Sutras T1-T2 Flashcards
Ojas: The Essence of Dhātus
Ojastu tejomaya dhātunāṃ śukrāntānāṃ para smṛtan,
Hridayasthamāpi vyāpi dehāsthitinibandhanam
Ojas is the lustrous essence o fall dhātus all the way to śukra. Lives in the heart, and spreads all over the body.
Etiology of Ojo Kśya
Ojaḥ kṣiyeta kopa kṣud dhyāna śoka śramādibhiḥ.
Ojas is depleted by anger, irritation, hunger, worry, grief, and exertion.
Symptomatology of Ojo Kśay
Bibheti durbalo’bhīkṣnaṃ dhyāyati vyathitendriyaḥ,
Duśchāyo durmanā rūkṣaḥ kṣāmaś caivaujasaḥ kṣaye
Diminished ojas gives person fear, weakness, worry, disorders of sense organs, loss of luster, rough guṇa, loss of mental ability, emaciated.
Functions of Tejas
Tejaso budddhir medha hāmkātaśca varṇaprabhā prakāśayati
Tejo dhātuḥ sarva dhātūnāṃ dhāranaṃ poṣanaṃ eva ca
Tejas maintains intellect, cellular intelligence, self-esteem, gives color to complexion, present in all dhātus.
Description of Prāṇa
Prāṇo bhagavān hi māteśvaraś ca kartā jivitaṃ sarva ceṣṭitānām,
Indriya śvāsa spandanānāṃ teṣāṃ vyāpārā eva prāṇenotpadyante
Prāṇa the lord, mother, God, rulers, creator of life and all activites. Function of senses, respiration, pulsation.
Functions of Prāṇa
Prāṇo’Tra mūrdhagḥ
Uraḥ kaṇtha caro buddhi hṛdayendriya citta Dhṛk
Ṣṭivana kṣavathūdgārā niśvasānna praveśa Kṛt
Prāṇa is present in the head and moves down to the throat and heart. Responsible for holding heart, mind and sensory functions together. Governs sneezing, spitting, burping, inhalation, swallowing.
Guidelines to Obtain Happiness
Āhārācāra ceṣṭāsu sukhārta pretya ceha ca
Paraṃ prayatnam ātiṣṭhed buddhimān hita sevane
The wise, who desire happiness here in this world and in the next world, should make the greatest efforts in practicing wholesomeness in diet, conduct, and action.
The Purpose of Long Life & Āyurveda
Āyuḥ kāmayamānena dharmārtha sukha sādhanam
Āyurvedopadeśeṣu vidheyaḥ paramādaraḥ
Long/healthy life is needed to achieve dharma, artha, sukha, pay attention to Āyurvedic teachings.
The Three Universal Guṇas
Sattvaṃ rajas tama iti guṇāḥ prakṛti saṃbhavāḥ
Nibadhnanti mahābāho dehe dehinam avyayam
The qualities are born of material nature: sattva, rajas, and tamas, bind Ātman in the body, O’Arjuna
Sattvo Guṇa
Tatra sattvaṃ nirmalatvāt prakāśakaṃ anāmayam
Sukha saṅgena badhnāti jñāna saṅgena cānagha
Of these, sattva being illuminating and free from impurity and disease, binds through attachment to virtue and knowledge, Arjuna
Rajo Guṇa
Rajo rāgātmakaṃ viddhi ṭṛṣṇā saṅga samudbhavam
Tan nibahnāti kaunteya karma saṅgena dehinam
know that rajas is characterized by passion, arising from desire and attachment. It binds the embodied one (Ātman) by attachment to action.
Tamo Guṇa
Tamas tvajñanajaṃ viddhi mohanaṃ sarvadehinām
Pramādālasya nidrābhis tanni badhnāti bhārata
Know, O’ Arjuna, that tamas is born if ignorance, confusing all embodied beings. Through distraction, sleep, and laziness, it binds.
The Seer Beyond Guṇa
Guṇānetān atīya trīn dehī deha samudbhavān
Janma mṛtyu jarā duḥkhair vimukto’ mṛtam aśnute
The embodied one (Ātman), transcending these three guṇas, which originate in the body, freed from birth, death, old age, and pain, attains immortality.
General Causes of Increased and Decreased in Doṣas, Tissues, and Wastes
Vṛddhiḥ samānaiḥ sarveṣāṃ vipari tair viparyayaḥ
Increased of all of them is caused by the use of similar substances and the opposite decreases them by the use of dissimilar substances.
