Surgery NBME Flashcards
47 YOW comes in with a BMI of 67 , chafed skin on inner thighs, under breasts, twice requiring admission for abtx for panniculitis. Also has thick curdy vaginal discharge.Best long term management for this pt?
gastric bypass
37 YOw bruising on arms and abdomen x3w. ibuprofen for HA. afebrile. PE:eccymoses over upper extremities and trunk. Lungs CTAB, Labs: norm Hb, 6.8k WBC, 45k plt, Bleeding time is high,PT normal. Bone marrow shows megakayocytes. Explanation for findings?
forumulation of antiplatelet antibodies (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura)
87 YOM has sudden onset of SOB after emergent colon resection for obstructing Ca. T 100, HR 104, RR 32, BP 88/50. PE: JVD, crackles over midlungfields. NMRG.Liver span is 13. ECG shoews ST elevation. Mostlikely Dx?
Cardiogenic schock (MI)
A 13 YOB has increasingly severe left thigh pain and knee pain and limp for 2 days. No Hx of trauma, BMI =20, Passive motion of hip elicits pain, Most likely Dx?
slipped capital femoral epiphysis
12 hours after rod stabilization of a femoral fracture, 27 YO homeless ,an has sudden onset of combativeness and disorientation. HR 120, RR 24, BP 140/85. Exam shows petichiae over axila. Most likely cause?
fat embolism
A previosuly healthy 47 YOM comes in with 2 weeks of progressive abd swelling. PE shows distention and shifting dullness, bowel sounds are normal. There is no tenderness, masses or organomegaly. Paracentesis: 50ml milky chylous fluid. Most likely cause?
52 YOW has back pain with hx of treatment for breast cancer 5 years ago. Decreases sensitivity below nipples. Hyperreflexive and decr strength with + babinski in legs, arms are normal. Where is the lesion?
Thoracic spinal cord: T10 is nipples
Previously healthy *YOB has intermittent pain in the right anterior thigh for the past 3 w.activity level is high.mother notes he limps. 25th percentile ht and wt. Vitals normal. Atalgic gait. Abduction and internal rotation of the feur is limited. Dx?
avascular necrosis of the femoral head
ASX 72 YOW comes in with decreased renal fx. Elevation in Cr over last 3 days. got 2nd renal transplant from 65 YO donor 1 m ago. Most likely explanation for decr renal fxx?
failure to surpress class II antigen recognition in the host ( rjection)
For 4 hours, a 55 YOM has acute intermittent pain that begins in right flank and radiates to right testicle. Most likely finding on UA?
microscopic hematuria (30 /hpf in sediment)
36 hours after admission for evaluation of diffuse abd pain, a 42 YOw is still obstipated. She has a 9yr history of scleroderma. Current temp is 100, P 110, RR22, BP 110/60. Abd is distended with colon dilation and WBC 14k. Next step?
laparotomy (toxic megacolon)
The driver of an automobile is brought into ED after head on MVC at 50 mph. He has mid chest tenderness. All diagnostic tests are norma, except an XR of the chest which shows a widened mediatinum. NExt step?
aortic arch arteriogram ( I guess they are assuming CT is neg)
A 68 YOM is broguht to the ED because of recurrent vomiting of bright red blood, and near syncope x 3 hours. He is afebrile, pulse 110, respirations are 16, BP 90/60 mm Hg and he has mild epigastric tenderness. Next step?
rapid infusion of 0.9% saline. Fluids, then you can figure out the bleeding source
a 62 YOW comes to the physisics with 3 w of progressive SOB, mild pain in right chest, and nonproductive cough. 12 lb wt loss in last 3 m. She had br ca 6 years ago s/p mastectomy. She appears cyanotic and cachectic. friction rub is heard on the right.Dx?
malignant pleural effusion (lung mets)
A 67 YOW, 8m bilateral calf pain with walking. initially only after long walk, now only after 300 ft. pain is relieved with rest. She has hypertension and hypercholesterol. She is on atherscler drugs and smokes. pulses decr bil.elevated BUN. Next step?
