Survival phrases Flashcards
How much is this?
Kore wa ikura desuka?
Let’s eat
Thank you for the great food/service/work
Gochisou sama deshita!
It was good/ that’s great
It was fun!
Tanoshikatta desu!
Tastes so good! Delicious!
Oishii! Oishii desu! Or Oishii desu ne!
Oh Really? (formal)
Honto desu ka?
Is that so?
Sou desu ka?
Please wait
Chotto matte kudasai.
Next stop
Sugi wa
What time is it?
Nanji desu ka?
Where is the bathroom?
Otearai wa doko desu ka?
which one? (three or more)
that one over there
which one (two items)
this one (two items)
that one (two items)
that one over there
Kore wa ikura desuka?
How much is this?
Let’s eat
Gochisou sama deshita!
Thank you for the great food/service/work
It was good/ that’s great
Tanoshikatta desu!
It was fun!
Oishii! Oishii desu! Or Oishii desu ne!
Tastes so good! Delicious!
Honto desu ka?
Oh Really? (formal)
Sou desu ka?
Is that so?
Chotto matte kudasai.
Please wait
Sugi wa
Next stop
Nanji desu ka?
What time is it?
Otearai wa doko desu ka?
Where is the bathroom?
Choko ka banira ka sutoroberri, dore ga suki desu ka?
Which do you like, chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?
Which do you like, chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?
Choko ka banira ka sutoroberri, dore ga suki desu ka?
Choko ka banira, docchi ga suki desu ka?
Which do you like, chocolate or vanilla?
Which do you like, chocolate or vanilla?
Choko ka banira, docchi ga suki desu ka?
Dare desu ka?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Dare desu ka?
Nani o shite imasu ka?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Nani o shite imasu ka?
Doko desu ka?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Doko desu ka?
Itsu ikimasu ka?
When are you going?
When are you going?
Itsu ikimasu ka?
Naze sore o shimashita ka?
Why did you do that?
Why did you do that?
Naze sore o shimashita ka?
Dou deshita ka?
How was it?
How was it?
Dou deshita ka?
Kore wa ikura desu ka?
How much is this?
How much is this?
Kore wa ikura desu ka?
My favorite color is …!
Watashi no sukinairo wa … desu!
Watashi no sukinairo wa … desu!
My favorite color is …!