Surgery Flashcards
Acute Abdomen
- Acute abdomen = sudden onset of severe abdo pain over short period.
- Urgent - Bleeding, perforated viscus or ischaemic bowel. Less acute - is colic/ peritonism
- Ix - Urine disptick, ABG, Bloods, Blood cultures. Erect CXR, US, CT imaging, ECG
- Mx - depends on cause but symptomatic is IV access, NB, analgesia, antiemetics, initial imaging, VTE proph, urien dip, catheter, NG…
- Acute appendicitis = Inflammaitonoft ehappendix typically due to luminal obstruction secondary to faecolith or lymphoid hyperplasia, impacted stool or rarely tmour. This allows ocmmensal bacterial to multiply and the increased pressure can cause ischaemia/
- RF - FH, ehtnicity
- Ix - Clinical but US/Ct can help exclude
- Clinical - Abdo pain (periumbilical -> RIF), vom, nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, reboudn tenderness, percussion pain over McBurneys (2/3 form umbilicus to R.ASIS), rovsings (RIF pain on palpation LIF), Psoas sign (RIF pain with extension right hip). if severe sepsis, tahcycardic, hypotensive.
- DDx - Gynae (ectopci preg, Pelvic ID), renal (ureteric stone,s UTI), GI (iBD, meckels, diverticular disease), Uro (testicular torsion, epididymo-orchitis)
- Mx - Laparscopic appendicectomy (abs favoured if mass) and sent check malignancy
- Complications - Perforation, surgical site infection, appendix mass, pelvic absces.
Acute Pancreatitis
- Acute pancreatitis = inflammation of pancreas (acute as no gros sstructural damage devloping but cna lead to chronic)
- Patho - premature + exaggerated activation dgestive enzymes wihtin pancreas. Autodigestion of fats + blood vessels. FFA reelased which react with Ca to chalky depositis (->hypocalcaemia).
- DDX - AAA, renal calculi, chronic Pancreatitis, aortic dissection, pptic ulcer disease
- Ix - Serum amylase x3 normal, LFTs, seurm lipase, abdo USif cause unknown (sentinel loop sign), or contrats enhanced CT
- Causes: Gallstones, ethanol, trauma, steroids, mumps, autoimmune, scorpion venom, hypercalcaemia, ERCP, drugs (azathioprine, nSAIDs, diuretics)
- Presentation - sudden onset severe epigastric pain (can radiate to back), epigastric tenderness, in severe haemodynamically unstable. Less common is cullens sig (umbilical bruising) or grey turners (flank brusiing) represents retroperitoneal haemorrhage.
Scoring - Modified glasgow criteria within 48hours admission. >/3 severe.
- ‘pancreas’ = pO2<8, Age>55, Neutrophils/WCC>15x10^9, Calcium<2, Renal function (urea)>16, Enzymes LDH>600/AST>200, Albumin<32, Sugar (Blood glucose)>10
- Mx - supportive, treat underlyign cause. V fluid resus, O2, NG if vom. catheter to monitor output, opioid analgesia. HDU/ITU if severe and if confirmed pancreatic necrosis then BS Ab.
- Systemic complications - DIC, Acute resp distress syndrome, Hypocalcaemia, Hyperglycaemia
- Local complications - pancreatic necrosis (peristsent infection 7-10das after, confirm CT/necrosectomy), [ancreatic pseudocysts (weeks after, if dont go by 6w then surgery)
Gallstones (choleliths)
- RFs - Female, fat, fertile, forty, FH. (Also preg, oral contraceptives, hemolytic anaemia, malabsorption)
- DDx - GORD, peptic ulcer disease, acute pancreatitis, IBD.
- Lab - FBC, CRP, LFT, Amylase, urine analysis
- Imaging - transabdominal US. then if inconclusive MRCP (ERCP can remove gallstones too).
- Types: Cholesterol stones (mostly in women + obese) and Pigment stones (blakc or brown), or mixed
- Biliary colic (RUQ pain after fatty meals) - lifestyle factors, laparscopic electiev cholecystectomy within 6wks
- Cholecystitis (inflamm GB) - IV Abs, analgesia, antiemetics, laparscopic cholecsytectomy<1weeks (ideally 72hrs) or drain. Can retain CBD stones sometimes fater.
