Sutras T1-T2 Flashcards
Ojas: The Essence of Dhātus
Ojastu tejomaya dhātunāṃ śukrāntānāṃ para smṛtan,
Hridayasthamāpi vyāpi dehāsthitinibandhanam
Ojas is the lustrous essence o fall dhātus all the way to śukra. Lives in the heart, and spreads all over the body.
Etiology of Ojo Kśya
Ojaḥ kṣiyeta kopa kṣud dhyāna śoka śramādibhiḥ.
Ojas is depleted by anger, irritation, hunger, worry, grief, and exertion.
Symptomatology of Ojo Kśay
Bibheti durbalo’bhīkṣnaṃ dhyāyati vyathitendriyaḥ,
Duśchāyo durmanā rūkṣaḥ kṣāmaś caivaujasaḥ kṣaye
Diminished ojas gives person fear, weakness, worry, disorders of sense organs, loss of luster, rough guṇa, loss of mental ability, emaciated.
Functions of Tejas
Tejaso budddhir medha hāmkātaśca varṇaprabhā prakāśayati
Tejo dhātuḥ sarva dhātūnāṃ dhāranaṃ poṣanaṃ eva ca
Tejas maintains intellect, cellular intelligence, self-esteem, gives color to complexion, present in all dhātus.
Description of Prāṇa
Prāṇo bhagavān hi māteśvaraś ca kartā jivitaṃ sarva ceṣṭitānām,
Indriya śvāsa spandanānāṃ teṣāṃ vyāpārā eva prāṇenotpadyante
Prāṇa the lord, mother, God, rulers, creator of life and all activites. Function of senses, respiration, pulsation.
Functions of Prāṇa
Prāṇo’Tra mūrdhagḥ
Uraḥ kaṇtha caro buddhi hṛdayendriya citta Dhṛk
Ṣṭivana kṣavathūdgārā niśvasānna praveśa Kṛt
Prāṇa is present in the head and moves down to the throat and heart. Responsible for holding heart, mind and sensory functions together. Governs sneezing, spitting, burping, inhalation, swallowing.
Guidelines to Obtain Happiness
Āhārācāra ceṣṭāsu sukhārta pretya ceha ca
Paraṃ prayatnam ātiṣṭhed buddhimān hita sevane
The wise, who desire happiness here in this world and in the next world, should make the greatest efforts in practicing wholesomeness in diet, conduct, and action.
The Purpose of Long Life & Āyurveda
Āyuḥ kāmayamānena dharmārtha sukha sādhanam
Āyurvedopadeśeṣu vidheyaḥ paramādaraḥ
Long/healthy life is needed to achieve dharma, artha, sukha, pay attention to Āyurvedic teachings.
The Three Universal Guṇas
Sattvaṃ rajas tama iti guṇāḥ prakṛti saṃbhavāḥ
Nibadhnanti mahābāho dehe dehinam avyayam
The qualities are born of material nature: sattva, rajas, and tamas, bind Ātman in the body, O’Arjuna
Sattvo Guṇa
Tatra sattvaṃ nirmalatvāt prakāśakaṃ anāmayam
Sukha saṅgena badhnāti jñāna saṅgena cānagha
Of these, sattva being illuminating and free from impurity and disease, binds through attachment to virtue and knowledge, Arjuna
Rajo Guṇa
Rajo rāgātmakaṃ viddhi ṭṛṣṇā saṅga samudbhavam
Tan nibahnāti kaunteya karma saṅgena dehinam
know that rajas is characterized by passion, arising from desire and attachment. It binds the embodied one (Ātman) by attachment to action.
Tamo Guṇa
Tamas tvajñanajaṃ viddhi mohanaṃ sarvadehinām
Pramādālasya nidrābhis tanni badhnāti bhārata
Know, O’ Arjuna, that tamas is born if ignorance, confusing all embodied beings. Through distraction, sleep, and laziness, it binds.
The Seer Beyond Guṇa
Guṇānetān atīya trīn dehī deha samudbhavān
Janma mṛtyu jarā duḥkhair vimukto’ mṛtam aśnute
The embodied one (Ātman), transcending these three guṇas, which originate in the body, freed from birth, death, old age, and pain, attains immortality.
