Surgical Recall Flashcards
Ballance’s sign
Constant dullness to percussion in the L flank/LUQ & resonance to percussion in the R flank - splenic rupture/hematoma
Beck’s triad
Cardiac tamponade:
1) JVD
2) Dec/muffled heart sounds
3) Dec BP/Pulsus paradoxus
Bergman’s triad
Fat embolism syndrome:
1) Mental status change
2) Petechiae (axilla/thorax)
3) Dyspnea
Blumer’s shelf
Metastatic disease to rectouterine (pouch of Douglas) or rectovesical pouch, creating a palpable sehlf on rectal exam
Boas’ sign
R subscapular pain from cholelithiasis
Borchardt’s triad
Gastric volvulous:
1) Emesis followed by retching
2) Epigastric distention
3) Failure to pass NGT
Carcinoid triad/syndrome
W/carcinoid syndrome:
1) Flushing
2) Diarrhea
3) R-sided HF (2ndary to chemicals released by tumor)
4) Bronchospasm
Charcot’s triad
1) Fever/chills
2) Jaundice
3) RUQ pain
Courvoisier’s law
Enlarged nontender GB seen with obstruction of the CBD, common with pancreatic CA
Cushing’s triad
Inc ICP:
1) HTN
2) Bradycardia
3) Irregular respirations
Dance’s sign
Empty RLQ in children w/ileocecal intussusception
Fothergill’s sign
Intra-abd mass vs mass in abd wall: mass felt while tension in mm (sitting up) –> mass in abd wall
Fox’s sign
Ecchymosis of inguinal ligament w/ retroperitoneal bleeding
Hamman’s sign
Crunching sound on auscultation of heart - from emphysematous mediastinum (Boerhaave’s syndrome, pneumomediastinum)
Howship-Romberg sign
Pain along inner thigh - obturator hernia compressing nn
Kehr’s sign
L shoulder pain from splenic rupture (referred pain from diaphragmatic irritation)
Kelly’s sign
Visible peristalsis of ureter in response to squeezing or retraction - ID ureter during surg
LQ pain d/t ovulation
Obturator sign
Pain w/int rot of leg, hip and knee flexed - pts with appendicitis/pelvic abscess
1) Palpitations
2) HA
3) Episodic diaphoresis
10% b/l, malig, children, extra-adrenal, multiple tumors
Reynold’s pentad
1) Fever
2) Jaundice
3) RUQ pain
4) Mental status change
5) Shock/sepsis
in suppurative cholangitis
Saint’s triad
1) Cholelithiasis
2) Hiatal hernia
3) Diverticular disease
Sister Mary Joseph’s sign/node
Met tumor to umbilical LNs
Virchow’s node
Met tumor to L supraclavicular node (d/t gastric CA)
Valentino’s sign
RLQ pain from perforated peptic ulcer d/t succus/pus draining into RLQ
Westermark’s sign
Dec pulm vascular markings CXR in a pt w/PE
Whipple’s triad
1) Hypoglycemia (<50)
2) CNS and vasomotor symp (Syncope, diaphoresis)
3) Relief of symp w/ glucose
Afferent loop syndrome
Obstruction of affarent loop of Billroth II gastrojejunostomy (greater curvature of the stomach connected to the first part of the jejunum in end-to-side anastomosis.)
