Surgical Suffixes Flashcards
To break; surgically fracture
Osteoclasis is performed to correct a deformity of a bone.
Bind; fixation of a bone or joint
Arthrodesis fuses bones across the joint space in a degenerated unstable joint.
Excision, removal
Append/ectomy is an excision of the appendix.
Seperation; destruction; loosening
Thromb/o/lysis: destruction or separation of a blood clot.
Fixation of an organ
Mast/o/pexy fixation of the breast
Surgical repair
Rhin/o/ plasty: surgical repair of the nose
My/o/rraphy; suture of the muscle
Forming an opening (mouth)
Trache/o/stomy; forming an opening in the trachea
Trache/o/ tomy; incision of the trachea
Lith/o/tripsy; the crushing of a stone.
Surgical puncture
Arthr/o/centesis; to surgically puncture a joint.