SVC-16A Flashcards
4 Root Causes of Device issue.
they are in the center of troubleshooting wheel
1) Hardware
2) Software
3) Environment (of device)
4) Educational Opportunity (customer inexperience)
3 Principle stages of troubleshooting process:
1) Evaluate
2) Isolate
3) Resolve
7 strategies to EVALUATE problem:
1) Ask the customer smart probing questions to gather accurate information.
2) Confirm what you hear, so there is no misunderstanding.
3) Verify the issue.
4) Review your resources such as the Apple Support site and GSX.
5) Use Quick Checks and diagnostics to gather more device-related information.
6) Carefully inspect the device.
7) Use deductive reasoning skills to narrow down the information and move closer to a likely problem space.
3 steps to ISOLATE the problem
1) Use a systematic way of isolating an issue using a circle to represent all the possible issues.
2) Determine if the issue is with the device or not with the device.
3) Divide troubleshooting into likely problem spaces
5 options to RESOLVE the problem
1) Repair without using parts.
2) Repair using parts.
3) Reinstall or update software.
4) Educate the customer.
5) Direct customer to third-party resource
No Trouble Found
What is the core skill needed for Troubleshooting?
Deductive Reasoning
Troubleshooting wheel: 3 possible issues represented by outside circle of wheel.
1) What does the customer tell me?
Ask smart questions and have the customer show you
how the issue occurs
2) What does the Device tell me?
What are the results of running diagnostics?
What do you see and hear when the issue is reproduced?
Inspect the device to make sure there is no damage or safety issue.
3) What do Apple’s resources tell me?
Run diagnostics (AST 2), try Quick Checks and consult the
Apple support site and Help file
Asking open questions to gather more info using who, what, when, where, why and how format. 4 examples:
1) Why is that important to you?
2) What did you do next?
3) Describe the sound it made
4) How are you connecting to the Internet?
Ask closed questions to clarify and confirm. 4 examples:
1) What iOS is it running?
2) When did you last restart?
3) Safari or Chrome?
4) So it’s never done that before, is that correct?
Before asking customer questions, ask for permission to quiz them. 3 examples:
1) Is it ok if I ask you a few questions so I can figure out what the issue is?
2) I’ll need more information so I’d like to ask some questions, is that ok?
3) Do you have time to answer a few clarifying questions?
What is the most frequently used Apple diagnostic?
AST 2 (Apple Service Toolkit)
What 3 apple resources should you go to for troubleshooting?
GSX VMI (Visual Mechanical Inspection) guide
GSX Product Quick Checks
Apple support Pages
8 steps to isolating device/not device issues:
1) Ask smart, probing questions.
2) Verify the issue by having the customer attempt to reproduce the issue.
3) Note if the issue is a result of customer behavior.
4) Is the customer trying to make the device perform an action it is not capable of?
5) Determine if the device works in one place but not in another.
6) Is the workspace too hot for the system to operate?
7) Does the customer experience issues receiving Wi-Fi signals or cellular signals?
8) Has the power gone out recently?
Examples of Gentle “you’re wrong” empathy and correction phrases:
1) I can see how you’d think that, in fact…
2) The way it works is…
3) As it turns out…
4) What really happens…
5) The reality is…
6) Let me show you another way to….
7) It seems that…
8) As it happens…
Resolution for Hardware issues
Hardware issues can be diagnosed with diagnostic software
and quick check information. Solutions may include part
Resolution for Software issues:
Software issues may involve system software, third party
apps or the OS/iOS. A resolution might include an update
or a reinstallation
Resolution for Educational/user issues:
Educational opportunities present themselves when
a customer is mistaken about a device’s function or
capability. You can demonstrate and explain how
the device is meant to function.
Resolution for Environment Issues:
Environmental issues are usually concerned
with where the device is being used. Solutions
may include reducing or increasing the
temperature, or moving away from a source
of signal interference (i.e. microwave)
List 4 Non-verbal communication that influence the customer’s perception of your competence.
1) The way you look,
2) your expression,
3) your energy and
4) your poses
2 positive and 2 negative examples body language
positive: smiling, a nod
negative: no eye contact, yawning
Check for understanding by reflecting the customer’s issue. Reflection phrases:
1) Let me see if I understand.
2) What I’m hearing is….
3) Let’s make sure I’ve got this right.
4) Did I get that right?
5) So you’re saying …
6) Sounds like …
Great customer service depends on: (this needs to memorized)
first-rate customer communication skills which begins the second the customer walks into your business or picks up the phone to call you. Your attitude, tone of voice, and body language, the questions you ask, the words you use and the way you present solutions should be impeccable.