Sustainable Sites Flashcards
How many prerequisites, credits and NC points are there in Sustainable Sites?
1 Prerequisite, 8 Credits, 26 NC points
What is the name of the prerequisite credit for Sustainable Sites?
Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
What is the intent of the Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Credit?
Reduce pollution, soil erosion, waterway sedimentation, and dust during construction
What is the credit called and what are the requirements to receive the Prerequisite Credit for Sustainable Sites?
Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
- Prevent soil loss from stormwater runoff and wind.
- Prevent sedimentation of storm sewers and streams.
- Prevent polluting air with dust.
- Use Erosion & Sedimentation Control (ESC) Plan
What credit number does SS-P1 represent?
Sustainable Sites Prerequisite 1 - Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
What credit number does SS-C1 represent?
Sustainable Sites Credit 1 - Site Selection
What is the intent of (SS-C1) Site Selection?
To not develop on inappropriate sites, and reduce the environmental impact the building on the site.
What are the requirements for SS-C1?
You can not develop on the following;
- Prime farmland
- undeveloped greenfield less than 5’ above flood plain
- Land occupied by Threatened or Endangered Species
- 100’ of wetland
- Within 50’ of undeveloped waterfront
- Public Parkland
What are the requirements for SS-C2?
- Development Density- Density Radius - center of site - based on site size
a. Previously developed site, project to be at least 60,000 ft/acre & average density 60,000 ft/acre within density radius - Community Connectivity- l/2 mile from door (multiple doors)
a. Previously developed site - l/2 mile radius, at least one res zone 10 units/acre and 10 services and pedestrian access
b. Must have pedestrian access - no walls, freeway, barrier, etc
What is the intent of (SS-C2) Development Density and Community Connectivity?
Develop urban areas that already have infrastructure, and protect greenfields, preserve habitat / resources
How many points is credit SS-C1 worth?
How many points is the credit for “Development Density and Community Connectivity” worth?
What is the credit and how many points is it worth for SS-C3?
Brownfield Redevelopment = 1 point
What is the credit and how many points is it worth for SS-C4.1?
Alternative Transportation - Public Transportation Access = 6 points
What is the credit and how many points is it worth for SS-C4.2?
Alternative Transportation - Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms = 1 point
What is the credit and how many points is it worth for SS-C4.3?
Alternative Transportation - low emitting and fuel efficient vehicles = 3 points
What is the credit and how many points is it worth for SS-C4.4?
Alternative Transportation - Parking Capacity = 2 points
What is the credit and how many points is it worth for SS-C5.1?
Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat = 1 point
What is the credit and how many points is it worth for SS-C5.2?
Site Development - Maximize Open Space = 1 point
What is the credit and how many points is it worth for SS-C6.1?
Stormwater Design - Quality Control = 1 point
What is the credit and how many points is it worth for SS-C6.2?
Stormwater Design - Quality Control =1 point
What is the credit and how many points is it worth for SS-C7.1?
Heat Island Effect - Nonroof = 1 point
What is the credit and how many points is it worth for SS-C7.2?
Heat Island Effect - Roof = 1 point
What is the credit and how many points is it worth for SS-C8?
Light pollution reduction = 1 point
What is the intent of (SS-C3) Brownfield Redevelopment?
Rehabilitate damaged sites
What is the intent of (SS-C4) Alternative Transportation?
Reduce Pollution caused by transportation and reduce the amount of land developed for auto use.
What is the intent of (SS-C5.1) Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat?
Conserve existing nature and restore damaged areas
What is the intent of (SS-C5.2) Site Development - Maximize open space?
To provide a high ratio of open space to development footprint.
What is the intent of (SS-C6.1) Stormwater Design - Quality Control?
Limit the disruption of natural hydrology by reducing the following;
- Impervious Cover
- Increase Infiltration
- Storm water run off
What is the intent of (SS-C6.2) Stormwater Design - Quality Control?
Reduce water pollution by the following;
- Increase infiltration
- eliminate contaminants and pollutants
What is the intent of (SS-C8) light pollution Reduction?
Minimize light trespass, minimize night sky glow, and minimize the development’s impact on nocturnal environments
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C3) Brownfield Redevelopment?
- Document contaminated - ASTM Phase II or local voluntary clean up program
OR - Defined as brownfield by local, state, or federal agency.
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.1) Alternative Transportation - public transportation access?
- 1/2 mile existing planned/funded commuter rail, light rail, subway
OR - 1/4 mile one stop for at least two bus lines (line “DOES NOT = stop)
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.2) Alternative Transportation - Bicycle storage and changing rooms
- Commercial Racks, 200 yds, 5% Peak users & 1/2% showers FTE
OR - Residential 15% covered storage for occupants
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.3) Alternative Transportation - low emitting and fuel efficient vehicles?
1. Give LEFE vehicle & parking 3% FTE OR 2. 5% total parking pref to LEFE OR 3. 3% Alternative Refuel Stations total parking
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.4) Alternative Transportation - parking capacity?
- Non-Res: Parkings zoning and preferred carpool for 5% of spots
OR - Non-Res: If parking spots :5 5% of FTE, then preferred carpool for 5% spots
OR - Res: Parking :5 zoning and provide infrastructure to support carpooling
OR - ALL: Provide no new parking
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.1) Alternative Transportation - public transportation access?
- 1/2 mile existing planned/funded commuter rail, light rail, subway
OR - 1/4 mile one stop for at least two bus lines (line “DOES NOT = stop)
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.2) Alternative Transportation - Bicycle storage and changing rooms
- Commercial Racks, 200 yds, 5% Peak users & 1/2% showers FTE
OR - Residential 15% covered storage for occupants
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.3) Alternative Transportation - low emitting and fuel efficient vehicles?
