SURG CARDS 1 Flashcards
What is the most likely issue in a popliteal or femoral aneurysm?
The risk of embolizing (blue toe syndrome) rather than rupture
What is the classic “syndrome” associated with aortoiliac occlusive disease?
Leriche syndrome (gluteal wasting, impotence, and claudication (calfs))
What is the best way to measure intra-abdominal pressure?
Foley catheter (be sure to clamp)
What % of a pts intravascular volume has been lost if the pt is a supine hypotensive?
At least 30%
What is Becks triad?
JVD, hypotension, muffled heart sounds
What are the most common causes of post-splenectomy bleeding?
Unligated short gastric vessel or slippage of a surgical knot
What is a Richter’s hernia? How does it present?
When only a portion of bowel strangulates leading to partial SBO
Where is venous drainage from esophagus
Superiorly into inferior thyroid vein, in middle into azygous and hemiazygous, distally L gastric vein (coronary vein)
What is the operative mgmt of cervical esophageal injury vs. thoracic?
Cervical = debridement and drainage of posterior mediastinum; debridement with 2 layer muscle repair with reinforcement with intercostal muscle flap
A Swan Ganz catheter uses thermodilution techniques to measure what parameter?
Cardiac output
How is potassium cardioplegia introduced into the heart (2 ways)
1) Down the aortic root into the coronary arteries (sinuses of Valsalva) or it can be put into the coronary sinus (retrograde cardioplegia) since the venous system lacks valves
What is indicated if inotropic support does not reverse the flow state of myocardial failure?
An intraaortic balloon pump should be placed (it is synchronized to the EKG = inflates in diastole to fill the coronary arteries; deflates in systole to vacuum blood and decrease afterload
How do you differentiate complete colonic obstruction from partial? How do you manage?
Complete will be obstipated and incomplete will have have some flatus or stool; Partial = Admit, NGT, NPO, IVF; Complete = emergent surgery
What STD increases the risk of colon CA?
Lymphogranuloma venereum (C. trachomatis)
How are the lymph nodes procured in cancer surgeries of colectomies?
The mesentery is taken down all the way at the base of the supplying blood vessel, i.e. IMA ligated and taken at its base. This gets the max number of LNs since they follow the arterial supply
What are the 3 hemorrhoidal beds?
L anterior, R anterior, and R posterior
How does a rectal abscess begin?
Obstruction of the perianal glands between the internal and external sphincters (intersphincteric space)
CCKb receptors in the stomach respond to what hormone?
These are actually gastrin receptors
Palpable ridge on DRE in gastric CA
Blumers shelf = peritoneal seeding
What ABI is associated with ischemic rest pain? What historically points you towards a pt having IRP?
0.4; dangling the foot over the bed at night to get rid of pain (caused by nerve hypoxia)/ dependent rubor
What is the parasthesia of the anteromedial thigh called when caused by an obturator hernia?
Howship-Romberg sign
What is the mgmt of cervical esophageal CA?
H/P and plain film then surgical debridement and drainage of posterior mediastinum. Place gastrostomy tube if anticipating NPO for awhile. Primary repair usually not necessary
What are the major complications of cross-clamping of the aorta?
Spinal ischemia and renal ischemia
What is required anatomically for flail chest?
2 or more adjacent ribs fractured segmentally in 2 or more places
What is the mgmt of an incarcerated hernia that is reduced? Not reduced?
Observation with urgent surgery (at minimum 12-24 hr obs with set up for elective surgery); emergent surgery
What are 2 distal complications of GERD in the esophagus?
Schatzki ring; Barret’s esophagus (and poss. CA)
What are some complications of placing an arterial catheter?
Infxn, pseudoaneurysm formation, AVM (poss. Subsequent high output CHF)
What is the best esophageal substitute and why?
Stomach (rather than colon or jejunum) because requires 2 less anastomoses
When do you do surgery for spontaneous ptx?
If it is leaking greater than 7-10 d, recurrent ptx, and simulatneous bl ptx
In addition to the workup that goes into gastric adenocarcinoma, what should be included if it is found to be gastric lymphoma?
Bone marrow Bx
How do you treat HITT?
DC heparin and if still need anticoagulation put on direct thrombin inh
What is the initial step in Tx of acute mesenteric venous occlusion?
IV heparin with ex lap removal of necrotic bowel and 2nd look ex lap
What are the goal FiO2 and PEEP settings to wean a person off of the ventilator?
FiO2 < 50%; PEEP < 5 cm H20
What is the number one cause of adrenal insufficiency?
