Surgery of Hernias Flashcards
There is skin covering
True: wehn hernial content is covered by peritoneum (i.e the peritoneal sac is protruded peritoneum)
Untrue: no sac therefore no peritoneum covering
Reponable/reducible: can push contents back into place because there are no adhesions!! however high chance of recurrence
Irreponable/ irreducible: cannot push back
Incarcerated: adherence of hernial tissue therefore irreponable
Strangulated: decr bs— necrosis
Umbilical hernias
Strictly congenital but can be worsened by trauma because is an LMR– suffusion and swelling
Can occur with other congenital abnormalities e.g crypto
Diagnosis of umbilical hernia
non-painful fuctuant swelling in the umbilical region
usually reducible, rarely strangulated or incarcerated
Content: falciform, greater omentum, rarely SI
Usually no symptoms
ALWAYS true!!
Treatment of Umbilical hernias
Standard herniorrhapy
Mesh hernioplast: polyglycolic acid, polypropylene, polyester
Elisabethian collar
Umbilical hernial surgery description
Elliptical incision- remove the bulged skin
Remove dead space to avoid hmatome or seroma formation
Excise the hernial sac/peritoneum
Examine the content and vitality- perform any necessary resection before introducing them!!
1st layer= rectus
2nd layer= SC with thoracic fascia
3rd layer= intradermals
4th layer= skin
coninuous or interrupted!!
Inguinal hernias- anatomical differences btw the male and female, starting with the female
Caud supf epigastric a and v
Ext pudendal a and v
Ext abd oblique muscle and ext inguinal ring
Pectineus muscle
Gastrofemoral nerve
Proc vag!! is part of the peritoneum and is the attachment of the teres uterine ligament
the ext and int inguinal rings- are not at the same level and between the 2 are many arteries and veins
Inguinal hernias male anatomy
basicall the same as the female, proc vaginalis is much smaller and does not contain the teres uterine ligament
- testic a and v
- DD
- Tunica vaginalis
Inguinal hernias- incidence
Direct in females!!
Indirect in males- scrotal
Congenital: wide inguinal ring
Acquired: width of the ring incr with age, obesity also causes widening
Can be unilat or bilat- if bilat then not symm!!
Usually fluctuant and not painful
Direct inguinal hernias in female
Hernial contents get into the vag proc
Always true because there is time for the peritonuem to cover
Not painful, loose, fluctuant swelling
Content: major omentum, uterus because the teres lig pulls a horn into the sac, bladder-this causes the size of the hernia to change! and maybe SI
Direct inguinal hernias in female: treatment
- Incise the hernial sac
- Widen hernial ring cranially to allow for reposition- examine vitality of contents
- Remove sac
- Close hernial ring but make sure not at the site of the ext pudendal vessels
- Layer-by-layer opposition
- Suturing: interrupted btw rectus and pudendal going cranially, leave out the last stitch to leave room for the vessels and nerves
If you put the stitches too close– strang of the vein— edema!!!
Direct inguinal hernia in males
Is very RARE!!
And is usually the same as it is in females
Indirect inguinal hernias in males
into scrotum!!!
Huge incr in abd P is required to push the SI into the cavity!
Cavity content: protruded sperm cord and vaginal tunic. (small and tight)
Enlarged scrotum
Cord-like vag process
Painful swelling
Time sensitive- when palpate the base there is a huge pain reaction!
Content: SI, tumour, fluid (hydrocoele)
Strang is more freq- rapid necrosis of the SI
When not acute there is edema- infiltration of bact– swelling/discolouration of the area to black/blue!
Treatment of indirect inguinal hernias in males: surgery!!
- paramedian incision over the hernia/swelling NOT midline!!
- Exploration of the hernia- check viability
- resection of intestine if needed
- castration- is always advised as threr is ofte compression of the intravaginal structure
- Closure of hernial ring- be careful of pudendoepigastric trunk
- Layer by layer opposition of the structues
Traumatic abd hernia
Dogs and cats- car accidents, bites, high rise In cats- blunt traumas i.e no skin damage!
Usually accompanied by injuries of abd contents
Simulataneous weaking of the abd wall and incr in abd P– dislocation of organs– therefore emergency so cHeck Resp, CV and CNS- only proceed with treatment when stable!
Diagnosis of traumatic abd hernia
Signs are very variable! depends on severity, size of ring, damage to the wall, contents and if strangulation of contents!
Local signs: swelling of flank area, lacerated skin- suffusion/swelling
In dogs: the bad muscle is thicker- contraction is likely to cause strang
In cats: larger hole because the skin is thin therefore more contents in the sac but less likely to be strangulation
General signs: anaemia, shock, jaundice
Diagnosis of traumatic abd hernia