1. Give LEFE vehicle & parking 3% FTE OR 2. 5% total parking pref to LEFE OR 3. 3% Alternative Refuel Stations total parking
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.4) Alternative Transportation - parking capacity?
- Non-Res: Parking zoning and preferred carpool for 5% of spots
OR - Non-Res: If parking spots :5 5% of FTE, then preferred carpool for 5% spots
OR - Res: Parking :5 zoning and provide infrastructure to support carpooling
OR - ALL: Provide no new parking
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.1) Alternative Transportation - public transportation access?
- 1/2 mile existing planned/funded commuter rail, light rail, subway
OR - 1/4 mile one stop for at least two bus lines (line “DOES NOT = stop)
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.2) Alternative Transportation - Bicycle storage and changing rooms
- Commercial Racks, 200 yds, 5% Peak users & 1/2% showers FTE
OR - Residential 15% covered storage for occupants
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.3) Alternative Transportation - low emitting and fuel efficient vehicles?
1. Give LEFE vehicle & parking 3% FTE OR 2. 5% total parking pref to LEFE OR 3. 3% Alternative Refuel Stations total parking
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.4) Alternative Transportation - parking capacity?
- Non-Res: Parking zoning and preferred carpool for 5% of spots
OR - Non-Res: If parking spots :5 5% of FTE, then preferred carpool for 5% spots
OR - Res: Parking :5 zoning and provide infrastructure to support carpooling
OR - ALL: Provide no new parking
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.1) Alternative Transportation - public transportation access?
- 1/2 mile existing planned/funded commuter rail, light rail, subway
OR - 1/4 mile one stop for at least two bus lines (line “DOES NOT = stop)
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.2) Alternative Transportation - Bicycle storage and changing rooms
- Commercial Racks, 200 yds, 5% Peak users & 1/2% showers FTE
OR - Residential 15% covered storage for occupants
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.3) Alternative Transportation - low emitting and fuel efficient vehicles?
1. Give LEFE vehicle & parking 3% FTE OR 2. 5% total parking pref to LEFE OR 3. 3% Alternative Refuel Stations total parking
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.4) Alternative Transportation - parking capacity?
- Non-Res: Parking zoning and preferred carpool for 5% of spots
OR - Non-Res: If parking spots :5 5% of FTE, then preferred carpool for 5% spots
OR - Res: Parking :5 zoning and provide infrastructure to support carpooling
OR - ALL: Provide no new parking
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.1) Alternative Transportation - public transportation access?
- 1/2 mile existing planned/funded commuter rail, light rail, subway
OR - 1/4 mile one stop for at least two bus lines (line “DOES NOT = stop)
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.2) Alternative Transportation - Bicycle storage and changing rooms
- Commercial Racks, 200 yds, 5% Peak users & 1/2% showers FTE
OR - Residential 15% covered storage for occupants
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.3) Alternative Transportation - low emitting and fuel efficient vehicles?
1. Give LEFE vehicle & parking 3% FTE OR 2. 5% total parking pref to LEFE OR 3. 3% Alternative Refuel Stations total parking
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C4.4) Alternative Transportation - parking capacity?
- Non-Res: Parking zoning and preferred carpool for 5% of spots
OR - Non-Res: If parking spots :5 5% of FTE, then preferred carpool for 5% spots
OR - Res: Parking :5 zoning and provide infrastructure to support carpooling
OR - ALL: Provide no new parking
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C5.1) Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat?
- Greenfield - goal is to limit disturbance: 40’ building to mark disturbance boundaries 10’ from walk, patio, parking, 12” utility, 15’ primary road, main utility, 25’ constructed permeable (sport field)
- Previously Developed - goal is to improve: Restore 50% of site excluding building or
20% including building w/ native vegetation (whichever is greater)
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C5.2) Site Development - Maximize open space?
- 25% more open space than zoning
OR - If no zoning at all (Campus/Military}. Same as building size
OR - If zoning exists but there’s no minimum, 20% of project site area,
-If SS-c2 count veg roof & ped hardscape (> 25% of must be vegetated)
-Wetland/ponds- count ifs 1/4 slope and vegetated
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C6.1) Stormwater Design Quality Control?
- Existing impervious s 50% ( =undeveloped)
- SWMP so post-develop peak not more than pre-develop peak OR
- Plan to protect receiving from erosion (rate and quantity) OR - lmperv > 50% (=developed)
- SWMP to decrease rate and quantity by 25%
- Plan for 1 and 2-year, 24-hour design storm
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C6.2) Stormwater Design Quality Control?
Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP):
- Reduce impervious infiltrate, capture, & treat 90% of avg rainfall AND
- BMP remove 80% TSS- ensure higher of Local std or TARP
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C7.1) Heat Island Effect - Non roof
1.50% Site hardscape (road, side walk, crt yard, parking) Combine Shade within Syrs, Paving SRI > 29, Open Grid Paving, Solar panels’ shade
50% parking spaces under cover/deck/building roof SRI 29
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C7.2) Heat Island Effect - Roof
- 75% Roof SRI 78 - Slope(flat) < 2/12, other SRI 29
OR - 50% Vegetated roof
OR - Combo of Opts 1 & 2: (SRI sqft/0.75) +(Veg sqft/0.5) C!: Total Roof Area
What are the requirements to receive credit for (SS-C8) Light Pollution Reduction
1a. Interior: Lights shine on walls not out window
2b. Interior: Non-Emergency lights auto off during non-business hours AND
2. Exterior: Only for safety/comfort. Not more than 80% for exterior SU% facades/landscape
per ASH RAE 90.1-2007