Surgical Emergencies Flashcards
Types of shock
Obstructive (pulmonary embolus)
Distributive (anaphylactic, sepsis) due to leaky capillaries from systemic inflammatory response
Signs of Shock
I SHOCKS I increased resp rate S sinus tachycardia H hypotension O Oligouria C cold K klammy S slow cap refill Plus confusion, cyanosis, acidosis if severe
Systemic inflammatory response
Bacteraemia/tissue necrosis/Hypoperfusion -> SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE -> (Leukocyte and platelet activation & cytokine storm (IL, TNF, platelet activation factor, Bradykinins) -> - vasodilation - increased vascular permeability - leukocyte endothelial adhesion - microvascular thrombosis - DIC (consumption coagulopathy)
Signs of peritonitis
TRAPPED (TRA - crucial triad) T tenderness (& tachycardia) R reflex guarding (progresses to rigidity) A absent bowel sounds (or reduced) P pyrexia P percussion pain (better than rebound) E extremely unwell (with shallow resps) D distant-local sign (distant palpation-local tenderness Rovsings sign
Causes of pancreatitis
Adult respiratory distress syndrome
Pulmonary oedema not due to left ventricular failure
Leaking capillaries due to cytokine storm
Lungs - the first organ to fail in multi organ failure
Acute Pancreatitis TXT
Initially conservative: “drip and suck”, IV fluids and nil by mouth or nasogastric tube -> to rest the stomach
Pain control, severe epigastric pain which radiates to the back
80% improve in 3-5 days
20% have a more severe attack requiring:
- enteral nutrition (via nasogastric/nasojejunal tube)
- IV Abx
Indications of a severe attack of acute pancreatitis
PANCREAS P PaO2 15 X10^9) C calcium ( renal impairment) R renal function (Urea >16mmol/L) E enzymes (AST, LDH) >200 iu/L A age >55yrs S sugar glucose >10mmol/L (2o diabetes implies severe necrosis)
Need 3 or more
NB contrast CT at 72 hrs can help assess degree of necrosis and identify complications such as a pseudocyst.
CRP on admission also helpfully
SIRS Systemic inflammatory response syndrome
2 out of 4 required
Fever (>38 or 12 or 90)
Tachypneoa (>20)
Sepsis Six Bundle
3 out and 3 in
Out: urine output, blood cultures, lactate
In: oxygen, fluids, Abx
B blood cultures U urine output F fluid resus A Abx L lactate O oxygen
Systemic Sepsis txt
Admit to ICU or HDU
Investigations: FBC, U&E, creatinine, ABG, CXR
Cultures: urine, sputum, wound, blood
Abdo US: evidence of a collection or renal obstruction
Causes of anuria
Clerical/observational error
Pre-renal failure - dehyrdation or systemic sepsis
Renal failure - ATN (including drug toxicity-gentamycin)
Obstructive uropathy (hydronephrosis)
Causes of bowel obstruction
Three common causes: adhesions, hernias, tumours
Less common gallstone, foreign body (in lumen), diverticulitis, Crohn’s structure, intussusception (in wall), volvulus (outside the wall)
Symptoms of intestinal obstruction
Absolute constipation - no faeces or flatulence
Small intestinal obstruction
Much commoner than large
Colicky pain occurs early
Dilated loops (>2.5cm) of small bowel on supine x-ray indicate obstruction
Small bowel is centre, with mucosal folds crossing complete diameter of bowel - valvular conniventes - unlike haustrations of the large bowel