Surgery: Vasc Flashcards
Atherosclerosis RFs
Elderly Male FHx HTN Diabetes Hyperlipidaemia Smoker
How does PAD px? (3)
Claudication: pain and cramping in the calf after a certain distance
Critical Limb Ischaemia: rest pain, night pain, tissue loss
Acute Limb Ischaemia: sudden onset <2wks, 6P’s
What is Leriche syndrome? (3)
Internal iliac vasc def: buttock claudication, impotence, reduced pulses
Ddx of claudication ie pain when you walk (2)
Spinal stenosis + post thrombotic syndrome
What is the perfusion pressure in critical limb ischaemia?
Which of the 6P’s of ALI comes on early and starts to worry you?
How does the ABPI relate to PAD px?
- 7-0.9: claudication
- 4-0.7: critical limb ischaemia
<0.4: acute limb ischaemia
Why can reperfusing the leg be life threatening?
Cardiac arrest, VF, VT
What is the arterial blood supply to the lower leg?
Popliteal -> Anterior Tibial + Tibioperoneal Trunk -> Posterior Tibial + Peroneal
What are important components of your clerking when a pt presents w leg pain?
Timing, RFs, DHx, prev scars
Where do you amputate up to?
The level where there’s most blood supply ie dead foot below knee and dead ankle above knee
What is the surface anatomy landmark for the femoral artery?
The mid-inguinal point ie half way b/w ASIS + pubic symphysis
What is Buerger’s angle + test?
The angle at which the raised leg becomes pale where <20° is severe
If you get reactive hyperaemia seen as a sunset foot when the pt sits following the leg raise the test is pos
What are the two shapes of true aneurysms?
Fusiform + Saccular
Who is screened for AAA?
Single USS for males >65yrs
Ddx of left sided loin to groin back pain (2)
AAA + Renal Colic
When do you operate on an AAA?
2wk referral to vasc surgery for EVAR/open repair if: sx, >5.5cm, expansion rate >1cm per annum
What is the mortality rate for an emergency AAA repair?
Half will make it into hospital and half will make it out
What is the f/u for open vs EVAR?
Open - once at 5yrs vs EVAR - yearly
Aortic Dissection: Type A vs B
A: before left subclavian
B: beyond left subclavian
Mx of Aortic Dissection
Med: invasive bp monitoring + IV beta blockers and analgesia
Surg: gold standard for type A under cardiothoracics and if rupture, uncontrolled pain or malperfusion of aortic branches or lower extremities then also required for type B under vascular surgeons
What is the consequence of aiming for a SBP <120 when mx dissection?
Def of Oliguria
UO <0.5ml/kg/hr
What is the risk of a long segment of phlebitis or if it’s close to groin?
What is phlegmasia?
Extensive DVT preventing superficial venous system from draining causing painful oedema and may lead to arterial ischaemia and venous gangrene
What is phlegmasia a/w?
Underlying malignancy + hypercoagulability
What can you give a large proximal DVT within 2wks?
Thrombolysis vs after 2wks too high risk of post thrombotic syndrome
Which pts would you consider a venous bypass in?
Unable to live their life due to recurrent ulceration and pain
Ulcers: Venous v Arterial v Neuropathic - Background, Description, Location
Venous: chronic venous insufficiency, shallow flat margins w exudate, medial malleolus / gaiter region
Arterial: PAD, painful deep punched out w necrotic tissue, lateral malleolus / feet
Neuropathic: diabetics, deep insensate surrounded by callus, planter aspect of foot
What is Marjolin’s ulcer?
Aggressive SCC due to chronic ulceration/burns/osteomyelitis that becomes neoplastic w rolled edges
How often do you rescan a AAA b/w 3-5.4cm?
3-4.4cm every 12m + 4.5-5.4cm every 3m
What is the workup for intermittent claudication?
Hx, check lower limb pulses, ABPI, duplex US, MRA prior to any intervention
Mx of PAD
Consv: stop smoking, exercise training, tx comorbidities
Med: atorvastatin 80mg + clopidogrel 75mg
Surg: angioplasty, stenting, bypass
Mx of Superficial Thrombophlebitis
Perform USS to exclude concurrent DVT, if ABPI >0.8 compression stockings, LMWH 30d or oral NSAIDs 8-12d
Mx of ALI
Surg intervention within 6hrs to revascularise the leg
Dx of Critical Limb Ischaemia
> =1: rest pain in foot >2wks, ulceration, gangrene
When would an ABPI be >1.2?
Usually in type two diabetics due to vessel calcification
RFs for AAA
What is the biggest risk factor for ALI in pts w/o any prev claudication?
Embolus>Thrombus: AF
What are the classic skin changes of chronic venous insufficiency and a/w venous ulcers?
Mx of Venous Ulcers
Conserv: four layer compression banding after exclusion of arterial disease
Surg: skin grafting if >10cm^2 or fail to heal after 12wks
Mx of Neuropathic Ulcers
Conserv: cushioned shoes to red callous formation
Surg: likely to lead to amputation
What may a cervical rib cause?
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
What is subclavian steal syndrome?
Stenosis/occlusion of subclavian artery proximal to origin of vertebral artery resulting in retrograde flow and sx of CNS vascular insufficiency
What are the branches off the arch of aorta?
L/R Coronary Arteries
Brachiocephalic: R Subclavian Artery + R Common Carotid
L Common Carotid: external + internal
L Subclavian Artery: vertebral, internal thoracic, thyrocervical trunk, costocervical trunk, axillary
What is Takayasu’s arteritis? Px? Tx?
Large vessel granulomatous vasculitis in young asian females resulting in intimal narrowing
Px w features of mild systemic illness and then pulseless phase w sx of vascular insufficiency
Tx w systemic steroids
What are the classical findings in aortic coarctation?
A/w congenital heart defect
Px w syncope, angina pectoris, leg claudication
Weak arm pulses, radiofemoral delay, BP mismatch, low ABPI
How is ABPI derived?
Ddx for Rib Notching: Inferior + Superior
Inferior: enlargement of structure in subcostal groove - aortic coarctation, Takayasu arteritis, Blalock-Taussig shunt, SVC obstruction, schwannoma, neurofibroma
Superior: disturbance of osteob/clastic activity - oesteogenesis imperfecta, hyperparathyroidism, intercostal muscle stress