus net receipts from abroad of compensation of employees, property income and net taxes less (-) subsidies on production.
=> GNI includes output of nationals abroad: Remittances
Which nations show a significant difference between GDP and GNI?
Nations that have
* substantial foreign direct investment (FDI),
* foreign corporate presence,
* foreign aid (ODA), or
* remittances
Which institution use GNI / where is GNI the basis?
- EU calculates member states contribution via GNI
- Human Development Index (HDI) is based on GNI figures. => Educational & Health level (Switzerland is Nr. 1 here)
- World Bank country classification by income levels is based on GNI per capita (US$)
What are the 3 dimensions of the Human Development Index (HDI)?
=> New approach to measure wealth and wellbeing
- Health: Life expectancy at birth
Education: Mean of years of schooling for:
* adults aged 25 yrs+ and
* children of entering age - Standard of living: gross national income (GNI) per capita
According to United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): What does the HDI not reflect on?
- poverty
- human security
- empowerment
- etc
What is the Better Life Index and who constructed it?
=> New approach to measure wealth and wellbeing
- The OECD
- containing a range of metrics that* better reflect what constitutes and leads to well-being*
What is the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), what does it contain and what is it used for?
=> New approach to measure wealth and wellbeing
- The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) => Ecosystem accounting is a coherent and integrated approach to the assessment of the environment
- It was adopted by the UN Statistical Commission in 2012.
- Measurement Focus: Involves measuring ecosystems and the flows of services from these ecosystems => into economic and other human activities.
- Objective: Helps in understanding and quantifying the contributions of the environment to the economy and the impacts of the economy on the environment.
What is the GDP and what are the limitations ?
* internationally acknowledged indicator
* measures how much a country is producing in a given year
* is well-defined, long-standing and commonly for international comparisons
- Excludes Non-Monetary factors: Does not reflect on the well-being or health of a country => GDP only measures paid activities, not including the informal sector or voluntary activities in homes and communities.
- Ignores Environmental Costs: Does not account for the costs of economic growth, such as environmental degradation or climate change impacts.
Silent on Income Distribution: No information about how income from economic activity is distributed among the population.
* Outflow of Income: Income included in GDP may leave the country, like profits made by foreign investors, which are counted in the local GDP but then transferred abroad (e.g., Apple in Ireland).
How is an advanced economy determied?
Economic Development Level
=> there is no numerical convention
Advanced economies are usually defined as having
1. a high level of per capita income,
2. a varied export base, and
3. a financial sector that’s integrated into the global financial system.