Sustainable development Goals Flashcards
MDG meaning
Millennium Development Goals
SDG meaning
Sustainable Development Goals
First 5 of 17 in the World’s To Do list
- No poverty
- No hunger
- Good health
- Quality Education
- Gender equality
Second 5 of 17 in the World’s to do list
- Clean water and sanitation
- Affordable and clean energy
- Decent work and economic growth
- Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
- Reduced inequalities
Third and last 7 in the world’s to do list
- Sustainable cities
- Responsible consumption and production
- Climate action
- Life below water
- Life on land
- Peace, justice, and strong institutions
- Global partnerships
The original world to do list by the MDGs
- Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- Achieve universal primary education
- Promote gender equality and empower women
- Reduce child mortality
- Improve maternal health
- Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
- Ensure environmental sustainability
- Global partnership for development
SDGs role
To understand how people’s lives are changing, better information was needed on progress towards the goals and targets.
Continent that constantly lag behind SDGs goals
Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia
Who experiences the least progress in development socioeconomically?
The poorest and most marginalized people
Mistakes of MDGs
Focused on national averages, obscuring
what happens with different groups within a country
How was SDG created?
Created with input from stakeholders, but the final decisions were taken by governments at the UN.
Aim of the SDG
Create universal goals, addressing the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development together.
What organization was established in 2013 that will review global implementation
High-Level Political Forum (HLPF)
When were the SDGs agreed at the UN General Assembly
September 2015
How many goals and Targets does SDGs have?
17 goals and 169 targets
How many members of the UN accepted the SDGs
Goals of the SDGs is to be achieved by…… (Year?)
The MANTRA of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to
‘leave no one behind’ and ‘to reach those furthest
behind first’.
5P and 1D of SDGs
- Planet
- People
- Prosperity
- Peace
- Partnership
- Dignity
What MDG numbers and role were only stationed in rich countries
MDGs 7 (Environmental sustainability)
MDGs 8 (Global partnership)
Difference between MDGs and SDGs
The MDGs focused heavily on important social development issues.
The SDGs attempt to balance the three dimensions.
Government involvement during MDGs time
very little input
What comprises most of SDG2 targets
End hunger and malnutrition and increase food production and seeds
- Increase investment in rural infrastructure, agricultural research and extension services
- Correct and prevent trade restrictions
- Adopt measures to ensure the proper functioning of food commodity markets
The 6 Zero hunger project goals
- Put the furthest behind first
- Pave the road from farm to market
- Reduce food waste
- Encourage a sustainable variety of crops
- Make nutrition a priority, starting with a child’s first 1000 days
- With a tap on your smartphone you can share your meal with a child in need.
Group where its mission of alleviating world hunger by supporting food banks and food bank networks that provide food that is good in terms of safety, taste and nutritional value.
The International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation
Role of Food banks
acquire donated food and grocery products, much of which would otherwise be wasted and make it available to those in need
Philippines’ first food bank name and location
Good Food Grocer in Taguig
What initiative started the Good Food Grocer in Taguig
Rise Against Hunger- Philippines (RAH-PH)
Focuses on solving Maternity issues and powerful diseases like Aids, TB, Malaria and NTDs
Focus on alleviating problems on mental health, drug abuse, traffic related deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals
Focus on tobacco control, access to medicines, health financing and risk reduction.
Who authored the the Encyclical “Laudato Si”,
Pope Francis
what does the Encyclical “Laudato Si”preach?
“Reminds us that the earth, our common home, “is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us”
What does the Encyclical “Laudato Si” mean
takes its name from the invocation of Saint Francis of Assisi, “Praise be to you, my Lord”,
What does the Laudato Si call on us to do
“to understand “the mysterious network of relations between things”
How is the SDG a useful tool?
The SDGs are a useful tool for engaging with governments when used with a clear vision for a better world and as part of a wider strategy for transformational change
What does Laudato Si criticize?
criticizes the concept of “infinite or unlimited growth
Issues of the SDGs
Fail to realize the current global economic model is incapable of addressing our shared challenges.