Normal Functions of Malas
Avaṣṭaṃbhaḥ purīṣasya mūtrasya kledavāhanam
Svedasya kleda vidhṛitiḥ
To give strength to the body is the function of feces. Elimination of kleda (water) is of urine and retention of moisture in the function of sweat.
The Conditions of Dhātus, Agni, and Jāṭharāgni
Svasthāna sthasya kāyāgnair amśā dhatūṣu saṃśritāḥ
Teṣāṃ sādāti dīptibhyāṃ dhātu vṛddhi kṣayodbhavaḥ
Jātharāgni gives agni to all other dḥatus, the increase or decrease of agni gives rise to increase or decrease of the dhātus.
Doṣic Imbalances Create Cravings
Kurvaṃte hi rucchiṃ doṣaḥ viparīta samāmayoḥ
Vṛddhā kṣīṇāśca bhūthiśṭā lakṣayantyabudhātuna
Doṣas which have undergone increase or decrease generally produce desire for foods which are dissimilar and similar respectively; but the unintelligent person will not recognize them.
Definition Of Substance
Yatrāśritāḥ karma guṇaḥ kāraṇaṃ samvāyi yat
Tad dravaṃ samavāyī tu niśceṣṭaḥ kāraṇaṃ guṇaḥ
Substance has action (karma) and properties (guṇa) inherited, and guṇa is cause without action.
Classification of Guṇa and Karma
Sārthā gurvādayo buddhiḥ prayatnāntāḥ parādayah,
Guṇāḥ proktāḥ prayatnādi karma ceṣṭitam ucyate
The objects of the sense organs (Tanmatra), the 20 gunas, and their karmas.
Movement of Doṣa from Koṣta to Śakhā
Vyāyāmād uṣmaṇaś taikṣṇyā tahitācaraṇādapi
Koṣṭā chākhāsthi marmāṇi dru tatvān mārutasya ca
Exercise, hot-sharp gunas, unsuitable lifestyle, rapid movement of vāta doṣa, doṣa will move from its home via GI tract in to rasa and rakta dhātu (bhāya mārga), asthi and marmani via (madhyam mārga).
To Bring the Doṣas Back to Koṣṭa
Doṣa yānti tathā tebhyaḥ sroto mukha viśodhanāt
Vṛddhya’bhiṣyandanāt pākāt koṣṭaṃ vāyośca nigrahāṭ
Doṣa is brought back to koṣṭa by cleansing the opening of srotamsi, by increasing the doṣa in quantity and, by liquifying and burning āma, and also by mitigation of vāta doṣa.
Causes of Prāṇa Vaha Srota Duṣṭi
Kṣayāt saṃdhāraṇāt raukṣyāt vyāyāmāt kṣudhitasya ca,
prāṇavāhīni duṣyanti srotāṃsyanyaiś ca dāruṇaiḥ
The cahnnels of prāṇa get disturbed by emaciation, suppresing urges, dryness, rigidity, and exercising while hungry.
Causes of Anna Vaha Srota Duṣti
Atimātrasya cākāle cāhitasya ca bhojanāt,
Annavāhīni duṣyanti vaiguṇyāt pāvakasya ca.
The channels of food get vitiated by eating excessive amounts of food, eating at the wrong time, eating unwholesome foods, and impaired digestion.
Causes of Ambu Vaha Sroto Duṣti
Auṣṇyāt āmāt bhayāt pānāt atuśuṣkānna sevanāt,
Ambuvāhīni duṣyanti ṭṛṣṇāyāś cāti pīḍanāt.
The water channel gets vitiated by expusure to heat, āma, drinking alcohol, dry food, and suppressing thirst.
Causes of Rasa Vaha Sroto Duṣti
Guru śītam atisnigdham atimātraṃ samaśnatām,
Rasavāhīni duṣyanti cintyānāṃ cāti cintanāt.
The lymph/plasma channels get vititated by eating large amounts of heavy, cold, oily foods and too much worrying.
Causes of Rakta Vaha Srota Duṣti
Vidāhīnyanna pānāni snigdhoṣṇāni drāvani ca,
Raktavāhīni duṣyanti bhajatāṃ cātapānalau.
The Channels of the blood are disturbed by food and drinks athat are burning/irritating, oily, hot, and liquid and from expusure to heat-fire-sun.
Casuses of Māṃsa Vaha Sroto Duṣti
Abhiṣyandīni bhojyāni sthūlāni ca gurūṇi ca,
māṃsavāhīni duṣyanti bhuktvā ca svapatāṃ divā.
The muscles channels get disturbed by eating hydrophillic, gross, and heavy foods, and sleeping after eating, and day slepping.
