SW 10-12 Flashcards
Merger Accouting:
- A –> B = A
- A swallows B
- B disappears as legal entity (disapperenace without liquidation procedure –> delation in the commercial Register)
- B Shareholders getting Shares of A
Merger Accouting
- A + B = C
- A and B disappearing
- C is newly founded
- A + B shareholders receive C-shares
- universal succession
Merger Accounting
Simulated Merger
- Meger Contract
- A brings all assets and liab. into B –> by transfer of property
- A Shareholders get B Shares
- A is liquidates
- Single succession –> complex legal process
Merger in TM Situations:
Explain Art. 6 FusG (Merger Law)
receiving company needs to have enough free reserves to compensate the capital loss of the company they are want to overtake
Merger Accounting:
Why does the Effective value ratio is NOT always the same as the exchange ratio (which was calculated)
–> das effektive austauschverhältnis entspricht nicht dem “mathematischen”
Because of the bargaining Power of the two companies
–> das effektive Verhältnis wird verhandelt
Merger Accounting:
How is the intrinsic value of the shares calculated?
Total Equity / pices of Shares
Merger Accounting
How is the Exchange Ratio calculated?
intrinsic value of shares (company A)
intrinsic value of shares (company B)
Employment Law:
what is the link, according to F. Blaser, between flexible employment contracts and the unemployment rate in Switzerland
In Switzerland, companies have the possibility to dismiss people quickly but also to hire people very flexibly and quickly. For this reason, people are hired much faster than in France or Italy.
more flexibilty = lower unemployment rate
Employment Law:
There is a diffrent of the rules between normal redundancy and mass redundancies.
When is a redundancy qualified as a “mass redundancy”
Art 335d OR ff.
Employment Law:
Mass redundancy
–> in which two cases are Art. 335d ff. OR not applicable?
- bankruptcy
- composition agreement
Employment Law:
What happens with the pension funds of the company which is bankrupt?
–> the pension funds is a separate legal entity
–> bankruptcy of the company does not affect the pension funds
8tung! –> trotz dieser Aussage von F. Blaser gibt es Pension Funds Benefits für die entlassenen MA, die einen Effekt haben können (siehe ZF)
Employment Law:
Pension Funds:
What happens if there is a Funding free Reserves (funding >100%) when the Pension funds is Liquididated?
–> this free reserves are distributed to the dismissed employees
–> nicht direkt ausgezahlt zu den MA aber zu ihrer nächsten PK
–> this is only happening if there is a mass dedundancy!!!
–> wenn 1,2 MA das Ug. verlassen nehmen sie die free reserves nicht mit
Employment Law:
Social Compensation Plan
–> when is it applicable and for which companies?
- Company with more than 250 employees
- within 30 days , more than 30 employees dismissed
(except for composition agreements)
Employment Law:
Provisions for transfer of enterprises
Explain OR Art. 333
–> all employees must be transfered
–> afterwards you can start with mass redundancy
(except composition agreement (in court) –> z.B. you can pick onyl the good employees)
Rescue Companies:
Explain the process for “rescue” the profitable part of a company
Note: 1. RC’s cash postion have to be high enough for standalone buisiness
–> the also need to have all operations (HR, IT etc.)
- only collatoralized claims will be transfered into the RC