General Causes of Increased and Decreased in Doṣas, Tissues, and Wastes
Vṛddhiḥ samānaiḥ sarveṣāṃ vipari tair viparyayaḥ
Increased of all of them is caused by the use of similar substances and the opposite decreases them by the use of dissimilar substances.
Normal Functions of Malas
Avaṣṭaṃbhaḥ purīṣasya mūtrasya kledavāhanam
Svedasya kleda vidhṛitiḥ
To give strength to the body is the function of feces. Elimination of kleda (water) is of urine and retention of moisture in the function of sweat.
The Conditions of Dhātus, Agni, and Jāṭharāgni
Svasthāna sthasya kāyāgnair amśā dhatūṣu saṃśritāḥ
Teṣāṃ sādāti dīptibhyāṃ dhātu vṛddhi kṣayodbhavaḥ
Jātharāgni gives agni to all other dḥatus, the increase or decrease of agni gives rise to increase or decrease of the dhātus.
Doṣic Imbalances Create Cravings
Kurvaṃte hi rucchiṃ doṣaḥ viparīta samāmayoḥ
Vṛddhā kṣīṇāśca bhūthiśṭā lakṣayantyabudhātuna
Doṣas which have undergone increase or decrease generally produce desire for foods which are dissimilar and similar respectively; but the unintelligent person will not recognize them.
Definition Of Substance
Yatrāśritāḥ karma guṇaḥ kāraṇaṃ samvāyi yat
Tad dravaṃ samavāyī tu niśceṣṭaḥ kāraṇaṃ guṇaḥ
Substance has action (karma) and properties (guṇa) inherited, and guṇa is cause without action.
Classification of Guṇa and Karma
Sārthā gurvādayo buddhiḥ prayatnāntāḥ parādayah,
Guṇāḥ proktāḥ prayatnādi karma ceṣṭitam ucyate
The objects of the sense organs (Tanmatra), the 20 gunas, and their karmas.
Movement of Doṣa from Koṣta to Śakhā
Vyāyāmād uṣmaṇaś taikṣṇyā tahitācaraṇādapi
Koṣṭā chākhāsthi marmāṇi dru tatvān mārutasya ca
Exercise, hot-sharp gunas, unsuitable lifestyle, rapid movement of vāta doṣa, doṣa will move from its home via GI tract in to rasa and rakta dhātu (bhāya mārga), asthi and marmani via (madhyam mārga).
To Bring the Doṣas Back to Koṣṭa
Doṣa yānti tathā tebhyaḥ sroto mukha viśodhanāt
Vṛddhya’bhiṣyandanāt pākāt koṣṭaṃ vāyośca nigrahāṭ
Doṣa is brought back to koṣṭa by cleansing the opening of srotamsi, by increasing the doṣa in quantity and, by liquifying and burning āma, and also by mitigation of vāta doṣa.
Causes of Prāṇa Vaha Srota Duṣṭi
Kṣayāt saṃdhāraṇāt raukṣyāt vyāyāmāt kṣudhitasya ca,
prāṇavāhīni duṣyanti srotāṃsyanyaiś ca dāruṇaiḥ
The cahnnels of prāṇa get disturbed by emaciation, suppresing urges, dryness, rigidity, and exercising while hungry.
Causes of Anna Vaha Srota Duṣti
Atimātrasya cākāle cāhitasya ca bhojanāt,
Annavāhīni duṣyanti vaiguṇyāt pāvakasya ca.
The channels of food get vitiated by eating excessive amounts of food, eating at the wrong time, eating unwholesome foods, and impaired digestion.
Causes of Ambu Vaha Sroto Duṣti
Auṣṇyāt āmāt bhayāt pānāt atuśuṣkānna sevanāt,
Ambuvāhīni duṣyanti ṭṛṣṇāyāś cāti pīḍanāt.
The water channel gets vitiated by expusure to heat, āma, drinking alcohol, dry food, and suppressing thirst.
Causes of Rasa Vaha Sroto Duṣti
Guru śītam atisnigdham atimātraṃ samaśnatām,
Rasavāhīni duṣyanti cintyānāṃ cāti cintanāt.
The lymph/plasma channels get vititated by eating large amounts of heavy, cold, oily foods and too much worrying.