ABI is first before duplex. arteriogram is a preop test
Following diganosis of ectopic pregnancy in a 25 YOW, an abdominal operation is performed. Exam of the abdomen shows a normal uterine pregnancy but an inflamed appendix. An appy is performed despite the fact the consented only ectopic removal. Is that ok?
inappropriate because the patient had not been previously infomred of the risks of an appendectomy
A 67 YOW with ESRD, aterosclerodic CAD, T2DM undergoes formation of an AVF in left forearm under ax block. 24 hours later. SHe has SOB, , tacycardia, RR 38 with JVD. S3 and S4 are present. Most likely Dx?
high output congestive heart failure ( atelectasis just doesnt cover enoguh)
4 days after CABG, a hospitalized 47 YOM has the sudden onset of severe pain in his left great toe. He was admitted to the hospital 10 days ago for chest pain with exertion, and has been getting aspirin and heparin. CBC: 12.2/27%/8. PT and PTT normal. Dx?
heparin induced thrombocytopenia
a 27 YOw, HIV +, 6 m of nonbloody diarrhea now with bloody diarrhea. She has a high fever, and a rigid abdomen. She ends up with an ileostomy for a perforated cecum and the path report shows nuclear inclusion bodeis in colon. Most likely organism?
12 hours after pancreatic abscess drainage, a 52 YOM with alcoholism becomes bradycardic and hypoxic and requires intubation. His FiO2 is 100, with a tidal volume of 1000 and PEEP of 2.5. He still has acidosis with O2 = 48 and CO2 of 40. Next step?
Increase PEEP
a 60 YOW has a sigmoid resection and colostomy for diverticulitis with rupture. That night she becomes confused, oliguric and febrile. the area around the colostomy is indurated and crepitant. Most likely causal organism?
Clostridium perfringens ( gas gangrene)
A 45 YOm has daily temps to 100.9 and 15 lb wt loss over 3 m. he has pallor, normal vitals and normal CV and P exams except a low pitched disatolic rumble at the apex that dissappears when he lies on his R side. Hb is 10. Most liekly dx?
Atrial myxoma ( cancer picture with diastolic rumble)
52 YOW, 2m R foot swelling w/o fever or pain. No trauma history, 25 y histroy of T1 DM. Pe swelling on dorsal foot and med and lat ankles. The is small effusion over ankle. Decr sensation below ankles. XR shows osteopenia and disorganized foot. Cause?
lack of normal joint sensation (Charcot foot)
62 YOM w hemoptysis for 1w.5 y hx of daily productive cough, 20 y of hypertension, 88 yr pack history. Ca concentration is 11 (high) with coin lesion in lung. Most likely dx?
PTH secreting tumor is squamous cell Ca
Previously healthy 37 YOW has left groin and thigh pain for 3 d. Exam shows a non reducible mass in the groin. Operative exploration shows a hernia sac medial to the femoral vein. Dx?
femoral hernia
A 62 YOW has difficulty swallowing liquidsand solid over the past month. 10 yr hx of dyspepsia, substernal burning and occasional n/v. EG shows GE junction stricture and baretts esophagus. Dx?
sliding hiatal hernia (much more common than paraesophageal)
24 hr after romoval of parathyroid adenoma for primary hyperparathyroidism, a 42 YOW has perioral numbness and tingling. He serum Ca is 6.8 (low). Normal albumin levels. Next step?
oral vitamin D (make sure she can absorb Ca)
A 30 YOM has painless, progressive enlargement of the left testicle for 8m. There is no nodule and the scrotum cant be transluminated, Most likely dx?
testicular tumor
A 37 YOW comes w 3m of headaches. The headaches now occur daily and are relieved by aspirin. Her pulse is 76, RR 12, BP 158/95. Surum Na: 140. Cl 100. K 2.6 (low) Ibcarb 34, BUN 9. Dx?
A 22 YOM is brought to the ED after a GSW to the right calf. Swelling and much pain with passive range of motion. Next step?
surgical decompression ( compartment syndrome)
5 d after emergent sigmoid colectomy for perforated diverticulum , a 57 YOM has a temp of 104. Lots of oxygen therpay and now has decr breath sounds at a lung base. Sputum shows many leukocytes with G - rods. Most likely organism?
