survival phrases Flashcards
How do you say…..?
Como se dice……?
What is your name?
My name is ……
Cual es tu nombre?
Mi nombre es …..
De donde eres?
Where are you from?
I`m hungry
Tengo hambre
I`m thirsty
Tengo sed
How much?
Cuanto cuesta?
(when asking for the total amount)
Cuanto es?
(when asking for the price of something in particular)
I dont speak Spanish well
No hablo espanol muy bien
Can you speak slower please?
Puedes hablar mas lento, por favor?
Hi what’s up?
Hola! Qué hay?
(This one is used when you are not referring to someone specifically, like you just want to greet everyone in the room to sound friendly)
Hola! Que tal?
(This one is more common in spain and a bit more informal)
1.You`re welcome
(When you do someone a favor and they thank you)
2. Dont mention it, there’s no need to thank me
De nada
No hay de que(a bit more formal)
Por favor
What time is it?
Que hora es?
What is that?
Que es eso?
Where are you from?
I`m from …..
De donde eres?
Yo soy de ….
see you later
hasta luego
nos vemos( more casual )
see you tomorrow
hasta mañana
what does ….. mean
que significa …..