surgical disorders of the stomach Flashcards
list the possible surgical disorder of the stomach
- fb
- pyloric stenosis
- neoplasia
- hiatal hernia
cs of gastric fb
- abdominal pain
- vomiting
- anorexia and wt loss
- gastric fb are seldomly palpable
- incomplete or intermittent obstruction causes less frequent vomiting
- mucosal erosions,ulceration or necrosis occurs naturally and may cause melena or hematemesis
diagnosis for gastric fb
- radiography
- ultrasonography
- endoscopy
- laboratory data: metabolic alkalosis, hypochloremia,hypokalemia
treatment for gastric fb
- correction of electrolytes,water and acid-base imbalances.
- foreign body removal :endoscopy for small light wt ,soft material ie fabric,.gastroctomy for smooth or heavy objects,sharp or heavy objects,sharp bojects
prognosis for gastric fb removal
- excellent in most cases
- good even if mucosal damage is present
abnormal narrowing of the lumen of the pylorus causing partial obstruction
- pyloric hypertrophy/stenosis
- occurs predominantly in dogs and less in cats
- etiology is unknown
discuss the etiolgy of pyloric stenosis
- occurs as a congenital or acquired dz
- congenital form involves the muscular layer of the pylorus
- acquiered form is hypertrophy of mucosal or muscular layer of pylorus and sometimes of pylorus antrum
discus sthe signalment of congenital hypertrophy
- puppy or kitten 6-8 weeks
- brachycephalic breeds
- siamese cats
cs of pyloric hypertrophy
- emanciation,stunted growth
- dehydration
- occassionally fever and increased lung sounds secondary to aspiration of vomitus
discuss diagnosis of pyloric hypertrophy
- history n signalmentespercially age of onset
- cs
- laboratory data
- radiography
discuss radiographic findings of pyloric hypertrophy
- Plain radiographs: enlarged stomach filled with food and fluid
- positive contrast gastrography:delayed gastric emptying-prescence of barium in stomach beyond 8-12 hrs is abnormal
laboratory abnormalities due to pyloric hypertrophy
- malnutrition:hypoproteinemia,anemia,low BUN,hypoglycemia.
- pyloric vomiting:dehydration, hypochloremia metabolic alkalosis
- elevated wbc if aspiration pneumonia occurs
discuss history for pyloric hypertrophy
- intermitent vomiting not always associated with feedingthat increases in frequenc y over mnths
- wt loss
- occassionally anemia ,depression,decreased activity
discuss the signalment for acquired pyloric hypertrophy
- middle aged excittable small breeds of dogs, esp lhaso apso and shir-tzu
- rare in cats
cs of acquired pyloric hypertrophy
- pale mm
- weakness
- emanciation
- dehydration hypochloric metabolic alkalosis
discuss radiographic finding of pyloric hypertrophy
positive contrast gastrogram
- delayed gastric emptying
- irregular mucosa within pylorus or pyloric antrum
- filling defect in pylorus
explain when the endoscope is required for pyloric hypertrophy
- narrow lumen in pylorus
- mucosal/submucosal hypertrophy
discuss the Pyloric Hypertrophy/Stenosis
- Medical treatment not effective
- Surgery:
- Pyloromyotomy
- Pyloroplasties
- Gastroduodenostomy/gastrojejunostomy
list the commonly used surgical procedures for pyloric hypertrophy
- fredet-ramstedt pyeloromyotomy
- heineke mikulicz pyloroplasty
- Y-U antral advancement flap pyloroplasty
what is the indication for fredet-ramstedt
- congenital pyloric stenosis
discuss the surgical technique for fredet-ramstedt
- Partial thickness longitudinal incision
from antrum to duodenum across
- Seromuscular layer incised to allow mucosa to bulge into incision and
expand pylorus