Causes of Medo Vaho Sroto Duṣti
Avyāyāmāhivā svapnān dedyānāṃ cāti bhakṣāṇāt,
Medovāhīni duṣyanti vāruṇyaś cāti sevanāt.
The Fat channels get disturbed by inability to change and lack of exercise, sleeping in the day time, eating very fatty foods, and excess wine drinking.
Causes of Asthi Vaha Sroto Duṣti
Vyāyāmāt atisaṃkṣobhāt asthnām ativighaṭṭanāt,
Asthivāhīni duṣyanti vātalānāṃ ca sevanāt.
The Bone channels get disturbed by agitating exercise, friction of bones, and from constant use of vāta aggravating factors.
Causes of Majjā Vaha Sroto Duṣti
Utpeṣāt atyabhiṣyandāt abhigātāt prapīḍanāt,
majjavāhīni duṣyanti viruddhānāṃ ca sevanāt.
The bone marrow channel gets disturbed by crushing, excess liqufication, injury, comapression, and intake of incompatible foods.
Causes of Śukra Vaha Sroto Duṣti
Akāla yoni gamanāt nighrahāt atimaithunāt,
Śukravāhīni duṣyanti śastra kṣarāgnibhis tathā.
The male reproductive channels gets disturbed by sex at the wrong time, suppresion of sex energy, excessive sex, surgery, application of alkalies, or heat and cauterization.
Causes of Arthava Vaho Sroto Duṣti
Vyāyāmāt kṣayāc caiva maithunād atisaṃkṣobhāt,
Ārthavavāhīni duṣyanti bhayakrodhamano’bhighātaiḥ
The female reproductive channels get disturbed by too much excersice, decayin degenerative changes, excessive sexual intercourse, and upsetting situations, fear, anger, and psychological or physical trauma.
Causes of Sveda Vaha Sroto Duṣti
Vyāyāmāt atisantāpāt śitoṣnākrama sevanāt,
Svedavāhīni duṣyanti krodha śoka bhayais tathā.
The Sweat channels get disturbed by too much exercise, exposure to heat, indulgence in ho and cold things without following the prescribed order, by anger, grief, and fear.
Causes of Mūtra Vaha Sroto Duṣti
Mūtritodaka bhakṣya strī sevanān mūtra nigrahāt,
Mūtravahīni duṣyanti kṣīṇasyābhikṣa tasya ca.
The urine channels get disturbed by eating - drinking while having the urge to urinate, also sex while having the urge to urinate, and by genrerally suppressing the urge to urinate specially by those who are wasting.
Causes of Purīṣa Vaha Sroto Duṣti
Saṃdhāraṇāt atyaśanāt ajīrṇadhyaśanāt tathā,
Varcivāhīni duṣyanti durbalāgneḥ kṛśasya ca.
The feces channels get disturbed by suppresing the urge to defecate, eating while there’s still undugested food in the stomach, spacially by those with weak agniand are emaciated.
Characteristics of Apara Ojas I
Prathamaṃ jāyate hyojaḥ śarire’smiñ charīriṇam,
Sarpir varṇaṃ madhu rasaṃ lāja ganghi prajāyate.
The form in which ojas is first produced in the human body is the color of clarified butter, tastes like honey, and smells like roasted rice.
Characteristics of Apara Ojas II
Ojaḥ somātmakaṃ snigdhaṃ śuklaṃ śītaṃ sthiraṃ saram,
Viviktaṃ mṛdu mṛtsnaṃ ca prāṇāyatanaṃ uttamam.
Ojas is the pure essence of kapha. It’s olily, cold, stable, spreading, clear, soft, slimmy, and is the great promoter of prāṇa.
Ojas as the Link Between Body and Mind
Niṣpadyante yato bhāvā vividhā dehasaṃsrayāḥ,
Ojas teṣāṃ kāraṇaṃ sarvāḥ bhāvā ojo bhavāḥ.
Ojas is the origing from which all types of substances in the body and mind are created.
Description of Para Ojas
Hṛdi tiṣṭhati yac chunddhaṃ īṣat sa pītakam,
Ojaḥ śarīre saṅkhyātaṃ tannāśāt nṛe vinaśyati.
The pure slightly yellow, and red substance which resides in the heart is known as para ojas, if this ojas is destroyed the human will die.
Vāta Pacifying Herbs
Bhadradārū nataṃ kuṣtaṃ daśamūlaṃ balādvyayām
Vāyuṃ vīratarādi śca vidaryādiśca nāśayet
The herbs that pacify vāta doṣa are: Bhadradārū, kuṣta, daśamūla, balā, and vidāri.
