Surgery ( Adynamic Bowel Obstruction) Flashcards
Congenital megacolon/ Hirschsprung disease
Loss of ganglion cells in both aurebach & mesissner’s plexus of variable portion of the rectum and colon
Mc site of hirschsprung disease
Hirschsprung disease a/w
Down syndrome
Men 2A
Factor implicated in the hirschsprung diseases
GLial derived neurotrophic factor
Squirt sign
Hirschsprung disease
IOC for hirschsprung disease
Full thickness rectal biopsy
IHC for hirschsprung disease
Name of the surgery for the Hirschsprung diseases
IOC of mesenteric ischemia
Ct angiography
MC cause of the Mesenteric ischemia
Acute mesenteric artery embolism
Mc source of the embolism
Atrial fibrillation
Embolectomy done by
Fogarty catheter
Thumb print sign on x ray suggestive of
Bowel ischemia/ ischemic colitis
Mc cause of paralytic ileus
Post operative
Mc cause of prolonged paralytic ileus
Which part firstregains motility after the bowel surgery
Jejunum / small instestine
Ogilvie syndrome/ primary colonic psudeo obstruction mx
Catchpole regimens - Iv neostigmine
Higher chances if skin excoriation seen with
Ileostomy> colostomy
Pouts like
Same level as that of skin
Placement of the stoma ?
Outer border of the rectus abdominus
Away from the bony landmarks
Along the spinoumbilical line
Earliest complications of the stoma
Necrosis of stoma
Overall most common complication of stoma
Skin excoriation
Mc long term complication of colostomy
Para stomal herniation
Loop colostomy > end colostomy
Short bowel syndrome
< 200 cm of small intestine
Mc cause of short bowel syndrome
Superior mesenteric artery embolism
Mx of short bowel syndrome
Total parental nutrition
Drugs - gastic empty inhibitor- Teduglutide
Bile acids - cholestyramine
Anti motility- Loperamide
Sx - Bianchi & step procedure
Mc site involve in the Crohn disease
Terminal ileum
Mc gene involve in the Chron’s disease
NOD2/Card 15 gene
Hallmark feature of crohn disease
Anorectal fistula formation
Creeping fat is feature of
Crohn disease
All the layer of bowel ( Transmural) involved in
Crohn disease
Type of granuloma present in the crohn disease
Non- caseating granuloma
Earliest manifestation of Crohn’s disease!?
Apthous ulcer
String sign of kantor present in!?
Crohn’s disease
Marker of the Crohn’s disease !?
Stool calprotectin
Antibody present in the Crohn’s disease
ASCA ( Anti saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody)
Cobble stone mucosa appearance is feature of
Crohn’s disease
IOC of Crohn’s disease
Colonoscopy + biopsy
Mx of the Crohn’s disease
Steroids (Doc)
Infliximab ( TNF alpha antagonist)
Risk factor for the Crohn’s disease
Increased consumption of refined diet
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are a/w increase……..
Risk of cancer
Smoking is protective in
Ulcerative colitis’s
Mc site of ulcerative colitis
Pseudo polyp is feature of
Ulcerative colitis
35 year old female comes with colicky pain , she told that she notice fresh bleeding in the stool and has fever , chills & Rigors and she is trying to conceives the baby but not able to do it what is the dx !?
Crohn’s disease
C/f - colicky pain
Intra abdominal abscess fever , chills , Rigors
Adhesions with fallopian tube decreases the motility of fallopian tube : infertility or ectopic pregnancy
38 yr male comes with complain of painless bloody diarrhea 10-15 times /day on examination he has puffy eyes , pedal edema what is the dx!?
Ulcerative colitis
C/f - painless bloody diarrhea + Hypoprotinemia
Antibody found in the ulcerative colitis’s
P-ANCA ( Peri - nuclear anti cytoplasmic antibody)
Ba enema - lead pipe appearance is feature of !?
Ulcerative colitis
Earliest radiological feature of UC !?
Mucosal granulation (mc)
Other -
Loss of haustration
Lead pipe colon
IOC Of UC !?
Doc of UC!?
Sulphasalazine is prodrug converted into 5 ASA ( Amino salicylic acid)
Definitive treatment of UC!?
Total proctocolectomy
Mc complication of sx in the UC!?
Mc complication a/w mortality in the case ulcerative colitis!?
Small bowel obstruction
All extra intestinal manifestation resolve after surgery in UC except !?
1) primary sclerosing cholangitis
2) ankylosing spondylitis
To called TOXIC MEGACOLON dilated loops of bowel should be
> 6 cm
MC part of the colon involve in the case of toxic megacolon!?
Transverse colon
How to define Pseudomembranous colitis !?
Received antibiotics in previous 3 months
Or hospitalized patient > 48 hours admission
Mc antibiotics a/w with pseudomembranous colitis’s!?
Cephalosporins > clindamycin
Toxin responsible for PMC!?
Clostridium difficile toxin A/B
Dx test for the PMC!?
Enzyme immune assay - glutamate dehydrogenase
Ideal test for the PMC !?
PCR for cl. Difficle gene
DOC for the PMC!?
TOC for the psudeomembranous colitis!?
Fecal transplantation
Most common extra intestinal manifestation of IBD !?
Most common site of diverticular disease!?
Sigmoid colon
IOC of Diverticulosis!?
Barium enema ( saw tooth appearance)
MCC of bleeding per rectum !?
MCC or bleeding per rectum in neonate!?
MCC of bleeding per rectum in elderly patients
Ca of colon
Hinchey classification used for !?
Hinchey classification!?
1 - pericolic absecss
2- pelvic abscess
3- purulent peritonitis
4- fecal peritonitis
IOC for the diverticulitis is !?
LONG term complication of diverticulitis!?
Colovesical > colovaginal fistula
MCC of Massive lower GI hemorrhage!?
Angiodysplasia !?
Dilated submucosal vein
Most common site of Angiodysplasia !?
Dx & mx for the Angiodysplasia!?
Colonoscopy / capsule endoscopy & cauterisation
Angiodysplasia + Aotic stenosis
Heyde syndrome
Angiodysplasia + von willebrand factor gene involve!?
ADAMTS 13 gene
Horizontaal ulcer causes strictures lead to Bowel obstruction in case of !?
Longitudinal ulcer in the Bowel causes perforation in case of !?
Most site of TB infection in BOWEL !?
Terminal ileum