- Choledocholithiasis (in CBD)
- CHolangitis (infalmm CBD) - IV Abs, treat sepsis, ercp, laparscopic cholecsytectomy. Charcots tria - RUQ pain, fever, jaundice.
- Mirizzi syndrome - stone in Hartmanns pouch or cystic dct can compress hepatic duct and obstructivejaundice. MRCP then Lap chole
- Gallbaldder Empyema - filled with pus, become septic. US/CT then lap chole or percutaneous cholesytectomy
- Chronci Cholecystitis - lead to peristsent inflamm of gallbladder wall, RUQ pain or epigatsric pain, nausea, vom. CT then elective chole. Complications are gallblader carcinoma + biliary enteric fistula
- Bouverets syndrome- fstula then stone impacts in prox duodenum gastric outlet obstruction
- Gallstone ileus - fistula then gallstones passes and impacts temrinal ileum.
Diverticular Disease:
- Diverticulum =outpuchign of bowel wall (mostly sigmoid colon), due to weaker bowels as age and stool increases lumina pressure. bacteria then grows and can cause inflamm, perforate etc.
- Diverticulosis = presence diverticula, asymptomatic
DIverticula disease = symptoms arising form diverticula (abdo pain, intermittend, colicky, relieved by pooing. Altered bowel habit, nausea, flatulence).
- Mx - uncomplicated the analgesia, oral fluid, colonscopy to check no malignancies after.
DIverticulitis =inflamm of diverticula. Acute abdo pain, sharp, LIF, worse on movement. Localised tenderness, systemic upset feature (decreased app, pyrexia, nause). Signs peritonism- v unwell
- most conservative (Ab, fluid, analgesia), tend to improve 2-3days but if not then repeat imaging to check progression. With perforation with faecal peritonitis or overwhelming sepsis then surgery (Hartmanns- sigmoid colectomy + end colostomy) and reversal posisbly later on.
DIverticula bleed = diverticulum erodes in to vessel.
- Mnanged conservatively and if cant control thn embolisation or surgical resection
- RFs - Age, low dietary fibre, obesity, smoking, FH, NSAID use
- DDx - IBD/bowe cancer, other causes of abdo pain.
- Lab = routien bloods, fecal calprotectin, G&S, Venous blood gas, urine dipstick
- Imaging - CT abdo-pelvis 9htickeing oclonic wall abseess, air), uncompl diverticulae then flexible sigmoidoscopy.
- Complications - diverticular strriture form repeated inflamm (bowel scars, fibrotic -> large bowel obstruction), and fistula formation.
Bowel Obstruction
- Bowel obstuction - mechanical blockage
- Clinical - abdo pain (colicky/cramping), vomiting, distention, absoloute constipation. Mya have tinkling bowel sounds.
- DD x- pseudoobstruction, paralytic ileus, toxic megacolon, constipation
- Ix: Labs, bloods, venous blod gas (high lactate-ischaemia), ct with contrast (abdo+pelvis- better than AXR), erect CXR, poss water solubel contrast study (if small one doesnt resolve 24h + if in 6hrs doesnt work then theatre).
- Types- closed loop (2nd obst. proximal), mechanical blockage funcitonal obstruciton or paralytic ileus (doesnt work prop)
- Intraluminal (foreign body, faceal impaction)
- Mural (cancer, strictures, intususseption, meckels diverticulum)
- Extramural (hernias, adhesions, metastasis, volvulus)
Small bowel:
- Mostly from adhesions, scar tissue, hernia, cancer
- urgent fluid resus, urinary catheterm urgent surgery if ev ischami. NBM, NG tube to decompress, corretc electrolytes, analgesia
- Small bowel resection can sticky ends together if heslthy with ileostomy. Or strictureplasty for with Crohns.Lap/open
Large bowel:
- Mostly form malignancy, diverticular disease, volvulus
- Removed surgically if totla blcokage. Lap/open and if two ends stiched together may have colostomy.