Previous steroid use
What is elevated TSH, extremely low T4, hyponatremia and low blood glucose in a critical care setting?
Myxedema coma
What is the usual mechanism for blunt aortic injury?
High speed decelerations (fall from great heights, MVA); leads to shearing of the mobile aortic arch in relation to the retropleural descending aorta)
What % of pts with inguinal hernia repair will develop chronic pain?
What is a diverticular direct hernia?
A hernia of preperitoneal fat (through hesselbachs triangle)
What carries a worse prognosis, a Boerhaave tear or a tear of the esophagus d/t pneumatic dilation?
Boerhaave tear because releases stomach acid etc. into mediastinum
What is the gold standard for dx of hiatal hernia?
Contrast Upper GI series; CT would provide further info about anatomy i.e. if surgical mgmt planned
Which valves is most amenable to valvuloplasty?
Mitral; aortic dz would recur so should be txd with replacement
What usually precipitates diverticulitis?
obstruction of the neck of the diverticulum with a fecalith, like in appendicitis
What is the immediate mgmt for suspected diverticular bleeding
H/P, volume expanders or blood transfusion (order type and cross), NGT until bile return to rule out UGIB
Where are the G cells of the stomach found?
In the antrum
What is the best prognostic indicator for gastric CA?
pathologic staging (mets also impt as their presence excludes resection of stomach)
What is the number one precipitating event of hepatic encephalopathy?
GI bleed in a person with liver failure
What is the inguinal ligament made of? What are its attachments?
It is where the external abdominal oblique rolls itself over; ASIS and pubic tubercle
AT what size of cecal dilatation do you become concerned about perforation?
12 cm (That emergent case I saw at forbes was 13!)
How do you Tx acute variceal bleeds?
Often need FFP and platelets with BB (BB such as nadolol to decrease CO which leads to less splanchnic flow); octreotide decreases portal HTN and definitive control is with sclerosis and banding; if refractory to that then TIPS
What if a person become hypotensive in exercise stress testing?
Ominous sign, often signifies triple vessel dz or left main dz (both indications for cabg)
Where to the hemorrhoidal arteries come from?
Superior hemorrhoidal is from IMA, middle hemorrhoidal is from internal iliac a, and inferior hemorrhoidal is from internal pudendal
What is the best way to Dx rib Fx? Tx?
Point tenderness, may or may not show up on CXR/AXR? Analgesia, avoid splinting from pain
What is the triad of MEN I?
Pituitary adenomas, hyperparathyroidism (parathyroid adenoma), and gastrinoma
Sometimes the R vagus (posterior vagal trunk) can give off a small posterior branch to the stomach called ______. Surgical significance?
Criminal nerve of Grassi; if not cut it can lead to recurrent PUD
What is the acute tx of diverticulitis
Admit to hospital, make NPO, IV abx 5-7 d (small abscesses can be txd with bowel rest and abx but large abscesses should have IR drainage)
Why is it important to drain a hemothorax?
Blood is a nidus for infection bc bugs love the iron
What is the idea behind doing an ED thoracotomy?
You can do a pericardiotomy and open cardiac massage which is superior to CPR for hypovolemia; aortic cross-clamping allows more blood to heart and brain and decreases abdominal loss
What is the Tx of rectal prolapse (procidentia)
Sigmoid resection with rectopexy (suture rectum to presacral fascia)
how do you manage bleeding ulcers?
2 L crystalloids or whole blood, NGT to decompress stomach, PPI’s, determine PT/aPTT and reverse coagulopathies, Tx with upper endoscopy
How do you manage gastric outlet obstruction?
NGT and IVF, NPO and often get some nutrition with TPN, then operate (since d/t fibrosis) = antrectomy (B1 or B2) with truncal vagotomy
What is the goal of neoadjuvant therapy in esophagectomy. What is used?
To downstage the CA prior surgery; 5-FU + Cisplatinum and 45 Gy radiation over 6-7 weeks
Name 6 extraintestinal s/s of UC
Ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, uveitis, pyoderma gangrenosum, PSC, and pericarditis
Where do most umbilical hernias form in relation to the umbilicus?
Superior (weakest points)
What are 4 modalities you could use to workup GERD?
Esophagram (barium swallow); Esophageal manometry (weak LES pressure); Upper endoscopy; 24 hr pH study (mainly to determine if need surgery)
What is the most common cause of esophageal perforation?
