Sustainable Sites Flashcards
Heat island effect
Increased temperature from impervious surface, reduced airflow, vehicle exhaust, AC
Integrated pest management IPM
Native landscaping helps
Green roof
Lower HVAC cooling costs, rainwater management
From run off, pollutants and particulates in water
Solar reflectance index Sri (for roofs)
High is reflective, low is bad, range 0-100, need reflectance - white roof is 100
Too much nutrients
Sustainable sites
Restoration, bio diversity, ecosystem integration
60% of eco system services
Are degraded or used unsustainably
Ratio of energy radiated to energy from black body same temp
Erosion and sedimentation control plan ESC
Construction pollution prevention made by civil engineers, follow EPA construction General permit guide
Site assessment
Hydrology and geology included, also topography, climate, vegetation, soils, human use and human health, synergies with other credits
3 year aged sr value
How much it reflects after 3 years
Low impact development
Water runoff management technique emphasizes on site natural features
project boundary
boundary submitted for LEED certification
open space
vegetated and pervious - property area minus the building footprint, defer to local zoning
rainwater management concerns
volume and pollutants
LEED impervious surface
having porosity of 50% or less
dry ponds
detention ponds that store excess rainwater - not usually wet except when in use (24 hour drainage)
best management practices
ESC Plan
erosion and sedimentation control plan during construction
Synergies with other credits
access to quality transit, land protection, open space, rainwater, heat island, energy, daylight, renewable energy…
open space requirements
30% open space, and 25% vegetated
3 year aged
material age performance, this is key to use to reduce heat island
covered parking
75% required to be covered by building or roof
backlight uplighting glare
solar reflectance
0 to 1 - 1 being white object
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
light trespass
when light passes past the project border - reduced by shielded fixtures