Psudomonas ( hospital acquied pneumonia)
Before elective cholecystectomy, a 68 YOM with chronic renal failure has multiple electrolyte disturbances on Chemistry studies. Next step?
initiate dialysis before surgery
A 77 YOM has a sever nosebleed not stopped by anterior packing and he spits clots out side his mouth. Most likely source of the bleed?
sphenopalatine artery (MCC posterior nosebleeds
67 YO postal worker with a 5 min episode of weakness and numbness in his hand. Ni sequelae and has smoked 1ppd x 45 years. Carotid bruits are heard bilaterally. ECG shows normal sinus rhythym with mulitple premature atrial contraction.s Next step?
carotid duplex ultrasound
A 42 YO is admitted to the hospital with a piece of meat lodged in the lower esophagus. With difficulty is it removed with an endoscope. That evening the pt has a temp of 101. Most apporopriate dx study?
water soluble contrast upper GI study( concern for esophageal rupture after endoscopy)
A 25 YOW has 2m of a pigmented lesion under her ring finger. A photo of the lesion is shown (ugly, raised, black, irrrgular). Most likely Dx?
An 18 YOW comes to the physican for advice about screenin with a fam hx of colon ca. She has the APC gene.2 polyps are seen on colonoscopy. Best long term treatment?
prctocolectomy with ileoanal reservoir. Almost certainly will get Ca at some point
Routine mammorgraphy on a 52 YOw shows six stippled microcalcification in a cluster in the upper outer quadrant of the left creast, not presen t 1 y ago. No lump. Next step?
needle localized open biopsy (not FNa)
A 1 yr old boy has persistent cough, loose stools and facial rash for 2 m. 4lb wt loss. 50th percentile for ht and 20th for wt. Temp is 37, pulse is 100 resp is 18. Ct shows tumor in panceas. Most likely Dx?
VIPoma. especially with flushing. arises from non beta islet cells of pancreas
A hospitalized 72 YOM has not voided since catheter removal 8h ago. He had a sigmoid colectomy for recurrent diverticulitis 2 d ago. He is currently receiving 5% dextrose and 0.45% saline. His temp is 100.8. Most likely cause of inability to void?
bladder outflow obstruction
A 6YOB comes to ED 30 mins after MVC. On arrival he is awake and alert. There is an obvious scalp laceration over the left frontoparietal area. There are no neurologic deficits. A CT scan of the head shows a liner temporal skull fracture. Most likely CT?
epidural hematoma
52 YOW with well controlled T2DM has 34 hr of abdominal pain. Vomited 3 times in ED. BMI is 38, Temp is 103.1, Pulse is 120, RR 28. Exam shows scleral icterus. She has high slk phos and mild LFTs. Dx?
ascending cholangitis
52 YO nulligravid woman comes to physician due to 2 m of progressive abdominal swelling and decr appetitie. She has astma treated with steroidsand T2DM. Exam shows a fluid wave. An Ct shows mulple levic masses and omental thickening. Most likely dx?
ovarian adenocarcinoma
18 YOM has pain in the R hip and flank after an autoaccident. He is stable. Exam shows eccymosis over the iliac crest, and right flank abraisions. urinalysis shows gross blood. Ct cervical spine is normal. next step?
Ct abdomen (but is might be slective renal angiography)
A 42 YOW comes in with sever ranghe hypertension and a bruit with hyperplasia of the right renal artery. What is the mech of the patient HTN?
increased serum aldosterone ( not renin as that acts locally)
A 46 YOM with chronic alcoholism comes to the ED w/ 12 hr of n/v and mid abdominal pain radiating toback.pulse is 120 , respirations are 20 and BP is 110/60. Abdominal exam shows tenderness to palpation upper quadrants. Most important thing to give?
Lactated ringers ( not any of the med choices, needs fluids)
A 24 YOM is brought to ED with burns on 50% of body, He weighs 75 kg. clearly needs fluids. How much in next 24 hours?
15 L of lactated ringers ( 4ml/kg/% burn)
A 47 YOM comes with 2 d of fever and severe rectal pain. Has type 2 DM treated w metformin. Temp is 102.4 Exam shows mass at anal verge on left. Hb is 9.6. WBC is 18 k. Next step?
I and D this is a perirectal abscess
A 47 yOM comes to physician for eval prior to an abdominal perineal resection fro rectal Ca. In last 6 y he has had left ankle swelling. Duplex shows chrinic occlusion of left iliac and femoal veins. Most apporpiatemanagemnt for venus disease?
low does heparin rpophylaxis ( these are stable DVTs), just need to prevent new ones