Instrumentation of the esophagus esp. dilatation procedures for strictures, webs, or palliation of obstructive CA
What is an important step after splenectomy in trauma to decrease post-op infxn?
vaccinate against meningococcus and pneumococcus
What should be considered in the workup when you find gastric polyps?
Polyposis syndromes i.e. Puetz Jehgers and FAP
What are some “anginal equivalents”
DOE, jaw pain, throat pain, arm pain
What is a type IV endoleak?
due to diffusion of blood or serum through the graft that tends to reverse when anticoagulation is reversed
What drug is famous for causing acute mesenteric ischemia?
What is the cause of respiratory failure in flail chest?
The underlying pulmonary contusion; the fact that the fractured ribs are out of phase with the respiratory cycle doesnt matter. It is the fact that there is underlying lung trauma bc to fracture ribs you need a serious trauma, this level of trauma would cause pulmonary contusion
What drug can be given to decrease hiccups from gastric distention?
What is SCIWORA? What is the best dx test and why?
Spinal Cord Injury without radiographic abnormality; MRI because most commonly due to soft tissue injury such as ligaments (ligamentum flavum)
How does the intestinal type gastric CA spread? How does the diffuse type spread?
Hematogenous; Lymphatic
What is the number one risk of a rebleed after treating a bleeding duodenal ulcer?
Visible blood vessel in the ulcer crater (Dieulefoy ulcer)
Differentiate Truncal vagotomy, selective vagotomy, and parietal cell (highly selective) vagotomy
Truncal vagotomy cuts the vagal trunks and cuts out parasympathetics to stomach and most abdominal viscera; Selective vagotomy spares abdominal viscera but still knocks out stomach and pylorus; highly selective vagotomy knocks out the parietal cell mass only (Crow’s foot preserved)
What electrolyte abnormalities would be present in gastric outlet obstruction?
Hypokalemic, hypochloremic, metabolic alkalosis
What is the best kind of airway to put in an awake pt?
Nasal airway tolerated better than oral airway
Infliximab is the mainstay of Tx more so in which IBD?
Crohns dz
A low PCWP is a sign of what? A high PCWP is a sign of what?
shock; heart failure
What are the 2 named branches of L1
Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric
What should you start thinking in a critical care pt with a fever > 105-106?
Thyroid storm (precipitated by high stress events, also high output cardiac failure and MS changes)
What is the most common cause of aortofemoral graft limb occlusion?
Distal outflow disease
What forms the ligamentum teres hepatis in the falciform ligament?
L umbilical vein
What is the initial Tx of marginal ulcer?
PPI and dc tobacco; possibly make NPO with TPN and surgically revise if not heal
What is the lethal physiologic triad that occurs with long OR time in trauma?
lactic acidosis, hyponatremia, and coagulopathy
Where does the venous blood going to the cardiopulmonary bypass machine come from?
single incision in RA or dual cannulation of SVC and IVC
What is systemic ischemia reperfusion syndrome?
Most common in pts with rest pain 2ndry to PAD that are revascularized and develop: hyperkalemia, COMPARTMENT SYNDROME, metabolic acidosis, myoglobinuria, and renal and pulmonary insufficiency
What is the immediate tx of open ptx?
Place a dressing taped on 3 sides so that there is outflow but no inflow; definitively you should place a chest tube and re-expand the lung
What operation is done for transverse colon CA to the left of the middle colic? To the right?
If to the right = extended right hemicolectomy; If to the left the middle colic = partial L colectomy (if all the way at splenic flexure = L hemicolectomy
What is blind loop syndrome? What are the s/s?
Bacterial overgrowth in the afferent loop of a B2; can lead to megaloblastic anemia by malabsorption of folate/B12 and steatorrhea from deconjugation of bile salts
What is the definition of massive hemothorax?
EITHER a rapid loss of 1500 ml into the thoracic cavity or ongoing thoracic blood loss >200 ml/hr over 4-6 hrs
What is the basic workup for an unprovoked DVT?
Protein C/S levels, ATIII, Factor V leiden, Prothrombin gene mutation, anticardiolipin antibodies, (lupus anticoagulant?)
What valvular disease will affect the measurment of PCWP using a Swan Ganz?
Mitral disease esp. stenosis
How many clinicians must examine a person to call them clinically brain dead?
When should you suspect strangulation of a hernia? (3)
Erythema of the skin, tachycardia, WBC ct or fever (so basically erythema and SIRS)
What is the operative mgmt of a perforated duodenal ulcer?
