Suspect enquiries in respect of fires not involving explosives Flashcards


Suspect procedures


Step 1
You may identify suspects by means of:
- the circumstances of the fire
- fingerprints
- information from informants and witnesses
- media response
- Police resources such as Intelligence and Youth Services sections or the Fire Investigation Liaison Officer
- enquiries at prisons, phychiactric hospitals, rehabilitation centres and schools
- information from fire crews on people who regularly attend fires.

Step 2
Possible suspects may include:
- the owner or occupier, for insurance fraud
- an employee, to cover theft, forgery or false pretences
- a criminal, to cover the traces of a crime such as burglary or homicide, or to intimidate other victims of a protection racket
- an aggrieved person suffering from jealousy, hatred, rage, prejudice or a desire for revenge
- a pyromaniac suffering from mental illness
- in the case of school buildings, a pupil or ex-pupil
- a member of the Fire Service, for excitement or personal recognition
- a business competitor, to disadvantage a rival.

Step 3
Investigate suspects thoroughly and according to priority. Obtain their:
- full particulars
- criminal histories
- details of any motor vehicle to which they may have access
- details of any associates
- photograph.

Step 4
Consider surveillance

Step 5
Complete enquiries to establish the suspect’s:
- opportunity
- motive
- mens rea
- connection with the scene and the crime
- character, mental background, history, movements and behaviour.

Step 6
Consider a search warrant. When executing the warrant search the supect’s clothing, residence, motor vehicle and work-place, and in any other place where evidence may be found. Evidence could include:
- accelerants
- containers
- igniters
- wick fabric
- traces of debris from the scene
- photograph evidence in sity before it is seized (taking care not to destroy fingerprints)
- ask for and note the suspect’s explanation regarding the evidence. Be alert for signs that the suspect has been at the scene of a fire; e.g. burnt facial hair, smell of smoke, and residues of fuel or the products of combustion on the skin
- issue a Police 268 for any property seized
- ensure all exhibits seized are labelled, examined and uplifted by the exhibits officer.

Step 7
Interview the suspect.

Step 8
Consider an identification parade or montage.

Step 9
Complete enquiries to corroborate or negate the suspect’s explanation.

Step 10
Advise your supervisor. Consider whether the ingredients of teh offence, and a prima facie case, have been established. Obtain authority to prosecute.

Step 11
Arrest the suspect and obtain:
- fingerprints
- photographs
- consider medical examination for injuries
- offender report details
- Consider getting the suspect to do a reconstruction - if co-operative.

Step 12
Complete the correspondence by preparing the prosecution file and issuing the offender report. Cancel computer references for wanted persons and recovered property and forwad noting to the FIre Investigation Liaison Officer.

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