Blind loop syndrome
Bacterial overgrowth of intestine 2ndary to stasis
Budd-Chiari syndrome
Thrombosis of hepatic vein
Dumping syndrome
Delivery of large amount of hyperosmolar chyme into sm bowel after vagotomy and gastric drainage procedure (pyloroplasty, gasterojejunosotmy) –> autonomic instability, abd pain, and diarrhea
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
Perihepatic gonorrhea infx
Gardner’s syndrome
GI polyps assoc w/ Sebaceous cyst, Osteomas, Desmoid tumors. High malig potential
HIT syndrome
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia
Type I - Non-immune, 1-4 days after heparin, mild thrombocytopenia, 6-14 day tx
Type II - Immune mediated against Platelet Factor-4, 5-10 days after heparin, severe thrombocytopenia, min 6 mo tx
Leriche’s syndrome
Iliac occlusive disease
1) Claudication of buttocks and thighs
2) Impotence
3) Atrophy of legs
Mendelson’s syndrome
Chemical pneumonitis after aspiration of gastric contents
Mirizzi’s syndrome
Extrinsic obstruction of CBD from gallstone in GB or cystic duct
Ogilvie’s syndrome
Massive nonobstructive colonic dilatation (no mechanical cause)
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Benign GI polyps and buccal pigmentation
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
1) Esophageal web
2) Fe-deficiency anemia
3) Dysphagia
4) Spoon shaped nails
5) Atrophic oral and tongue mucosa
- Inc affinity for SqCC, Older female
RED reaction syndrome
Skin erythema from rapid vancomycin infusion (AEs red man syndrome, anaphylaxis)
Refeeding syndrome
HypoK, hypoMg, hypoP
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome
GI tract telangiectasia/AV malformations (Port Wine stain)
SVC syndrome
Obstruction of the SVC, associated Horner’s (ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis)
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Compression of VAN between the clavicle and 1st rib
Tietze’s syndrone
Costrochondritis, aseptic
Toxic Shck syndrome
S aureus toxin –> fever, hypotension, organ failure, rash (desquamation esp palms and soles)
MC indication for sug in Crohn’s disease
MC Breast CA
Infiltrating ductal
MC vessel in bleeding duodenal ulcer
Gastroduodenal aa
MC bacteria in stool
B fragilis
MC site of GI carcinoids
MC electrolyte deficiency causing ileus
MC position of anal fissure
MC type of colonic volvulus
Sigmoid volvulous
MC causes of post-op fevers
Wind - POD 1-3 - Atelectasis/pneumo Water - POD 3-5 - UTI Walk - POD 4-8 - DVT/PE Wound - POD 5-7 - SSI Wonder drugs - anytime - meds
MC organ damaged in blunt abd truama
MC organ damaged in penetrating abd trauma
Sm bowel
MC benign liver tumor
MC cause of ICU pneumonia
Gr (-) bacteria
1 L of O2 via nasal cannula raises FiO2 by…?
Suture sizes
By diameter: higher the O, the smaller the diameter (2-O >5-O) (ie the number of Os (zeros) in front of the number, so 0.00 >vs> 0.00000)
- -Absorbable
- -Monofilament
- -Fibers from cow or sheep intestines.
- Chromic gut - tx with chromium salts –> more collagen crosslinking, the suture is more resistant to breakdown
- Plain - quicker dissolution
- -Absorbable
- -Braided/multifilamentous
- -Copolymer of lactide and glycoside
- ~10% strength after 4 wks
PDS (polydioanone)
- -Absorbable
- -Monofilament
- -Polymer of polydioxanone
- -complete absorption 6 mo
- -Non-absorbable
- -Braided/multifilamentous
- -Non-absorbable
- Vascular anastomosis, hernias, abd fascial closure
Wound closure - Primary intention
Wound edges are approximated in a clean manner
Wound closure - Secondary intention
Wound remains open to heal via granulation, contraction, and epithelization - for dirty wounds, abscess
Wound closure - Tertiary intention
Wound remains open for a time and then closed, allows for debridement and wound care to reduce bacterial infx –>delayed primary closure
Taper point needle
Round body needle - spreads without cutting - suturing soft tissue (GI tract, mm, nn, peritoneum, fascia)
Conventional cutting needle
Triangle body needle - sharp edges - suturing skin
Vertical mattress use
For difficult to approximate skin edges - eversion of tissue
Retention suture
Large suture (#2) - full thickness through entire abd wall (except peritoneum) - used buttress and abd wound at risk for dehiscence