survey monkey Flashcards
electroconvulsive therapy has shown efficacy in all types of major depressive disorders but is most efficacious in?
severe depression
psychosurgery is a controversial procedure where a small piece of brain is destroyed or removed. it shows improvement in 1/3 of these types of pts?
refractory OCD and depression
not 1st line; helpful in pain syndromes; lethal in overdose 2/2 arrhythmias
generally 1st line antidepressant ; fewer ADE than TCA; flat dose response curve; can be sedating oractivating
indicated in depression when SSRI is not effective, can help c/ neuropathic pain
usually considered last line 2/2 high incidence of food/drug and drug/drug interaction
mood stabilizer used in mania and bipolar; can be toxic; causes diabetes
decreases nicotine cravings, also good for Parkinsons, should be avoided in bulimia
depression is considered in remission after 3 consecutive wks of no symptoms - how long should you continue to treat?
6-12 moto reduce relapse rate
what are 3 reasons to consider lifelong antidepressants
if 1st episode occurred before 20 or after 50; if over 40 c/ 2 episodes of depression; if 3 episodes at any age
what class of drug increases suicidal ideation in child/teen
what drug can cause bipolar to switch to manic behavior
diminished emotional expression and avolition, alogia, anhedonia, asociality
negative (subtle)
effective in positive symptoms EPS, used acutely
hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, abnormal motor
positive (obvious)
effective in both pos and neg, no EPS, quick, better tolerated, ass. c/ metabolic side-effects
involuntary movements of tongue, lips, neck, trunk and limbs occurs months to years after use of antipsych med
tardive dyskinesia
catatonia like state, EPS, BP changes, altered consciousness, hyperpyrexia, usually w/in 2 wks
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
dystonia, Parkinson-like, akathesia, common in 1st gen, time and dose dependant
EPS - tx c/ anticholinergic
wks -mo after starting tx, bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor
what class of drugs enhances GABA effect on Cl channels, dec neuronal excitability
what class of drug has serious ADE of resp depress, dependency, seizure, suicidality, tachycardia, syncope
what class of med should avoid abrupt withdrawal and avoid ETOH
what are naltrexone, acamprosate, and disulfram used for
ETOH withdrawal
disregard for & violation of rights of others. deceitful, does not conform to social norms, lacks remorse
detachment from social relationships, restricted range of expression of emotions in interpersonal settings, loner
social and interpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort with and reduced capacity for close relationships
grandiosity, need for admiration, lacks empathy, believes special/ unique/ of high status
excessively emotional, attention seeker, wants to be center of attention
needs to be taken care, leads to submissive and clingy behavior, lacks confidence/self esteem
instability in interpersonal relationships and self-image. impulsive, suicidality common, alternate between extremes of emotion
distrust and suspicion of others, other motive malevolent
psychological conflict converted into physical manifestations, often paralysis
conversion disorder
physical symptoms suggesting physical illness or injury, but can’t be explained by physical cause
somatic symptom disorder
i think i have everything
ficticious disorder
deliberate fictitious dz simulation c/ specific end goal
manic and depressive episodes
bipolar 1
depressive and hypomaniac episodes
bipolar II
what 2 things are always required DSM5 components of maj depression
anhedonia, depressed mood
excessive daytime somnolence, catoplexy, dreamlike experiences while falling asleep, sleepy paralysis, naps refresh short term