How to get involve with the SDGs?
The SDGs are a voluntary framework
Principles of engaging
- Make connections.
- Build the power of people
- Strengthen participation
Responsibilities of the national government
- Develop a national sustainable development strategy
- Commit to implementation of all the global goals
- Set up cross-departmental committees
- Build on the experience of MDG Parliamentary
Committees. - Call upon decentralized administrations and local
governments - Ensure that national and local resources are allocated to the implementation of the SDG
- Establish public, participatory and inclusive monitoring
and reporting mechanisms - Participate fully and actively in agreed international
follow-up and review processes
What is Universal Health Care (UHC)?
All individuals and communities receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship
Aims of UHC
Provide every Filipino access to the best possible quality of health care.
The Aquino Health Agenda
Puts UHC as the availability and accessibility of health services and necessities for all Filipinos.
UHCs 3 thrust
- Financial risk protection
- Improved access to quality hospitals and health care
- Attainment of health related SDGs
Goals of the Financial Risk Protection
protection from financially draining health services towards middle to low income Filipinos
How to push forward the UHCs Improved access to quality hospitals and health care
Quality of government owned hospitals are to be upgraded to accommodate more services and aid
How UHC push forwards the Attainment of Health-related MDGs/SDG?
Resources to be applied to those suffering from major illnesses like AIDs, TB and Malaria along with maternity and reproductive care
What orgs should have good coordination with each other to achieve these SDGs
DOH, DepEd, DSWD, and DILG
What is the key to health equity
Strong Primary Care
Is a difference that affects a person’s ability to achieve their best health
Health disparity
Health disparities create
Health inequities
Two concepts refer to how to correct these health disparities
health equality and health equity
Means everyone has the same opportunities to health care
Health equality
Means that people have opportunities based on their needs
Health equity
What is primary health care?
Aims to ensure the best quality of health care that is equitable and easily accessed
PHC entails three inter-related and synergistic components:
- comprehensive integrated health services
- multi-sectoral policies and actions
- Individual empowerment through participation
WHO response to UHC
Health systems should be fit for people, fit for context and fit for purpose
Three strategic areas of work to strengthen PHC worldwide
- Providing a ‘one-stop’ mechanism for PHC implementation support to Member States
- Producing PHC-oriented evidence and innovation
- Promote PHC renewal through leadership, advocacy and involvement with national and local governments and non profit orgs.
How can countries make progress towards UHC despite COVID-19?
All countries can take actions to move more rapidly towards UHC
How to strengthen health systems in all countries.
Robust financing structures
Is the term used to describe the role of primary care physicians or general practitioners (GPs) in authorising access to specialty care, hospital care, and diagnostic tests.
Can UHC be measured?
Monitoring progress towards UHC should focus on 2 things
- Access to essential quality health services
2. The population that spends a large amount of household income on health
SDG subsection that emphasize on the proportion of a population that can access essential quality health services
SDG 3.8.1
SDG subsection that emphasize on the proportion of the population that spends a large amount of household income on health
SDG 3.8.2
Under WHOs coverage on Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health:
- family planning
- antenatal and delivery care
- full child immunization
- health-seeking behavior for pneumonia
Under WHOs coverage on infectious disease
- tuberculosis treatment
- HIV antiretroviral treatment
- use of insecticide-treated bed nets for malaria prevention
- adequate sanitation.
Under WHOs coverage on Non-communicable disease
- prevention and treatment of raised blood pressure
- prevention and treatment of raised blood glucose
- cervical cancer screening
- tobacco (non-)smoking.
Under WHOs coverage on Service capacity and access
- basic hospital access
- health worker density
- access to essential medicines
- health security
Under what WHO constitution is UHC firmly based
1948 WHO Constitution
What has to be done to increase the use of less costly primary care vs specialty care.
Measures in health care
Ways to increase the supply of primary care physicians:
- increase reimbursement for primary care
- shift govt funding of residency programs to primary care training
- making primary care more attractive to medical students
Filipino alternative name for UHC
Kalusugan Pangkahalatan