Surgery: intensive care Flashcards
How is an ICU note written?
by system: neuro (GCS, MAE (moves all extremities), pain control) pulmonary (vent settings) CVS (pressors) GI heme (CBC) FEN (fluids, electrolytes, nutrition) renal (urine output, BUN, Cr) ID (T max, WBC, antibiotics) Assessmnet Plan (physical exam included in each section)
what is the best way to report urine output in the ICU
24 hours/last shift/last 3 hour rate
ex. urine output has been 2L over last 24 hours, 350 last shift, and 45, 35, 40 cc over last 3 hours
what are possible causes of fever n the ICU
central line infection pneumonia/atelectasis UTI, urosepsis intra-abdominal abscess sinusitis DVT thrombophlebitis drug fever fungal infection, meningitis, wound infection endocarditis
what is the most common bacteria in ICU pneumonia
gram negative rods
what is the acronym for basic ICU care checklist
FAST HUG feeding analgesia thromboembolic prophylaxis head-of-bed elevation (pneumonia prevention) ulcer prevention glucose control
what is cardiac output
HR X stroke volume
what is normal cardiac output?
4-8 L/min
what is CI?
cardiac index: CO/body surface area (BSA)
what is normal CI?
what is normal stroke volume
60-100 cc
what is central venous pressure an indirect measurement of
intravascular volume status
what is normal CVP
What is pulmonary capillary wedge pressure an indirect measure of?
left atrial pressure which is an estimate of intravascular volume (LV filling pressure)
what is the normal PCWP
what is anion gap?
Na - (Cl + HCO3)
What are the normal values for anion gap?
why do you get an increased anion gap
unmeasured acids are unmeasured anions in the equation that are part of the counterbalance to the sodium cation
what are the causes of increased anion gap acidosis in surgical patients
"SALUD" starvation alcohol lactic acidosis uremia (renal failure) DKA
define MODS
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
what is SVR
systemic vascular resistance (MAP-CVP)/C0 x 80
what is SVRI
systemic vascular resistance index
what is the normal SVRI
1,500- 2,400
what is MAP
mean arterial pressure: diastolic blood pressure + 1/3 (systolic -diastolic pressure)
(diastole lasts longer than systole)
what is PVR
pulmonary vascular resistance: PA - PCWP/CO x 80
PA = pulmonary artery pressure
what is normal PVR value
100 + or - 50
what is the formula for arterial oxygen content
hemoglobin x O2 saturation x 1.34
what is the basic formula for oxygen delivery
CO x oxygen content
what is the formula for oxygen delivery
CO x 1.34 x Hgb x SaO2 x 10
what factors can increase oxygen delivery
increased CO by increasing SV, HR, or both
increased O2 content by increasing the hemoglobin content, SaO2 or both
what is mixed venous oxygen saturation?
the O2 saturation of the blood in the right ventricle or pulmonary artery
an indirect measure of peripheral oxygen supply and demand
which lab values help asses adequate oxygen delivery
Svo2 (low = inadequate delivery) lactic acid (elevated with inadequate delivery) pH (acidosis with inadequate delivery) base deficit
what is FENa
fraction excretion of sodium
how is FENa calculated
(urine sodium + plasma Cr)/(plasma Na x urine Cr) x 100
what is the prerenal FENa value
renal failure from decreased renal blood flow: cardiogenic, hypovolemia, arterial obstruction, etc
compare BUN to Cr ratio in prerenal and renal ATN
prerenal >20:1
renal ATN <20:1
compare FENa in prerenal vs renal ATN
prerenal <1
renal ATN >1
compare urine osmolality in prerenal vs renal ATN
prerenal >500
renal ATN <350
compare urine Na in prerenal vs renal ATN
prerenal <20
renal ATN >40
what is urine specific gravity in prerenal acute renal failure
> 1.020
how long do lasix effects last?
lasix last 6 hours
what is the formula for renal flow/pressure/resistance
pressure = flow x resistance
what is the 10 for .08 rule of acid base?
for every increase of PaCO2 by 10 mmHg, the pH falls by .08
what is the 40, 50, 60 for 70, 80, 90 rule for O2 sats
PaO2 of 40, 50, 60 corresponds roughly to an O2 sat of 70, 80, 90 respectively
one liter of O2 via nasal cannula raises FiO2 by how mcuh
about 3%
what is pure respiratory alkalosis
high pH (alkalosis), increased PaCO2, normal bicarbonate
what is pure respiratory acidosis
low pH, increased PaCO2, and normal bicarb
what is pure metabolic acidosis
low pH, low bicarb, normal PaCO2
what is pure metabolic alkalosis
high pH, high bicarb, normal PaCO2
how does the body compensate for respiratory acidosis? respiratory alkalosis?
increase bicarb
decrease bicarb
how does the body compensate for metabolic acidosis? alkalosis?
decrease PaCO2
increased PaCO2