Pitta Pacifying Herbs
Durvānantā nimba vāsātmaguptā gundrābhirū sītapāki priyaṅgu
Nyagrodhādiḥ padmakādiḥ sthīre dve padmaṃ vanyaṃ sārivādiśca pittam
Herbs that pacify pitta: Śatavari, guduci, nim, musta, manjistha, anatamula, sandalwood, vāsa, ātmaguptā, priyangu, āmalaki, kāmadudha, moti bhasma, and mahasudarśan.
Kapha Pacifying Help
ĀragvadhādirArkādir Muṣkakādyo’ sanādikaḥ
Surasādiḥ mustādir Vatsakādir Balāsajit
Herbs that pacify Kapha: Punarnava, citrak, kutki, pippali, ginger, black pepper, triphala guggulu, neem, shilajit, and bibhitaki
Excess of the Following Behaviors are Improper
Vyāyāma hāsya bhāṣyādhva grāmyadharma prajāgarān
Nocitānapi seveta buddhimānati mātrayā
Wise person shoulkd avoid the following acts; Excessive exercise, loud laughter, and loud talking, carrying heavy load on the head, and staying up late.
Definition Of Exercise
Śarīra ceṣṭā yā ceṣṭā sthairyārthā balavardhinī
Deha vyāyāma saṃkyātā mātrayā tāṃ samācaret
Phyiscal movement which unfolds tone, power, and coordination in the bodily muscles and give rise to strength, power and stability is known as physicap exercise
Proper Measure and Seasons of Exercise
Ardha śaktyā niṣevyastu balibhiḥ snigdhabhojibhiḥ
Śitakāle vasante ca mandameva tato’nyadā
Taṃ kṛtvā’ nusukha dehaṃ mardayecca samantataḥ
Strong individuals who eat fatty foods in the cold seasons should perform exercise, while others should exercise in moderation. After exercise the whole body should be well massaged.
Disorders Of Over-Exercise
Tṛṣṇā kṣaya pratamako raktapittaṃ śramaḥ klamaḥ
Ativyāyāmataḥ kāso jvaraḥchardiśca ca jāyate
Over-exercising can cause thirst, emaciation, asthma, bleeding disorders, fatigue, debility of the body, cough, fever, and vomiting
Benefits Of Oil Massage
Abhyangam ācaret nityaṃ sa jarā śrama vātahā
Dṛśṭi prasāda puṣṭī āyuḥ svapnasutvakta dārḍhya kṛt
Oil masage daily; Benficial to elderly people, to calm vāta doṣa. It will bestow the vision, unfold nourishnment, long life, pleasant sleep, and makes skin healthy and strong.
Benefits And Contraindications of Oleation
Śiraḥ śravaṇa pādeṣū tam viśeṣena śilayet
Varjayo’bhyangaḥ kapha grasta kṛta samśuddhya jīrṇibhi
Abhyanga should be done daily mainly on the head, ears, and feet. It should be strictly avoided in individuals suffering from kapha provocation and who have undergone purification like vamana, virechana, and those with indigestion.
Benefits Of Ghee, Ghṛtam
Śastaṃ dhī smṛti medhāgni balāyū śukra cakṣuṣām
Bāla vṛddha prajā kānti saukamārya svarārthanām
Ghee is excellent for improving intelligence, memory, wisdom, digestive fire, and energy.
Long life, semen, and eyesight. Good for children, aging, procreation, luster, delicacy of the body, with sweet and melodious voice
Healing Properties Of Castor Oil
Satiktoṣanaṃa iraṇdaṃ tailaṃ svādu saraṃ gurū
Vardhma gulmānila kaphān udaram viṣama jvaram
Rūkaśophau ca kaṭī guhya koṣṭa pṛṣṭhāśrayau jayet
Tikṣṇoṣṇaṃ picchilaṃ visraṃ raktairaṇḍod bhava tvati
Castor oil is bitter, pungent, and vipāka is sweet, has a laxative effect, strong odor, produces nausea and is difficult to digest.
HOT, SHARP, and STICKY penetrate the the vascular system, relieving hematomas and hemorroids because of the sharp guna.
BITTER AND PUNGENT; Help in reducing abdominal kapha type swelling like; GI Tract Tumors.
