Surgery Form 1-4 Flashcards
alcoholism, diarrhea, generalized weakness, enlarged liver, disuse tenderness, shifting dullness, Calcium 6 & normal amylase. Cause of hypocalcemia?
Why does low magnesiums causes low calcium?
PTH cannot be released
Hx of heartburn, cxray air-fluid level posterior to the cardiac silhouette. Barium swallow stomach herniating through the esophageal hiatus. Dx? NSIM?
- hiatal hernia
- EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy)
Small painless sore with defined edges and a flat base containing purulent debris in ulcerative colitis
Pyoderma gangrenosum
Pyoderma gangrenous, abd pain and nausea
Crohn’s disease
Pyoderma gangrenous, mouth ulcer, genital ulcer
Behcet’s disease (silk road disease), rare blood vessel inflammation throughout the body
Pyoderma gangrenosum, bloody in stool and anemia
Ulcerative colitis
NSIM for possible popliteal aneurysm?
Arteriography with runoff
After arteriography procedure using right groin, pt noted with palpable thrill and a continuous machinery murmur at the site. Dx? Predictive info for hearth failure?
- AV fistula
- Size of the abnormalities (cause of increased venous return, high CO, heart failure)
Very high ALP (Alkaline phosphatase) & narrow bile ducts on ERCP. Dx? predisposing factor?
- Primary sclerosis cholangitis
- Ulcerative colitis
Bright red blood per rectum, ulcer in the posterior midlines of the anal canal, edematous skin tag at the anal verge. Dx? Tx?
- Anal fissure
- Sitz bath
Hx HTN, DM, cholesterol embolus in a retinal artery. Cause?
Carotid plaque (Hollenhorst plaque)
Dysphagia and chest pian, GERD, inability to swallow solid food
- Stricture of the distal esophagus
Inability to swallow both liquid and solid
Uncircumcised older man, multiple partners, painless ulcer on the penile glans that is growing
Penile cancer (multiple partner indicates possible HPV)
37F with liver mass that has central scar. Dx? NSIM?
- Focal nodular hyperplasia (Benign)
- No further workup needed
37F, neck swelling, no weight changes or temp intolerance, Normal TSH, T4 & T3. Positive Thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies. Dx?
Early Hashimoto disease (before TSH, T3,T4 changes)- chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis
14YO boy, obese with hip and knee pain
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE)
Child after URI with hip pain, high WBC
Viral arthritis (Toxic synovitis)
Pt on mechanical ventilation, ARDS, washing out numerous organisms on abx, Cavitation lesion on right upper lobe of the lung. Dx?
Lung abscess
deep stupor, high BP, left hemiparesis and early decerebrate posturing, NO trauma. Dx?
Ruptured intracerebral aneurysm
a sudden severe headache, with NO focal neuro deficits
SAH , possible from AVM, berry aneurysm
82 post cholecystectomy two days ago, got pneumonia, cause
impaired cough mechanism
PE confirmed with no hypotension. Tx?
PE confirmed with hypotension. Tx?
Pulmonary embolectomy
Coffe bean in abd xray. Dx? NSIM?
- Sigmoid volvulus
- Sigmoidoscopy-guded placement of a rectal tube
Elderly with high calcium and bone resorption. Dx? what other lab?
Hyperparathyroidism and low phosphorus
HIV male pt with cauliflower-like mass on perineum. Dx? NSIM?
- Biopsy of the mass
MVA, femur fracture operation done, PRRC given, Jaundice after 9 days, elevated indirect bilirubin. Cause?
Overproduction of bilirubin
5 days Post pancreticoduodenectomy surgery after trauma. What is the best nutrition delivery method?
Enteral tube feedings