Oversew with omental (Graham) patch placement; f/u endoscopy
What is permissive hypotension in ruptured AAA
Allow bp to be around 70-80 systolic to prevent further exsanguination into the peritoneum
Explain the fulminant presentation of UC
Toxic megacolon = there is transmural progression of the disease that destroys auerbach’s plexus leading to massive dilation (basically an acquired hirschsprungs)
Why is low dose dopamine sometimes used during severe inflammatory states?
it increases LV EDV so has a similar effect to giving fluids
What are 3 restrictive bariatric procedures
Sleeve gastrectomy, adjustable gastric banding (AGB) and vertical banded gastrectomy (VBG)
What is the best approach for treating a recurrent inguinal hernia?
usually a laparascopic approach (TAPP or TEP)
What is a low anterior resection?
For an upper rectal CA takes out distal sigmoid and anastomoses the proximal sigmoid to the distal rectum
What is the treatment of Hypertrophic Gastritis?
Menetrier’s dz: PPI + high protein diet (bc assoc. with protein losing gastropathy)
How do you treat superficial vein thrombosis?
NSAIDs and warm compress
What are the 3 zones of the neck?
Zone I = sternal notch to inf. Border cricoid; Zone 2 = cricoid cartilage to angle of mandible; zone 3 = angle of mandible to base of skull
What is a surgical indication for GERD in pediatric population?
Aspiration pneumonitis
How do you tx flail chest?
Aggressive pain control (bc splinting can lead to atelectasis), aggressive pulmonary toilet, with chest tube; judicious IVF bc can third space into injured parenchyma
What is an avulsion of the small intestine?
When it is separated from its mesenteric blood supply
What kind of arterial cather has highest infection rate?
Femoral (it?s a gross area)
If there is a blood pressure difference in the arms of a trauma pt what should be considered?
TRA (traumatic rupture of the aorta)
What is a loop colostomy
Take a loop of bowel out place a red rubber catheter underneath and open it
What is the Tx of a perirectal abscess?
I/D, Abx play no role unless immune compromised
Where do most indirect hernias pass in relation to the spermatic cord?
Pass WITHIN the cord but anteromedial to the cord structures (passes lateral to the epigastric vessels)
What are the 2 primary modes of ventilation?
Pressure control and Volume control
If you insert a Swan Ganz catheter and the pt has massive hemoptysis what happened?
Rupture of pulmonary artery
How do you follow someone with Barret’s?
Endoscopy q 6-12 months with 4 quadrant bx every 1-2 cm of involved esophagus
Which malignant chest wall tumor is not primarily treated with resection
Plasmacytoma; it is txd like a systemic myeloma
How do you diagnose liver injury? Splenic injury?
CT for both
What is the main complication after drainage of a perirectal abscess?
Development of fistula in ano
What esophageal diverticulae are associated with reactive lymph nodes from histoplasmosis or tuberculosis?
What is the risk of contralateral disease in a person with popliteal aneurysm? What is the risk of AAA if a person has a popliteal aneurysm?
50% for both
What is the lowest safe EF you can revascularize a pt with?
What should be suspected in anyone with an air fluid level on cxr? Next test?
Empyema or lung abscess; CT scan will differentiate the 2, lung abscess usually from aspiration
Where doe the IMV drain into
Splenic vein which then joins the SMV to form the portal v
Why could femoropopliteal disease only, theoretically be asympomatic unless exercising?
Profunda femoris can provide enough flow at rest
What position should a central venous catheter be done in and why?
Trendelenburg to engorge the vessels and reduce the risk of air embolus
What is dependent rubor called in PAD?
Buerger’s sign
How do you calculate Cerebral Perfusion Pressure?
MAP-ICP (i.e. how much is actually getting to the brain)
Differentiate the TAPP and TEP approaches to hernia repair
TAPP = transabdominal preperitoneal repair = enter peritoneum and fix from inside; TEP = totally extraperitoneal repair whereby blow up preperitoneal space with balloon and gas and enter laparoscopically
What are the boundaries of the femoral triangle?
Inguinal ligament superiorly, adductor longus medially, and sartorious laterally
Why should you perform surgery for BAI with cardiopulmonary bypass?
The aorta will have to be cross clamped which can lead to anterior spinal artery syndrome by blocking the artery of adamkiewicz
What is the medical mgmt of achalasia? Surgical mgmt (3)
Nitrates, CCBs (like diffuse esophageal spasm) but often develop tachyphylaxis; pneumatic dilation, endoscopic botulinum toxin injxn, Heller Myotomy of LES
What is pain at the site of a DVT that has been treated called?