- Peritonitis = redness + swelling (ifnlammation) of the peritoneum that lines abdomen
- Causes - Infection. Bacteria enter from hole in GI tract from burst appendix, colon etc. Mght be from pelvic inflamm diseas ein women, surgery etc.
- Presentation -severe belly pain (worse with motion), nausea+ vom, fever, sore/swollne belly, fluid in belly, not being able to have bowel mvoement or pass gas, less urine, thirst, trouble breathing, low BP + shock
- Early Mx - antibitoics, surgery (remove infected tissue, treat underlying cause an dprevent psread), pain meds, iV fluids, O2, sometimes blood transfusion
- Ix - Hsitory, exam, bloods (WBC, blood culture), imaging (xray- holes/perforation, also poss US or CT)
- Mx - 10-14days recovwry, IV Abs, feeding tube or liquid nutrients, surgery to drian abscesses, treat cause etc.
Inguinal Hernias
- Inguinal hernia = abdominal cavity contents enter the inguinal canal
- Direct inguinal hernia = bowel enters inguinal canal ‘directly’ through a weakness in the posterior wall of the canal, termed “Hasselbachs” triangle. Occurs more commonly in older patients, often secondary to abdominal wall laxity or significant increase in inta-abdominal pressure. Medial to epigastric vessels.
- Indirect inguinal hernia = bowel enters inguinal canal via deep inguinal ring. Arise from incomplete closure of process vaginalis, an outpuching of peritoneum allowign for embryonic testicular descent, therefore are usually deemed congenital in origin. Lateral to inferior epigastric vessels
- RFs = Male, increasing age, raised intra-abdominal pressure and obesity
- Clinical = lump in groin which will intiially dsiappear with minimal pressure or when patient lies down. mild to mod discomfort which can worsen with activity or standing.
ASA classification
- Normal healthy patient
- Mild systemic disease
- Severe systemic disease that limits activity but is not incapacitating
- Incapacitating systemic disease; threat to life
- Moribund patient not expected to survive 24hours with or without surgery
Groups 1 to 3 have no or little increased risk with normal anaesthesia. None are an absolute contraindication to anaesthesia, they are about comparing wellbeing of the patient to the important of the procedure.
Surgery complications
- Immediate (24h): haemorrhage, basal atelectasis (minor lung collapse), shock (reduction in BP), low urine output, broken teeth, nausea and vomiting, allergy to anaesthetic
- Early (1-30): Pain, acute, confusion, nausea & vomiting, fever, secondary haemorrhage from infection, pneumonia, DVT, acute urinary retention, UTI, pressure sores. Parlytic ileus (Bowel doesn’t move for few days and get vomiting etc). PE
7s post operative pyrexia: chest, catheter, CVC line, cannula, cut, collections, calves.
- Late (>30days): Bowel obstruction, incisional hernia, recurrence of reason for surgery, keloid formation, cosmetic appearance, osteoporosis, failure of surgery etc..,
Inbowel - delayed return function, early mechanical obstruction, late mechanical obstruction, anastomotic leak, major breakdown leading to peritonitis.
vascular - haemodynamic instability, respiratory failure, Myocardial ischaemia, bleeding and coagulopathy, temp management, neurologic disorders, DVT, acute kidney injury
Common incision sites
- Midline -avascula rnature linea alba.
- Paramedian incision - divide tendinou sintersections
- Pararectal
Surgical Sieve
- Congenital Acquired
- Inflammatory
- Infective / autoimmune
- Bacterial
- viral
- fungal
- Degenerative / mechanical / traumatic
- Metabolic
- Neoplastic
- Benign
- Malignant- Primary/Secondary
- Vascular
- Neurological
- Psychological
- General - not conscious, no sensation, no pain
- LA - topical
- Neuraxial (back- spine, epidural)
- Regional - nerve blocks
- Sedation
- Increased risk - co-mobidities - COPD, fibrosis, smoking, heart fialure, malnutrition, trauma
- cardiopulmonary testing for major operations only.
Haemorrhage and surgery
- Primary - during surgery
- Reactive - within 24hours
- Secondary - within 10days, mostly from surical sit einfection
- Signs - tachycardia, hypotension, tachypnoea, cool peripheries, presyncope.