HOT, pacifies vāta doṣa, abdominal distention due to gas. Used in various pelvoc disorders such as; scrotal, uteral, rectal swelling, and hernia
Therapeutic Value Of Mustard Oil
Katūṣṇaṃ sārśapaṃ tīkṣṇaṃ kapha śukra anilāpaham
Laghu pittāsrakṛṭ koṭha kuṣṭhārśo vraṇa jantujit
Mustrad oil is pungent, and hot in potency. It is sharp and penetrating; reduces kapha, semen, and vāta doṣa. Mustard oil can kill germs, and parasites.
Light and easy to digest and can cause bleeding disorders, skin rash, eczema, hemorrhages, and ulcers.
Benefits Of a Bath
Dīpanaṃ vṛṣyaṃ āyuṣyaṃ jñana urjā bala pradam
Kanḍū mala śrama sveda tandrā tṛt dāha papmajita
Bathing kindles agni, gives vigor, enhances lifespan, knowledge, energy, and strength. Relieves itching, removes impurities, fatigue, sweat, stupor, thirst, and burning sensations, and conquers sin
Dos and Don’ts of a Hot Shower
Uṣnāṃ aṃbunām adhaḥ kāmsya parīṣeko balāvaḥ
Tenaiva tat uttamaṃgasya bala hrt keśa cakṣuṣām
Hot shower below the head, lower part of the body bestows energy. The same over the head depletes energy of heart, hair, and eyes.
Gokśira-The Glory of Cow’s Milk
Atraṃ gavyam tu jīvanīyaṃ rasāyanam
kṣata kṣīṇa hita medyaṃ balyū stanyakaraṃ saraṃ
Śrama Bhrama mada alakṣimī svasā kāsāti tṛt kṣudhaḥ
Jīrṇa jvaraṃ mūtrakṛcchraṃ ca nāśayet
Cow’s milk promotes long life, its a rejuvenator, heals cavities, emaciation, good for intelligence, produces lactation, breast milk, is a laxative, cures fatigue, dizzines, laziness, lusterlessness, breathlessness, cough, thirst, and hunger. Heals chronic fever, dysuria (Painful urination ), and bleeding disorders
Avoidance Of Drinking Water
Nāmbu peyām aśaktyā vā swalpaṃ alpa agni gulmibhiḥ
Pāṇḍu udara atisāra arśo grahaṇī śoṣā śothidhiḥ
Ṛte śarada nidāghābhyāṃ pibet swasthopi cālpaśaḥ
Water intake should be reduces during general conditions like; fatigue, and low agni along with medical conditions such as abdominal tumors. Blood borne disorders such as hemmorrhagic conditions, hemorrhoids and anemia. Digestive disorders like tropical sprue syndrome and chronic diarrhea
Importance Of Sleep
Nidrāyattaṃ sukha duḥkhaṃ puṣṭhiḥ kārśyaṃ balābalam
Vṛṣatā klībatā jñāna ajñānaṃ jīvita na ca
Happiness and unhappiness, nourishment and emaciation, energy and fatigue. Sexual rigor and impotence, knowledge and ignorane, even life span and death entirely depends upon sleep
Qualities Of Sleep At Different Times
Rātrau jāgaraṇaṃ rūkṣaṃ snigdhaṃ prasvapanaṃ divā
Arūkṣamanabhi ṣyandi tvāsina pracalāyitam
Keepinf awake at night is drying to the whole body. On the other hand, slepping duirng the day time is oily/moisting internally. Taking a nap in a seated comfortable postition is neither drying or oily
Qualities of The Physician
Śrute paryavadātatvaṃ bakhśo ḍṛśṭa karmatā
Dākṣyaṃ śaucamitī jñyeyaṃ vaiddhye guṇa catuṣṭayaṃ
The 4 guṇas of an ideal Vidya:
- Studied-Knowledgeable physician
- Good Listener
- Clear understanding
- Practical skills and cleanliness
Wise People Do Not Suppress Natural Urges
Na vegān dhārayed dhimāñ jātān mūtra purīṣayoḥ
Na retaso na vātasya na chardyāḥ kṣavathor na ca
Nodgārasya na jṛmbhāyā na vegān kṣut pipāsayoḥ
Na bāṣpasya na nidrāyā niḥśvāsasya śrameṇa ca
The wise should not suppress the natural urges of unrination, defacation, ejaculation, passing gas, vomiting, sneezing, eructation, yawning, hunger, thirst, crying, sleep, breathing caused by exertion.
The Rules Of Rigth Conduct 1
Avṛttir vyādhiḥ śokārttān anuvarteta śaktitaḥ
Ātmavat satataṃ paśyed api kīta pipilikam
To the best of one’s capacity, one shouls always help those who are poor, diseased, afflicted with grief, or helpless. Evan insects and ants should be treated/viewed as one’s own self.