Post-Thrombotic syndrome
What FENa is prerenal? What is intrinsic renal
What is the surgical mgmt of lung abscess?
Wedge resection and chest tube drainage
What is defined as massive diverticular bleeding and what is done?
Requires 4 blood transfusions in 24 hrs; mesenteric angiography with coil embolization
What are 4 surgically correctable causes of HTN?
Pheochromocytoma, Coarctation, Aldosterone-secreting adrenal mass, and renovascular HTN
What is a common cause of abdominal comparment syndrome in a person who was being treated for shock?
Overaggressive fluid resuscitation (compression of visceral vessels) Tx = laparotomy to release
Why is stenting often not done when there is bad SFA disease?
Because of extremes of motion at the SFA can lead to fracture of the stent
What procedure can be done for definitive cure of UC and still maintain continence?
Total proctocolectomy with Kock’s Continent Ileal Reservoir
What is complete iliofemoral venous thrombosis with massive edema called? What if the leg becomes white?
Phlegmasia cerulea dolens; Phlegmasia alba dolens
Plummer-Vinson syndrome and Tylosis both increase the risk of developing what?
SCC of esophagus
What is the first step in vfib and pulseless vtach? Followed by?
Defibrillation; f/b pressor to increase perfusion and then amiodarone
What is associated with Zenker’s diverticulae? What is the diagnostic test? Surgical mgmt?
TIA and CVA d/t denervation; Barium swallow since endoscopy can perf; myotomy of cricopharyngeus or diverticulectomy or diverticulopexy
How is the vagus nerve tested when evaluating a possible brain death? How many cranial nerves must be tested?
Atropine; All
What is an enormous right-sided colonic distention without mechanical obstruction? How is it treated?
Ogilvies syndrome; IV neostigmine to prevent breakdown of Ach; if that fails may need a rectal tube inserted
When is PRBC indicated in managing shock?
When the pt is acutely bleeding; the mortality actually goes up in critical care pts who have Hgb above 9 and are not actively bleeding
How do you treat a transected pancreas in trauma?
Distal pancreatectomy
Briefly summarize the difference between early dumping syndrome and late dumping syndrome
Early dumping syndrome occurs 15 min after eating and is due to hyperosmolar chyme; Late dumping is 3 hrs after eating and from rapid glucose and insulin shifts so hyperglycemia with reflex hypoglycemia
What is the rationale for calling a Stanford Type A aneurysm a “surgical emergency” rather than txing with antihypertensive meds?
Aneurysms in the ascending aorta can go retrograde and rupture in the pericardial cavity
What are the ABCDE’s of the primary survey?
Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability (neuro status), and Exposure
What are the top 3 causes of colonic obstruction (i.e. SBO is most common overall but I’m asking about colonic)
Cancer, Cicatricial obstruction from recurrent diverticulitis, volvulus (cecal, sigmoid)
What is the major cause of death in acute liver failure?
Cerebral edema and resultant herniation
What is a psuedopolyp in the colon?
When lots of crypt microabscesses in UC coalesce into a “polyp”
Which malignant gastric mass is a submucosal growth? Tx?
GIST; Imatinib (anti-CD117 ab)
What are the BMI indications for bariatric surgery
35-40 with comorbid conditions; > 40 with or without comorbidities
Why are suprarenal AAA’s more technically challenging?
they require either suprarenal or supraceliac clamping or both which puts the kidnes in jeopardy (can precipitate ESRD)
T/F always order a CXR to confirm dx of tension ptx
False just immediately use needle decompression
What 3 issues can arise from a patent processus vaginalis?
Indirect hernia, communicating hydrocele, noncommunicating hydrocele
Why might a person with diverticulitis develop a UTI?
Colovesical fistula formation
T/F it is important to treat TBI to reverse the primary defect
False but you can prevent secondary propagation of the TBI
Which approach to open AAA repair has fewer pulmonary problems?
Retroperitoneal approach (would not be done in an emergent setting, that is ex lap)
Which muscle essentially forms the anterior and posterior rectus sheath superior to the arcuate line? (Semicircular line of Douglass)
Internal abdominal oblique
What is a bronchopulmonary segment
Part of lung that gets its own bronchus and branch of pulmonary artery
A person with a Bilroth II antrectomy develops vomiting with motor oil consistency after eating? Tx?
Afferent loop obstruction = kink in afferent limb leads to trapping of hepatobiliary secretions (motor oil like); conversion to B1 or roux-en-Y
What is the role of PPIs in slowing the development of Barrets?